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Posts posted by Vicious_Vipa

  1. 54 minutes ago, ClintHardwood said:

    I don't think I can play this game anymore tbh. It holds almost no appeal for me anymore.

    yes - it has its own appeal. 

    You just have to take the game for what it is:   a cool-looking hamster wheel with many hamsters running in it,
    grinding for better gear or gimmicks.  And in the process you shoot things and enjoy the speed and cool moves. 

    That's enough to keep you busy for some time.

    But you should not make the mistake and confuse it with a game that actually has a story, lore, etc.

    If you consider your time precious, you may not want to grind for Master Rank 21 (= get EVERY weapon and character in the game),
    instead you should check Youtube Videos and find out which weapons and characters really matter or would be fun for you.

  2. 12 hours ago, ClinkzEastwood said:

    Agree with everything.

    I'm waiting for the day I can actually use my skill and game knowledge to win instead of one shotting everything while being completely invulnerable.

    wrong. yes, you FEEL invulnerable 99% of the time. but then happens something odd, and you insta die.  great 

  3. 17 hours ago, ClintHardwood said:

    But then the realization came... there is nothing to use all this cool stuff on.

    That's exactly the point.

    Nobody could ever give me an answer when I asked:
    "What are you farming all this stuff for?   I mean: obviously not for THIS mission you are doing over and over and over at the moment"

    There is no ultimate and fun and difficult mission.

    The Sorties are the closest thing to that.   But even there people just want to complete it and take characters that would make their 
    lives as easy as possible (Trinity, etc.).

    On one recent Sortie people snapped at me:
    "Don't do anything!  You are making everyones life more difficult (they were neutralizing the enemy with an "4" power)".
    I said: "Wow, I always wanted to stand somewhere and wait for a timer to run out". 

    In Games like Mass Effect you do the missions for the sake of the misssion. And after 800 hours you have all the gear you want.
    In Warframe you do the same mission over and over, just to get the reward

    Today I realized that I was so happy to find out that Baro's "impact" stuff (pommel) sucks,
    because otherwise I would have had to grind my &#! off in the Void to get ducats ^^

    I know, I am like a Hamster in a wheel. And yet I keep running. But not for much longer, today I went back to Mass Effect 
    (aiming for the 3000 hour mark)

  4. after getting happy about learning that we don't get duplicates in sorties anymore (couldnt believe my eyes),
    I got knocked out of the skies again when I learned that this does not increase our chances to get the things we still need.
    Cores are no garbage though - and most players need them.

    But now that the last sortie season is over, I realize that nobody sells the parts I am still missing since 
    nobody has duplicates !


    Please tell me that I am wrong or blind and DE thought this through to the end.

  5. 11 hours ago, Gruppesechs said:

    The system was clearly designed to counter draco farming by encouraging players to move around to get decent focus. 

    I agree with most of your points. 


    but if this point was true, then why is DRACO the only place in universe where the new convergence system does NOT suck so badly? 

  6. i didn't say gunner kills another gunner

    but they can easily mow down the squishy lancers and whatnot while i steady my vulkar crosshair on the gunners head

    see what i mean?

    no, I don't.

    Because the problem is that at some point, your Vulkar just doesnt do enough damage to the grineer heads anymore,

    which is why I figured that corrosive procs actually might help more than radiation damage bonus.


    Corrosive procs can remove a portion of the enemy's armor and they stack so a high status weapon with corrosive can be effective once enemies have tons and tons of health and armor. However, at some point vs high level enemies Corrosive procs will  (like 30-40 proc hits?) totally remove enemy armor which means it will lose the +75% bonus damage to ferrite, so you want to also roll Heat or slash, something good against their health.


    I am quite sure that you cannot remove the armor completely with corrosive procs.

    Because corrosive procs each deduct a percentage of the remaining armor.

  8. Problem is: 24hrs build time. (and mats ofc)

    yes, the build-time is the biggest problem.


    For example when you have a vacation or have an affinity booster, etc. 

    which means you have no other choice but to buy 5-15 Forma from the market...

    which leads us to the reason why the build time is there in the first place.

  9. Look, the yellow bar just indicates that the enemy has still armor. And when you proc viral, you are halving it's HP. But he still got armor, get it? After a viral proc you will need 50% of the shots you would have actually needed. But the armor is still the same and so is the yellow bar. Yellow bar disappears when you all have 4x CP or proced so many corrosive procs, that it has 0 armor. So then you will see a red bar.

    I think the yellow bars actually represent health and only indicate that there is armor (left)?

    then, why doesn't it get decimated from viral damage. there should be something visible, really

  10. I've just fought against very high level grineer with a 5 forma vaykor hek that even has the 2 primed mods

    and did not do any damage at a certain point. I was going for radiation damage type.

    this got me wondering if corrosive damage wouldn't be much better against high level grineer, even though every expert recommends radiation

  11. 1= For any endless void mission, the game should be "smart" and keep track of your rewards. Any reward you get at a particular rotation should then be removed in that same game in the next rotations. For example in Rotation C if you get a Paris Prime BP, the next 20 minutes you are guaranteed "not" to get a Paris Prime BP. This would make it more rewarding for players that can push it into those long missions like 80, 100+ waves/minutes to get a better chance at something they want instead of the same old crap every time. The way it currently is feels punishing, instead of simply praising RNG we should also be rewarded for our teamwork and individual skill. If theres no rewards left for a particular rotation have it either give forma, lots of cores, or just reset and start the list back over again

    That would be soooo cool. great idea

    and since it actually doesn't interfere with DE's platinum strategy like "plainly change the drop rates" would , it might actually be possible to get !!

    It rewards skill and teamplay and makes the game more exciting, at the same time poses a very high risk to lose everything at the end when the whole team wipes (.... or the servers crash)

  12. same text I already posted but here it fits in better:

    first time first sortie we had to quit because we had no chance with three mag prime with pistols against a bursa army that obscured the horizon.

    then second time first sortie we changed characters and did not see any single bursa...

    and were very astonished, since it was the same map and objective

  13. first time first sortie we had to quit because we had no chance with three mag prime with pistols against a bursa army that obscured the horizon.

    then second time first sortie we changed characters and did not see any single bursa...

    and were very astonished, since it was the same map and objective

  14. So you can't press 2 to deal with everything, not that big of a deal. Adapt to the fight and take care of the situation,

    yes - I already wrote that I don't like one-button-wins frames either.  But MAG is special since she doesn't have many other arrows in her quiver.

    so "ADAPT" in this case meant for me..........     to take Frost ;-)

    I like adapting,   checking your options, thinking and finding new combinations and tactics.

    But this doesnt help if there arent so many options, you know.

  15. You do have an auhment that shreds armor, think it was called Fracturing Crush.

    yea - you know that I mentioned this.  

    I don't have it though.  And I am not sure if an augment you get from a syndicate should be mandatory.

  16. for example today's first sortie: Corpus Interception, Pistols only

    Coincidently our PUG consisted of three MAG prime.  In the past it would have been a button "2" cakewalk.
    But now we suddenly found ourselves surrounded by countless bursas.....that were just laughing when we pressed 2.



    Only with a pistol equipped we realized that we were #*($%%@.


    Maybe if I had the Augment that halves the armor.... ?  Maybe



    Anyway, MAG has been deprived of her only area of expertise: CORPUS

    because of the Bursas.



    While actually being a good thing (I hate one-button fights), it still is not fair that it hits MAG,

    because she was supposed to get a buff already before the Bursas came. 

  17. if every "unsuccessful" run increased the chances of the things you did not get slightly,

    I'd be willing to grind a lot more since you'd feel a sense of progress.

    but I am not doing these low drop rate pure RNG missions, definitely not. life is too short!

    I bought argon scope.


    wow, I am so stupid not to realize this earlier: I did exactly what DE wanted me to do:

    getting so frustrated to spend platinum.

    they will never implement a system like I suggested

  18. well - like mentioned:
    It is dark, you are under stress - insta-dying out of nowhere countless times
    (if you don't happen to have one of the few "right" frames equipped - and even then),
    Getting knocked down countless times. Falling down the "red canyon", etc.
    It is chaotic - especially if you are playing in PUGS.
    All this does not really make fun, let alone encourages you to TRY and find
    out a mechanism of which there is NO hint anywhere.

    "Riddles" can be fun (to some players) but mere trying without any plan, while you get
    more and more frustrated, definitely is NO fun.
    Why would this be the intention of DE? I really cannot understand this.
    BTW, congratulations to those who figured this out within minutes.
    I only know that I don't belong to them and I am honest enough to admit it.
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