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Everything posted by K1LLZ0NE

  1. Yeh, my boy is in a bad spot rn. Needs some serious attention but then again, many do so I doubt we'll see anything any time soon. Expectations for Excal are low, as he is considered a "starter" warframe, so no one really mentions how bad he is. Focus is always drawn towards others.
  2. Also wanted to report, the electric arcs do not reliably apply status. After further testing, this mod does not seem to interact in any way with the weapon stats or mods. 100% status chance has no effect on the probability of applying status. 100% increase in status duration has no increase in the duration of status applied via Static Discharge. Prova vs Prova Vandal, Static Discharge has the same rate of status chance. DE please, it has been years. Please someone just look at this mod. If it is working as intended at least tell us. At the very least.
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