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Everything posted by Ruison

  1. So that's make from scratch then...
  2. Downloaded Tenno Gen and Noticed that there are no files for the Kraken Head or Tentacles. Could those please get added or is making a thing with Kraken involved not allowed? If I must make it from scratch I will.
  3. Disagree with him having low shields. Hydriod has third highest shield value. I actually run him with Redirection and Retribution because of it. It some pretty nice Crowd control on it's own. I've got some pretty dumb builds but I'd just be happy if they fix undertow so enemies stay in it. Hydro is would be way better by proxy. As for Temmpest Barrage ... I aree a damage type change. I dunno what DE is thinking at times. In the back of my mind I wish it corrosive barrage was magnetic and would home toward enemies. I mean Swarm does magnetic damage? It would make more sense if it was cold or impact. Hydriod is secretly a robo squid. Tidal surge is a wonky ability with fun interactions all over the place. It can send enemies from Earth to Venus or with Zero Duration be an instant shield topper for shield gating. To be honest what ever they So I really don't want it to change much. Max duration with casting speed you just launch enemies so hard they can go through the map too and that's hilarious by itself. And finally Rant rant and rant some more. The only way Hydroid is going to get any changes made is if we annoy the hell out of DE. That's the only way we got his prime trailer anyways. I wasn't joke about that deluxe level skin either. I'm already in the process of making it and then I'm gonna spam it everywhere. Just which it was a bit community guided. I'll move that to the concept area though.
  4. Yeah, I get sentiment. Your suppose to group enemies up with Tidal Surge and Undertow. The use Tentacle Swarm while everything is in range. Useful Information: The thing about Tentcle Swarm is that no matter how much range you put on it the ability will always have a Radius of 4 meters to 7 meters. At 280℅ Range Undertow can still make it's Radius 6 Meters. The tentacles themselves have a Radius of 4 meters to 7 meters because they vary in length. Don't tell DE but Tentacle Swarm is one of the Highest DPS abilities in the game. With the right setup you can have 15k DPS. Probably higher now with Shards and Arcanes. It's been like this ever since Atlas (Petrfy) came out. I just use Varizan Operator Abiity to pull enemies together, Petrfy them and then Drop Swarm on them. Usually while in undertow. Only mods needed are Narrow Minded and Intensfy/Blind Rage. You'll definitely be able to hit and kill with tentacles with this and your are only using two mods.
  5. I stand horribly Incorrect... Undertow and Tidal Surge just don't work at all. Put on Narrow Minded with an Efficiency build that basically makes Tidal Surge Free. After 70 meters on Enemies just fall out of Undertow no matter how much you spam it. Granted you have a range of only 2 meters but enemies don't travel with Undertow at all. How has this not been fixed? No wonder nobody plays him... So Tidal Surge does not Move enemies in the undertow at all. They Retain the position they were originally in when affected by Undertow.
  6. I've just got back from a long hiatus and It's painful to still see Hydroid in the state that he is in. This is the last post I'm making on him then go on another long Hiatus away from the forums. Whomever at DE reads these and makes some of these changes happen I'd like to personally thank you for what happened to Frost he's a joy now. Hydroids Biggest Problem Range and Radius I'm gonna blanket statement this because it's the single biggest flaw in his kit. The Range and Radius of all his abilities is why there is no synergy with them all (Except Swarm). The BIGGEST thing you can do for him is All abilities cast in Undertow have the same Range/Radius of Undertow. This is more of a Nerf than a buff but I'm willing to bet, if you do this, his kit will have more Synergy and enemies might actually stay in Undertow. Why: Doesn't matter if your Tempest Barrage can hit targets in Undertow if you can hit Undertow in the first place. Tempest Barrage has a fixed Radius of 10m and Maxed out Undertow has a range of 6.69m. Yes, the blast range can still cause enemies in undertow to be hit BUT terrain prevents that from happening. Tidal Surge being 2x the size of Undertow is the primary reason why enemies won't stay in Undertow. If you spam Tidal Surge enemies stay in Undertow but as soon as you stop they get spat out. That's because while casting Tidal Surge, Undertow's Radius becomes the range of Tidal Surge. When you stop casting its shrinks back to its original size and that is why enemies don't stay in. Tidal Surge has a Max Range of 16.8m while Undertow has 6m.I was wrong enemies in undertow cannot technically be moved by Tidal Surge and return to their origin postitions upon leaving Undertow or if you move while in Undertow. This is officially the longest standing Warframe bug in the game that I know of. Tentacle Swarm is the only ability Hydroid has that has any actual Synergy. Why? Because Tentacle Swarm's Radius becomes the same Radius as Undertow and gets a 200% increase in damage. So in conclusion, for all of Hydroid's Abilities sake, change Undertow to the following. "Become a water trap and drown unsuspecting enemies. All of Hydroid's abilities Cast in Undertow have reduced range but greatly Increased power." Power increase of (Whatever Number you deem fit) for all his abilities in Undertow (Excluding Undertow) is completely fair and not game-breaking in any way. You would literally be reducing the range of all your abilities to a Maximum range of 7 meters. This also makes sense thematically too! Hydroid should be stronger while underwater than he is on land (He's based on Davey Jones Anyways). I'm willing to also say that all Hold to casting should Increase his range and energy cost but decrease abilities damage. What is wrong with Increasing the range of Tempest Barrage to a Radius of 20m or even 40m? You can't hit anything reliable anyways. Tentacle swarm is limited to only being able to hit 20 enemies. You can't hold to cast Tidal Surge or Undertow. Tweaking his Other Abilities Passive: I honestly do not care. I don't know when or why Warframes started getting Novels for passive but in my honest opinion. Hydroids Passive should be Locker and give him 2x resources and loot from Lockers. Haha, Davey Jones Locker! Common DE that's perfect for him! Then again I am from a time when Warframes did not have passives at all and if you address Hydroids Passive you need to Address Frost's, Sayrn's, Loki's, and Mag's. They all need some love and the funny thing is they are all some of the Original Warframes. Also, none of the original frames got signature weapons! Tempest Barrage: Leave it alone. Apart from what was mentioned above it's fine as it is. It's one of the few abilities in the game that affects Nullifier's bubbles so asking for anything more seems too much. The Augment though I'd personally like it to not increase damage at all and instead increase Status duration of the Corrosive Proc's. The numbers are up to DE on that. Tidal Surge: Again Apart from what is mentioned above it doesn't need a change. Maybe Holding cast would slowly make it grow or some other hold-to-cast function. The utility it provides is enough. Don't you dare touch Tidal Surge's Augment it's literally the BEST thing he has going for him currently. Maybe make the ability cost 20 energy without the augment? Damage does not matter at all and According to the wiki it's supposed to do Slash Damage. I've never seen that happen. Undertow: It's the biggest problem but actually not at the same time. As an ability by itself, it's one of the more Over Powered in the game. Complete Invulnerability is pretty insane. Again I would touch not touch augment it actually is extremely useful in Sorties (Agent in Defence) and Eidolon hunts (Lures and Volts) for healing things other than yourself. I've seen a lot of comments saying it should heal Hydroid by default like Wukong's ability and no it shouldn't. Tentacle Swarm: No change is needed either. I kinda wish impaled enemies would take a percentage damage to HP but Nah. Hmm, things cost money so... If you need money to rework him... Reach out and I'll design and make a Delux Level skin to help fund the rework. Attachments, Syandana, and everything. Dump pointless rant: I'm not a fan of completely changing Warframes. Hydroid is one of those frames that I always wanted to love but he was buggy, is still buggy, and with his track record will be buggy for at least another few years. I could sit here and pump out limitless Pirate-themed frames because there is so much lore behind them. I was actually kinda bummed playing the Railjack story and seeing Sevagoth at the end instead of another Pirate or Captain-themed frame. Blackbeard, Avery, Flint, Calico, Anne, Worley, Ward, Bart, Bartholomew, Ching, and Barbossa to name a few were all truly unique. If I was able I'd make three more frames based on the myths and Legends of those famous Pirates. Zheng the Mad Siren for whom the Bell Tolls. Based on Zheng Yi Sao (Ching Shih) the Famous Chinese Pirate of the south sea. She would ring the bells out a sea normally used in ports before there were lighthouses. Luring Traders, Sailors, and other Pirates to their demise leading her to raise the largest Pirate fleet. People argue about who was more successful Ching or BlackBeard. I don't know if it was true but it is a story about her that was passed down in my family (I'm related to Worley). A stealth arsonist's frame based on Anne Bonny and Mary Read (Literally Called the Cross Dressing Pirate at one point) would be unique and Deadly. Instead of using stealth, she would disguise herself as an enemy to sneak around (Skin Walker). Would Literally be turning Khal and Viso into a Warframe. DE, please! Finally, a very absurd frame based on Sete Bonet and Blackbeard. Horribly Wounded with fearsome ferocity. Warframe is based on all the cruel absurdities of Pirates. Keelhauling, Hanging, Bribery, and Gambling. Tieing up enemies and dragging them around with him or tieing them to each other or Objects (The ceiling would be the hanging part). Gambling by having an ability with 50/50 chance to kill an enemy he is dragging or sacrificing his own life/Shield/armor/Energy for a random buff or loot(if the Enemy is killed). Let him be able to buff enemies too just for pure chaos. Bribery would remove all his and his enemies' buffs and debuffs. I dunno maybe one day I'll flesh out the concepts and post them in the forums.
  7. It says you fixed it but you didn't. Please fix him before you even think of reworking him. Update 22.12 (2018-02-09) Undertow/Tidal Surge Enemies are now properly kept within Hydroid's watery clutches when moving with Undertow. Is it replicable? Yes, Undertow enemies and ram your face into a wall with Tidal Surge. ANY object, edge, or piece of terrain can knock an enemy out of Undertow if you use Tidal surge. I've even had it happen on a new Eximus Unit.
  8. Ruison

    Hyroid Fixed!

    This is an unpopular opinion for sure, but I'd like to make the case that Hydroid only needs two changes. Change Number One: Invert his hold to cast functionality for Tempest Barrage. It is more beneficial for Hydroid to Decrease its target radius while Increasing its Strength. This gives the players better Agency in using Barrage specific Targets. Give a Percentage of strength based on how range is lost. So, a 10-meter radius down to a 5-meter radius would increase the power strength of the ability by 35%. It's not a big change and it's really for convenience. (Yes I know curren't charge casting increases damage by 200%) We'd also be able to reliably hit Undertow instead of missing 50% of the shots. Doesn't matter if it can hit enemies in Undertow if we can't hit a 4-meter radius puddle. Then if you allowed the Corrosive procs to last longer or be permanent in Undertow would allow him to fully strip enemies of Armor with Corrosive Barrage while in Undertow and just make his kit synergize better. Change Number Two: His passive I personally really want it to be called Plunder and get a 1.5x bonus to post Mission Credits. 2x for Hydroid Prime. Older Players would hate this passive but it would be greatly beneficial to Newer Players. All that being said Just give us a 100% chance to spawn the tentacle. We are already limited to 3 anyways and the Jugulus Set does it better with more Tentacles. Wishful Change: Allow Undertow and Tidal Surge to pass through Lazers and Undetected. This would just make him useful in more mission types. We already got frames that completely ignore lasers. What's wrong with allowing Undertow and Tidal Surge to pass through Lazers undetected? He is water and light/lazer passes through water. Enemies can still see you obviously. Thats is it we are done I fixed him!
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