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Posts posted by Eternal

  1. So since update 1.4 I've gotten randomly kicked from the game where it forces me back to the liset.

    Maybe it's just me but it's only happened since the new update

    Has only happened twice today but if this keeps up, it's going to really bug me

    (p.s. can we fix saryn's skirt pls? thanks)

  2. On 8/22/2016 at 6:01 PM, crispu said:

    same bug !!!!


    On 8/25/2016 at 3:16 PM, crispu said:

    Still Bug  :(


    On 8/26/2016 at 7:48 AM, crispu said:

    Still Bug 2.0


    6 hours ago, crispu said:

    bug bug

    stop bumping this so much geez man

  3. Ever since SotR when they adjusted alert rewards, sorties and invasions they took out a lot of credit rewards for alerts and what not. That's good but now there are no more invasions with credit rewards meaning that the "Mercenary" challenge is now incompletable.

    Mine has been sitting at 75k for the longest time, since before the update there was no reason to really do credit reward invasions (except for the challenge) but now that I need to finish it I can't. I have not seen a single credit reward invasion since SotR. Can we get just a few thrown in there so we can just finish this challenge please?

  4. Ok, first, please hear me out.

    Now I understand and respect the fact that these were suppose to be exclusives and your sort of "last chance" to get the these prime frames, weapons and accesorie(s). However, with the introduction of the relic system where the ability to farm these warframes again is there (so long as you have the relics) and you farmed them while they were available. I CANNOT praise DE enough for doing this as first, it prevents these ludicrous prices on prime warframes since the market will have new sets circulating and people can still get those parts. Great, now new players can still have a chance to get those prime frames and weapons, and there will always be some available on the market. That also means that since those prime frames are still being farmed it will prevent the market from becoming too demand heavy and keep prices reasonable.

    However frost is the only prime frame to have made their vault pack available and have (supposedly) been vaulted for good now. This is a problem though since this was before the relic system and now Frost's parts and weapons are no longer obtainable at all. Which has led to this http://imgur.com/a/et5sl

    Prices will keep inflating until this guy really does get his 2000p when someone who really does want frost and wants to get that mastery. 


    I think that DE should re-release the frost vault pack so people can get relics for him and prevent new players from not being able to get him and his weapons due to trader prices. I think it would also be nice to give another chance to get misa prime to players who might've missed the vault pack (Like me lol). Hek, I'd pay 120 just for Misa P.

    But tell me what y'all think about this too, would love to know what other people's opinions about it are.

  5. I was really disappointed when I saw that "accents" only change the tiny little parts underneath the large gold pieces. Also since I have to change tertiary to a yellow color now it's ruined other cosmetics like targis on most of my frames that I want to use Uru P on.

    Wouldn't be a problem if they just swapped tertiary with accents.

  6. Whenever walking you can notice that the salix syandana gets incredibly stretched and the collar part reacts very weird when even just walking. It almost looks like it becomes paper or somewhat stiff. I think when moving it makes the syandana stretch like you were running or something

    But Hek, what do I know


  7. All tonfa holsters are completely ruined, the update reset all of my customisations on them and I can't set them to the way they use to be.

    At default they still look misaligned and it's definitely off.

    Please make it like it was before the silver grove update

    Thanks DE

  8. 1 hour ago, (PS4)bddacres said:

    Have you ever hoped into pubs and seen a mr 2 begging the group to leave the because he is doing zero damage or, seen a "draco" screw up a tactical alert because he's so used to playing dps that he forgot that the game doesn't revolve around it this is (imo) because of lose mastery rank restricts and matchmaking. Mr should restrict players to some extent (eh mr 12 tops). Matching making should put players of similar mr into groups together first. Thoughts

    This would break up the community. We don't need to split up more players and have to wait even longer to get into a squad

  9. 11 hours ago, GrandPulse said:

    ONLY Volt! God damn t i hate his 2 skill.... Please, DE, make a mod to NEVER be affected by his 2... So say the truth i sometimes leave the game if a see the Volt in team... This is how much i hate him...

    But you can just flip backwards to make his 2 go away

  10. Warframe can sometimes recover from swapping audio output devices (it will even give you a message in game telling you that sound functionality has recovered)

    Sometimes it doesn't


    If you want to completely avoid this in the future go to your audio settings in warframe and switch the default audio output device to something else like another set of speakers/headphones and then unplug your headphones

  11. The stuttering went away a while ago but just wanted to make sure it wasn't something they already tried to fix. We'll have to wait and see if they can make it better since people have been trying to fix this themselves and it hasn't really made any difference in performance.

    If you wanna keep up with that stuff there's a thread trying to figure out the lower performance with SotR


  12. Whenever you go to change the energy color of your warframe you can see that the bit of smoke that it pumps out on the sides of the syandana changes with your energy color, it looks really good! When you actually finish selecting your color it just goes back to the boring grey smoke.

    Here's a video showing what I mean

    You can see that it changes when you go to select your energy color but it just doesn't stay that color.

    Hope that this gets fixed soon since it looks MUCH better when you can change the color

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