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About LapuLapo

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  1. yeah i can see that that would be definitely desirable on its own merits (my poor spearguns!) but I have trouble seeing DE integrate it with the game in general. If it's not part of the Incarnon system where is it from? what's it gated behind? why these specific weapons, etc. On a mechanical balance level it seems pretty reasonable but idk how you signpost that these buffs are available and when to look for them. Like would they be...dojo research? some special side-shop at Cavalero that explains they're different? syndicates? there's definitely places to put them but idk if there's a good way to do it.
  2. I feel like the more straightforward buff would be "make Kuva Argonak exist" rather than adding something that's totally not an Incarnon Genesis so it's stats can be buffed. Alternatively, I guess Baro could show up with Argonak Wraith, or something like that. Hypothetically.
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