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Everything posted by PlasmaPsychosis

  1. The Tragedy nerf is completely unnecessary. It doesn't make sense to nerf Dante for being a relatively decent nuker when there are already plenty of frames who not only nuke better, but can do so with less setup. If nuking is a problem to be addressed, what exactly is causing Dante to step over the line? You already have Melee Influence in the game, not to mention frames like Gyre and Saryn. The rest of the nerfs feel like an overreaction to Dante's success rather than a thought out balancing pass. Buffing Wordswarden damage doesn't really change the fact that the ability is mostly useful for the Tome mods you may or may not run on Noctua. Nezha's new augment created a new playstyle for a frame who is typically a weapons platform, but instead of nerfing its damage, the range was nerfed substantially. Why? That defeats the entire point of running that augment! If I have to use a grouping setup (Helminth, a dedicated Squad, etc) to use then best use of Divine Spears (it's relatively high range and lack of needing LoS) is null. This nerf takes a great augment and makes it a mediocre augment. Please don't take away our fun, DE.
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