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Posts posted by Drakontis

  1. I think that our focus should be on the gameplay element. Warframe isn't a lore-heavy game, it's an action game. The 'reason' for why you have to avoid attacks from the infested and need to hurry can be determined later because it's just a few lines, not a deep engaging story of the origins of the infested.


    I think that the game could use a little more lore for some stuff, and putting more in only helps the game. I like that there isn't necessarily a solid game story, but background information is always welcome. One of my issues with many RPG games is that they put in the same story for everyone, same stuff for everyone, etc. And sure, this game does some of that as well with the bosses, that's unavoidable, but that doesn't mean we all progress to the same places at the same time. Somebody may choose to go to Europa first, then maybe work their way to Pluto, then maybe unlock someplace else as an end result. But the next person could do something entirely different. And I like that. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't flesh out (pun intended) the background of the Infested, Corpus, Grineer and any future factions that may be brought in. 

  2. Personally, I've gotten a lot of ammo boxes and a few health items as well. I've also got about 3 blueprints for Reactors from the dailies as well. (Might be less, could have gotten some from Alerts. But I've gotten 5 BPs in total) and 0 blueprints for Catalysts. Am I complaining? No. I like my free stuff and I like playing the game at my pace, which is somewhat fast. I wouldn't much care if I didn't get a single Reactor or Catalyst from the login rewards ever again, but I may eventually use those ammo boxes for something.


    I think, however, that it'd be interesting if we could use those ammo boxes for crafting something if possible. Maybe for a daily login blueprint for something. 

  3. People keep saying he...


    You know there are 2 models right?


    Last I checked, "he's" rarely have C cups.

    "He" can be a catch-all term for any person regardless of gender when a gender is not being explicitly described. In this case, yes, there are 2 models of Hostages, but it's less time and less confusing to just type He instead of S/He, especially in longer lines/paragraphs of text (such as this one). I've seen this being used in at least one book to save space and drop confusion. While one could argue the sexism of using He as a catch-all instead of She or they, I don't view it as a long or even a short term problem. 



    And for the final bit, I think these ships would be more sinister if they were in areas controlled by other factions, as then they post more of a threat. There probably wouldn't be a lot of Lotus bases or other such places that need protecting in infested controlled areas. Also, the intelligence of the Hive Mind becomes all the more threatening when it is branching into uninfested space, because not only does that give a sense of the infestation spreading it also causes alarm that the infestation (who seem otherwise beastly and unintelligent) are planning an invasion.


    Edited for grammar


    I was seeing the Hive Mind Node as something that either develops or is moved to a heavily Infested area to better control the troops so to speak. It wouldn't be as necessary in areas with less Infested units. However, it's definitely possible to have said Nodes be shipped between systems for communication purposes or other things.



    Also, as for the explanations of why these things come about. Lotus already gives background information on bosses and such, as well as for some missions. It would be really simple for her to just explain things as you go through the missions. 

  5. In my opinion, avatars should be self-taken ingame by us. EVE does this, by allowing us to move and pose our in-game avatars, then take a picture, save it and it'll automatically upload itself to the official forums.

    That would be a pretty neat option. I just kind of figured that the way I proposed would be easier to code without having to make a "Studio" feature of sorts. 

  6. It's binary. Either rush it immediately and skip the wait, or don't rush it at all and wait. The in-between is a dead zone; it's irrelevant.

    I understand the fact that the way the method works now, these are the choices you have. I'm just saying, later on, when maybe the game is fleshed out more, this should become an option. 

  7. I know what you mean.  If excal was the only choice for newbies then it might make sense for them.  Super jump is a great way to get around obstacles that require advanced wall-running, but honestly has not real purpose beyond that.


    If there were any obstacles that require advanced wall running. I have yet to find a single wall run that was particularly challenging that I HAD to use to get somewhere else. The only challenging wall run I've seen is the one with 3 walls in the room with pathways shaped like -E  (sort of, the font doesn't align the - and the central bit of the E) in which you could run and jump the walls back and forth to cross the whole room. But that's optional. 

  8. Now, this isn't a rage thread. I don't mind waiting for my frames and weapons, I really don't. I find the wait to be enticing. However, I have ONE teeny tiny issue with the Rush Time Costs. It's static. That's it. It's static. I could wait 1 minute and the rush cost is 50. I could wait 2 days and 22 hours (my Saryn is currently sitting at 2 hours left actually as I type this) and it stays at 50. In the future, could we get SOME way of implementing a reducing Rush Time cost as your time dwindles? I mean, sure, 3 days is probably worth the 50 Platinum, but not 2 hours, certainly. 

  9. I somewhat support both. Especially for some useless powers. I know there aren't many. The one blazingly obvious "useless" power is Excalibur's Super Jump. I have not come across a SINGLE area that I've needed Super Jump for. At all. Ever. Ever. I don't even know why it's a class specific mod. It'd be better suited as an all class mod and give Excalibur something else in place of it. 

  10. I really like the reticle we have in this game. I don't usually have a hard time seeing it, but I can see where it would be a hindrance for some players, especially while using the Snipetron and probably the Paris as well. I like the uniqueness of it though. I would probably like to be able to somehow change the color similar to the system we have for our warframes and weapons. 

  11. I have a few ideas concerning this.


    First, the idea of infestation affecting warframes. The reason why this could be possible is that it's called the Technocyte Plague (if I remember correctly), thus it will affect organic and technological systems. Corpus helmets and Grineer armor are both visible on infested if you look close enough. Plus, either Golem or Phorid say things about how you should become "one with them" or some such. So it could be very possible for the plague to affect the armors if it's a special environment that enhances the infestation plague. 


    Second, the ships. I think that these get in, get out ships would be completely covered in "Meat Moss" such as in the existing Corpus/Grineer ships that have infested. These would be long standing Infested ships, ones with a potentially higher concentration of Infested and, as stated, would be covered in Meat Moss/Creep textures. Maybe even have it growing up waist high to hide Crawlers and Chargers more and you have to literally wade through the stuff. I for one would love a pure infested tile set. (Edited to add more) Merely being in these environments, with their sheer volume of infested masses and such passively infects anything that comes aboard, being part of the "natural" defenses of the completely infested ships, thus being why you have to get in and out as quickly as possible. 


    Third, instead of sabotaging a reactor, you could be taking out an infestation hive mind node, some big fleshy mass that partially controls the infestation, sort of like the Brain Bugs in Starship Troopers. And these ships could be entirely controlled by said Hive Mind Node, meaning that they're entirely integrated into the doors, turrets and other systems, making hacking a little harder, turrets automatically opening fire on people without need of cameras, lasers flicking on and off, etc. Even possible that doors will just lock behind the first player to go through, meaning that the other teammates have to hurry and hack in before said person gets swamped by enemies. 


    A final, post note, is that these types of ships could be only in entirely Infested controlled systems such as Eris. 

  12. Could it be possible for us to get a way to change our avatar colors? Say person A wants a Red Rhino and person B wants a green Rhino. No problem. It would break up some of the monotony in the forums with a gajillion Excalibur Avatars that are ALL the same color. It would also let people match up their frames to their avatars and such and I think that would be a nice addition to both the game's icons and the forums. 


    Just a minor thing. It would probably be affected by the color mods we already have purchased/unlocked. 


    Also, I was thinking, maybe we could get a metallic colorset in a future update perhaps? Something to go with the golds of the Prime Warframes?
  13. I'm not QUITE sure if this belongs here, but could it be possible for us to get a way to change our avatar colors? Say person A wants a Red Rhino and person B wants a green Rhino. No problem. It would break up some of the monotony in the forums with a gajillion Excalibur Avatars that are ALL the same color. It would also let people match up their frames to their avatars and such and I think that would be nice. 


    Just a minor thing. It would probably be affected by the color mods we already have.


    Also, I was thinking, maybe we could get a metallic colorset with the next update perhaps? Something to go with the golds of the Prime Warframes?

  14. My idea for Theif's Wit was to change it for Thief's Reach or something like that. Levelling it allows you to grab resources, orbs, mods, money, and ammo from an increased range. 1 meter or so starting, reaching out farther and farther. I think that would be infinitely more useful to the current Thief's Wit, and good for people who are colorblind and can't quite make out what orbs/ammo is what. 

  15. The problem I have with increasing the amounts of laser doors or with completely taking rushing out of normal games, is that it doesn't give you the choice of a tactical retreat if you need one. There have been times in normal games where something happens and I'm just not seeing my team fight through. A 4 man game equivalent number of enemies versus a 2 or 3 man group attacking all at once with crossfires, grineer rollers and etc while I only have a low level frame who isn't quite up to speed? Yeah, I don't think we're gonna have a good time of that and it may be best to run. Taking out that option is detrimental. 

  16. I wouldn't mind being able to grab an Enemy Grakata from the ground, or even yanking it out of enemy hands and shooting them in the face with it, just to be able to troll around with it. Or maybe one of the Corpus rifles. That'd be neat. 

  17. Love it. Possible problem though - what's to stop the player from simply migrating all that power to a new mod? I believe the devs want some form of permanence to your choices.

    See, the thing about doing that though, is that it gives the same amount of fusion level as it would if you spent ALL those previous mods. If you put 12 mods to get that mod from 11 - 12 (I know it's unlikely, but bear with me), then it would give 12 mods worth of fusion to a base level mod. So you're keeping the EXACT same amount of fusion value from the previous mod, but you're able to reallocate it elsewhere at a pure cost of credits, rather than credits and wasting fusion value. 

  18. And yet again, I find myself being able to post on two sides of the same coin, mostly because I've been speed running today.


    Usually, I take my time to kill things, open lockers, etc. I like finding materials I need and etc. I usually like killing enemies and exterminating everything I can find. It's very rare that in a NORMAL game setting I will run ahead of my teammates to the extent that they are dropped behind me so far they don't get EXP or can't keep up. I like the minimal teamwork and help with heavy units. More often than not, I get left behind a little. If I'm playing Rhino, no problem. I can tank most anything in normal games. However, there have been times when I DO rush in normal games. Usually it's because it's a "NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE F#$% THIS NOPE" situation where me or my team is swarmed and I just don't have the energy, ammo or ability to take that group of enemies on. So I run, I run hard, I run fast and I GTFO of that mofo before my butt is dead. I've done this a few times and missed out on some materials or some mods, but I survived and that's what counted to me. 


    ON THE FLIP SIDE, however, I have done some speed running. Namely today I was doing so on Mercury on the Vor level. I was doing so because I wanted to get in and out quickly and repeatedly. Sure, I could have switched to my heavy frames and run it solo (and I did successfully solo one round for the heck of it with a level 6 Nyx), but then I couldn't help people. I figured at least if I'm doing it, I can keep my room open and people can follow behind and grab the stuff when the boss is down. I didn't get any complaints, but there may have been some peeved people. But having that freedom of choice worked for me in that case because I could do what I needed and get out. I got my mats and mods along the way with minimal problems. And that's how I liked it. And odds are, there were a few newbies in the game who got EXP, Mods, Materials and progress from my running without having much of a struggle. 

  19. Personally, I totally do NOT mind using the variety of weapons in this game. Sure, Boar has horrible ammo economy, just encourages you to use your melee a little more when you don't necessarily need your long gun to dispatch an enemy. Scindo is GREAT for taking out enemies, but it might be wiser to use a Lex on something else that's a little tougher and farther away. I disagree with the "Jack of all trades, master of none" train of thought. When you better learn the game through experimentation and experience, you'll get better at things your'e good at and you'll become proficient in things you may be lacking in. You may excel in sniping, and be pretty decent and close quarters or vice versa. You may be GREAT as a Rhino, but not as good, but still decent as a Nyx or Loki. I for one will be going through all of the weapons and frames I can get my hands on because they're all fun to me so far and while I have some preferences, I will still go back and forth between things. 

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