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Grand Master
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Posts posted by Scarletwing

  1. To Rebecca

    Letting people consider more before post is a really good point but I hope designers can also think more before making changes. A good communication is based on equal and fair isn't it?

    This change did very huge impact to non-Engilsh players, because some of people can not read Engilsh neither following on forum.

    For the some players they did not read notes but they noticed in game, this change upset a lot of people. Also some of them just built Rhino or Banshee one or two day before changes. For them is like you learnt their salary drops one day before payday. They angry and fed up with this kind of guinea pig joke.

    As like previous event of HEK change people feels like they are a lab rats, not really be able to enjoy the changes of game in good ways.

    After I typing this out, I really think maybe its time to build a test server for hardcore players test out new features, changes and give feedback before launch it out in sudden. Because not all of people enjoy it also felt been toy.

    As this game become more global, developers should consider decisions deeper before move.

  2. I always want to give some suggestion on Mastery Rank.

    Because they are quite empty, unfinished. 


    Beside we only able to purchase special item through that, how can we make it more useful.


    How about give some Special Advanced Movement as ranking up

    like 2 jumps (or double jump, not sure what's that call) which makes ours more like a ninja. (most ninja can do that right?!)

    Or hang on the edge while doing silent killing


    Recently, I found a video to demonstrate these two idea, to make my example more clear.



  3. Sick of playing with ninja turtle noobs (slow movers without brains, whats the point to clean every mob, you can stay in mission neverending coz mobs respawn, if uwant tonns of kills dont waste other people time, go and kill alot in any defense mission)... to put noobs in super easy missions need to make more chalanging missions where no one cant rush ,STICK WITH GLOBAL AGENDA!

    Don't like coop with others play solo then. 

    Whats the point go online if you do not work with others.

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