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  1. Quick note that Garuda's Seeking Talons has LoS on PS5 when it is not supposed to. I'm assuming it's a bug, because on PC it does not have LoS. And this is really annoying because now if I want to play my favorite frame right, I have to get on my PC. When I am primarily a PS5 player for the convenience of it. So if we are already talking about LoS, why not go ahead and fix this on PS5 along with other fixes? I would have put this on the PS5 hotfix thread, but it won't let me. Because I guess since I did cross save, it now automatically logs me in as a PC account so I can't post on PS5 threads anymore.
  2. So Seeking Talons is not supposed to be a line of sight limited skill. But recently on PS5 I have been getting complete LoS restriction. This is made more puzzling by the fact that it is not happening on PC. I have a crosssave linked account on PC, and I have been able to try this out on both of them. Also, have not been able to find any patch note documentation of changes, so I would assume this is a bug. I have the Links with video examples. Seeking Talons working properly on PC Seeking Talons bugged on PS5 in Sim and in case you are wondering if this is just a Sim bug, I tried it in SP as well. Seeking Talons bugged on PS5 in SP Please fix this soon. It's making me not want to play one of my favorite Warframes just because of this. Seeking Talons is too slow of an ability to have to keep recasting when it fails to prime the stragglers that were behind whatever common obstruction.
  3. The twitch drop situation was definitely sketch today. First, notification about the stream itself was bad. I did not know it was happening for a while because they didn't put in on their news screen at all, which I thought was strange News Screen And then I realized what was happening because the Gift of the Lotus alerts went active. But even though I got there late, the stream went super long today, so I still managed to catch 30 minutes of the stream (and I counted the time). I was relieved that it was a long stream, because I thought I was going to get the drop. But it turns out, the drops portion of the stream went off before they were done with the stream. So we're sitting there watching them do the devstream, and not earning progress toward the drop because it got taken down early for some reason. So let's recap. -Don't tell people about the Stream in game -Post Gift of the Lotus at a time when you barely have enough of the stream left to get drops -Still don't get the reward, because the drops portion gets taken down prematurely. -Make the drop reward so insane that the Fomo is just painful If you're going to make the reward 3 entire time gated archon shards, then tell people in game that your stream is happening. Also apparently some people who watched the whole thing still didn't get their shards for some reason. Just a big mess today.
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