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Posts posted by Altagraive

  1. В 05.06.2019 в 08:04, 4thBro сказал:

    The logic of this post is:

    "If something isn't in the game from the start, it shouldn't ever be in the game."

    Which basically means you disagree with everything from the very first Warframe patch and onward.


    I'm very tired of anti-AH arguments on forums... It's always the same thing.

    The bottom line is that an AH would provide convenience to buyers to NOT "have to be online at the same time," which you yourself have already stated, and it would ALSO eliminate price gouging & manipulation. Normalized prices makes every transaction forcibly legitimate and equal.

    People who fight against an AH are people who want to keep making profits off of those unaware of WF Market's more normalized prices compared to in-game trade chat (which is a nightmare).


    I imagine if WF Market was shut down and you were FORCED to use in-game trade chat, you'd be singing a different tune as you realized the in-game trade chat is not sufficient.

    +1 to this 

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  2. Nightwave.

    A huge layer of additional grind on top of existing one. Yes warframe is online grinder, but it doesn't mean that effort/time put into grinding should not be proportional to the reward. Nightwave felt like a job where you getting paid pennies and is treated like a slave. Alerts were flawed, but were way way better.

    Orb Bosses

    Hiding a boss fight, which are a scarce entertainment in warframe in general, behind huge grind wall of daily rep caps is anti enticing

    Outright predatory handling of unvaults

    I'v brought it up here 

    Band handling of tennogen

    A huge number of fan favourite tennogent submission are not being accepted into the game for YEARS without any explanation. ION Cloak being prime example https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1592762689&searchtext=


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  3. 1 час назад, hackedraptor сказал:

    did u buy wisp

    That's actually another problem. Some content creators raised it already.

    Returning players/veterans/those of us who grinded a lot in the past have NO benefits when new content comes out. These soft resets forcing us to grind from scratch for new frames and weapons are hugely discouraging and killing all desire to play and get these new items. Items themselves feeling like retreading and remixing of old frames don't help the issue.

    1 час назад, NightmareT12 сказал:

    May I ask for further insight on this? What do you think is wrong or not with this content and in which way would you like to see it turn?

    Let me write it all down.

  4. Ok first off this is not a hate topic. I'm not "quitting" or whatever, I'm taking a break. Like I did in what? 2013 to return 2 years later and find a new game.

    I think it's time for me to take long break again. Every single decision DE made after Fortuna is directly against my tastes, opinions and preferences in video games in general and WF in particular.

    It wasn't all white and fluffy before as well, but at least most problems were counter balanced by good parts.

    But after "we all lift together" it just stopped lifting. Nightwave, orb bosses, hyldrin, new primes, outright predatory handling of unvaults, bad handling of tennogen content, etc etc

    I still like old content, but literally zero of the new content is appealing to me. After seeing what gas city rework entailed and the new frames announced I decided to just uninstall the game after having it on my pc for 4 years straight.

    I dunno, a lot of partners were coming with constructive critcisms and solution for months now, and yet game still goes downhill. For me at least. Everything feels wrong and I don't feel welcome to play anymore.

    Maybe I'm in minority, WF never left steam top 10 played games for a day for the last 4 years, including during last year, so I guess I am.

    I hope when I return someday I'll find just as amazing as I did in 2015.

    Thanks for reading this, just needed to vent out I guess.

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  5. 20 часов назад, Ced23Ric сказал:

    new tilesets, and the actually kinda fun combinations via void gates/conduits, what would you like to see? The old and venerable Corpus Ship tileset could use a PBR pass, Infested and Orokin could use some love, too. Grineer have three top notch tilesets with Shipyard, Sealab and Kuva Fortress.

    Anything honestly. I just want a new tileset with all classic gameplay modes spread all over it like in good old days.

  6. I miss the old void, where you could just jump into ONE mission, and walk out 1.5 hours later with a bunch of stuff, which you could trade or keep for yourself.

    Now you need to rerun missions over and over again to keep primes flowing, it's annoying and feels like a job.

    And then there is nightwave which is the worst update on my recent memory.


  7. People say that but I feel it's the opposite.

    I used to jump in, do a bunch of stuff, usually run alerts for helmets and nitain, trade some things back and forth and call it a day. I never felt obliged to do anything.

    Now logging in and seeing nightwave and arbitrations just makes my head hurt and I log off without running a single mission.

    Game is structured more like a job now, which caters more to hardcore players than to casuals/noobs.

    That's my opinion, tell me if you disagree with me.

  8. I already said all of that.

    Making packs unmixed or giving players option to upgrade previously bought packs would fix the issue.

    Then the whether the practice is being exploitative on purpose or by mistake beside the point.

    They can fix it, but if they won't it would indicate that this is by design.

    They didn't fix it on larger scale before big internet content creator called them out on it, which rules out the possibility of them doing it "by mistake".

  9. The situation currently is exactly the same as it was during unvaults not being separated, but it's now on a smaller scale.

    In principle nothing have changed, they still sell you duplicates with items you don't have, so you have to buy the entire thing.

    It's just as unethical now as it was before.

  10. 1 минуту назад, (XB1)Thy Divinity сказал:

    Here we go again.  I believe the quote is:

    "Those who fail to learn from history are destined to repeat it."

    And history shown that without large push back from e-celeb DE will not stop exploiting players.

    And for some e-celeb to make such push back it's us common players is who need to make a stand first.

  11. That's clearly an exploitation.

    I already explained how and why, stop defending these predatory practices. They know full well that people don't like to wait so they push duplicates along with items people want.

  12. If packages were not mixed up, and it would always the same combination of items - THEN there would be no exploiting, since there would be no change of getting duplicates what so ever, since you would already have everything from the same pack.

    They are clearly exploting cosmetics with putting parts of different sets in different combinations, pushing players towards buying stuff we already have.

    That was the entire point of them separating cosmetics from gameplay items in unvaults in the first place.

    It's like taking one step forward, two steps back.


  13. I'm not discussing gameplay because it's not the point of this topic, so please stop trying to derail it.

    As for waiting, that's not an argument, because there is no information on when items will go on sale again and in what combinations. It's entirely possible that it will never be repackaged with anything else, DE will not give us such information.

  14. What I'm saying is that I can't buy sugatra without buying a duplicate set of edo set, which is anti-consumer.

    Ways to fix this would be either to allow players to "upgrade" their pack or to package different items in a way that avoid duplicates.

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