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Posts posted by Coldie93

  1. Let's see, out of the items you listed:

    Volt is a nice frame if youre into gunplay.  He's got reliable CC, Shield and speed up reload time and melee atkspd.  I recently built him with 3 formas and I found him fun to play.

    Saryn is also a great dps frame.  Pair her with an ignis or ignis wraith and you can clear rooms fast.

    For secondaries,  I find the Lex Prime to be reliable.  Good damage and all but you gotta have to forma it alot (I spent 5 formas on it).  Reload speed is abit long tho.

    You might want to consider getting an Akstilleto Prime.  It's also a great secondary with good damage, firerate, reload speed.  Plus it's gonna be vaulted soon so get it asap.


    EDIT: almost forgot,  pick up an Opticor,  the BFG of warframe.  Seriously fun to use and can deal insane amount of damage.

  2. 1 hour ago, Tsardova said:



    Slap Nidus with any status heavy weapon and his power strength can erect faster than lightspeed. That and it's a free 25% extra power strength outside of the frame's mod slot so it's really a win on top of how broken (strong) his power/ skill strength scaling is.

    Is it a min-maxing thing?  Seems abit excessive since with 170%-ish power strength, Nidus can kill Sortie 3 enemies in one or two virulence with decent stacks

  3. You might want to consider Nova.. She is my go to frame.

    She has decent sprint speed which is good for running around.

    Null Star gives her 5% dmg resistance for every orb (not that useful)

    Antimatter drop deals huge amount of burst (can deal 300k dmg with a fully charged Orb at 140% power str)

    Wormhole is good for moving around open fields

    Molecular Prime is one of the most powerful ults as it slows enemy down and lets you deals twice the damage to them.

    She isnt the tankiest frame but that wont really matter if the enemies are slowed with MP or dead from AMD explosions.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Erogate said:

    nope.  Interesting... Getting an insane amount of stealth kills.  Thanks for the help, guess I will continue on and learn as I go.

    Loki actually one of the strongest frames albiet one of the least flashy.

    So yeah keep him and maybe get the prime variant once its unvaulted

  5. 2 hours ago, (Xbox One)Magnesium 360 said:

    Lol, good to know. Kinda sucks for my zakti + glaive prime build.

    Personally I prefer using dual stat mods for weapons with good status (20%+).  For low status weapon,  it's better to use the 90% elemental mods (or primed versions of them)

    Edit: quoted the wrong post lel. But ueah sweeping serration is good for tigris

  6. 42 minutes ago, WhiteWingCat said:


    Well that's depend on where it is and what kind of mission you're doing. If survival for example, you want to rest. you can maybe go to a safe zone and call your arsenal and maybe change frames as well. but i'm not sure if that ruins the fun or not. but it might be.

    Making safe zones might not be good.  In the off chance they implement it.  I think it's better that the arsenal beacon (lets call it that) be chosen on the gear wheel.  Loadouts will contain the sets that you have prepared in the arsenal menu (in the orbiter).  Since the process is abit lengthy,  you'll want to do it out of the crossfire or when your squadmates covering you.

    After the selection,  the orbiter will then deploy the loadout spawning it somewhere in the map,  you'll then have to run to it to complete the exchange.

  7. A mobile/deployable arsenal where you can change your loadout midmission might be fun.  Like a beacon when accessed will popout a small window where you'll be able to choose on your loadout list.  The orbiter will then drop the said loadout then all you have to do is void dash to the new warframe.

  8. Slots and Potatoes is what I can think of if you remove what you listed.

    Also boosters (esp resource).  It would help you when you are farming resources like oxiums and polymer bundles.

    Vaulted frames and weapons are also good but do keep track of what stuff DE qill unvault next.  They re-release these items for about a month.  You can then just farm it or buy it at a cheaper price 


  9. 40 minutes ago, Th3Cl3ric said:

    Ok,I'm totally agree, bosses should be challenging but also be rewardable, getting the animo navigation beacons is a whole life spending, sort of speak, and if you don't have a well nodded warframe or team is a certain fail mission. 

    I think I will do that to but as I said before, that is not the point, all frames must be possible to get with challenge and fun not with an abysmal difference, I don't understand why with more time you spend playing the better, it can fall in boring and giving up.

    Wait till you try farming Equinox.  She needs 7 parts which are all dropped by Tyl Regor in Uranus.  Repeated it to the point that I got 100+ gallium.

    And Ivara.  I'm lucky that I managed to get all parts in less than 10 spy missions.  But the horror of farming her *shivers*

    And they are the best frames for farming focus.

    But yeah I do agree with you,  they are a pain to farm but DE is nice enough that we're able to buy them for plats

  10. 14 hours ago, (PS4)Ch1b1N1njaGam1ng said:

    So me and my friend finally managed to find the quills and talked to Onkko. After we looked, I noticed two amps instead of one. 


    Anyone else have this duplication bug? I'm not complaining just wanna know if im the only one.

    I'm guessing that you're probably the 1,000,000th Operator that Onkko met so he gave you an extra Amp.  Congratulations :D

  11. I have 2 builds for Nidus :  The spaghetti build and Tank build.

    Spaghetti build is where you will pump the Range  (235% to 250%) and make Duration as low as possible.  Efficiency (streamline is good enough) and Power Strength at a good number  This will make Larva spammable at the cost of Parasitic Link and Ravenous almost non existent.  So what you will be doing mostly is pop a Larva to group up enemies then hit them with Virulence or a good weapon with punchtrough (I recommend Tigris prime).  Personally, I find this build fun and effective in missions where you are moving around (like Exterminate)

    Tank build is more balanced,  You pump Duration, Range and Powerstrength in a good number. You can put Efficiency at 100% if you want.  You'll be mostly using Parasitic Link and Ravenous to reduce damage and hp regen. This is a good build for camping or Defense.

    Be sure to put Rage or Hunter Adrenaline on both builds. That would alleviate the Energy problems.

    Edit: I'm at work rn but I can post my build later if you want some reference. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, SilvaDreams said:

    It's possible... I mean you have to add a bit of energy into the mix and quite a bit at that scale but they did have access to the unlimited power of the void.

    Well there's the sun.  Im guessing they can harvest quite alot of energy there...

  13. 5 hours ago, Lakais said:

    I edited my previous post but I'll repeat. Gas giants are not dense, so Uranus turned liquid would mean that the mass remains relatively the same, but the size decreases. Problem with all that is that Uranus, like all gas giants, are predominantly Hydrogen and Helium gas with traces of other elements that usually give them their distinct coloration and clouds. Unless the Orokin converted some of the Hydrogen into Oxygen and combined the two to make oceans, which is some next level divine God power stuff, there is no way in the seven hells the Orokin made Uranus into a water planet, and that is water we are swimming in. There are "sharks" that also show up on earth, at least one of them is washed up on shore near Cetus. 

    Maybe they pumped Uranus (huehue) full of oxygen from outside source.  And that oxygen mixed with the hydrogen to make water.  Since oxygen is pumped from outside source,  it caused the planet to increase in mass..  Im not a scientist to know if this is possible and if it's not,  just rely on game logic

  14. 41 minutes ago, KelsierSurvivor said:

    I personally would put them in the Tenno faction, but I guess I might edit the topic and put them in as well. 

    Have to disagree with you there,  They are more like the Resistance group against the Grineer and Corpus respectively.  Syndicates are a faction of their own.  They are not totally allies with the Tenno as a whole.  It's more like only when they're goals align but enemies when the goals clashes.

  15. 3 hours ago, Jeon-Rammbo said:

    Generally speaking, about how many formas do you all typically apply to weapons and warframes?

    I'm considering putting a few formas on my Soma Prime at this point and time.   What I consider my "best" weapons (in my inventory) are Tigris, Soma Prime and Lex Prime.  They all have a catalyst applied.  From what I read, you could apply a forma on each slot and change over and over.   Would having a polarity on all mod slots be crazy?

    Mentioning the weapons you listed:

    I got 4 formas on my Soma Prime,  2 on my Tigris Prime and none of my Lex Prime (still havent get around that but I forsee that it'll be 3-4 formas)... Don't see any reason to Forma a weapon/frame any further once you're able to fit the mods of the build you want.

  16. 34 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

     No it's not. You're confusing secondary gameplay elements with the actual core gameplay. People don't come to Warframe to play fashionframe or chatframe, or forumframe, or even farmframe and most certainly not fishframe. First of all people come to this game to play Warframe. It's in the title, ffs! It's a third person coop horde shooter. And everything else that isn't a a part of the "third person coop horde shooter"-core of the game better have a good reason to be present in that game.

     You guys are saying "farming" is a part of the game. But farming is a broad term in gameing. "Fariming HOW exactly?" - is the most important question to ask. 99.99999% of the games integrate farming into their core gameplay. Nobody in their right mind would expect you to farm guns in CoD through fishing and gardening gameplay.

    You do know that I was not serious when I said that.

    So you're saying that fishing, mining and other non-horde shooter stuff should just be gone to the game and basically demand players to just turn their brains off and spend hours and hours of shooting at everything that moves.

    PoE is a massive undertaking by DE.  I appreciate that they're still trying to find ways to spice up tis old game.  It's the first a free-roam map of the game and the first step they made into transforming the game from a corridor shooter into something else.  Exaggerating aside, I think that it's smart that DE made PoE resources independent to the starmap resources.  That made PoE contents relatively optional in a sense that you dont need to play it to still enjoy Warframe.

    It's been 2 months since PoE is released but until now I still didnt see any PoE related content directly affect any other parts of the game.

    I do agree that Operators are getting a more active role in combat (thanks to Focus 2.0) but I still think that the Warframes are the star of the show (it's in the title).

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