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Posts posted by Coldie93

  1. On 04/17/2017 at 2:02 PM, Magneu said:

    Just an FYI, the Council Challenge isn't always gonna be Survival, Grineer, even the same level range.

    The level range always exists, but DE has us choose a faction, and then select a mission type from a list they give us, essentially forcing variation (which is good, IMO).

    While I imagine Grineer will be the most popular, expect to see Corpus Spy missions or other such combos from time to time.

    Personally, I wish we had the ability to choose modifiers like gravity and exploding enemies, but oh well.

    For Spy,  instead of just amping up the enemy level,  why not make it 6 consoles and half the destroy time when you are detected.  Ciphers should be unusable ofc.

  2. Would be fun if they made Miasma get that 100% damage bonus PER toxin proc (not just one). That would make it scalable.

    I dont know about you guys but I feel Saryn is a melee frame by principle so her toxic lash is fine as it is.

  3. 12 hours ago, Yzjdriel said:

    Why do you care about what goes on in pug if you're just running it on Solo mode anyway?

    OP is asking for the OPTION to run this mission with a squad, not a mandate to run it as such.

    Well I wasnt aware that Octavia's Anthem is a solo quest. 

    I admit that running into sentients gave me trouble at first, but doing a bit of research and modding and equipping different weapons did the trick. I dont think having trouble with them warrants any changes (and whining about it in the forums for that matter). 

    Lore-wise, I think the quest makes us realize that Cephalons are indespensible supports for the Tenno's day to day operations and isolating us from them made us helpless.

  4. 5 hours ago, AmazingMrAirplane said:

    It's best just to find another game. Warframe is good for sure, but if you are burnt out. Play something else.


    5 hours ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

    Well you don't need to force yourself to play it. Can always take a break and come back later or play another game


  5. Adding the farm places:

    For exp: 

    I recommend Hydron Sedna,  it's a grineer defense mission that is fairly high level but there are lots of people doing it so you'll almost always get a squad. A quick 15 waverun with a booster on will level up your weapons to max rank.  Takes 4-5 15 wave runs for warframes.

    For Credits:

    w/o booster - Index is probably your best bet.  Read up on it on the wikia and also find a squad on recruit chat.

    w/ booster - Heiracon, Pluto is the best for me.  Pick up your frost, run one extractor and extract from the mission.  You'll get 48k-50k credits in about 3 mins.  You can do this solo.

    Sidenote: Akkad is also good if you want to farm exp and credits at the same time but keep in mind that you'll get less exp compared to Hydron and it takes longer than Heiracon.

    For platinum:

    There are two reliable ways to farm it: Void fissures and Vault runs.  Running void fissures and opening you're relic give you prime parts which you can sell for plats.  Be sure to always run this in public since you can also choose your other squad member's reward if it is better than yours.

    You run Vault runs to get a chance for the Corrupted Mods.   They are essential in warframe and weapon builds so they are in demand. They cost around 15-40 plats and corrupted warframe mods are usually more expensive.


  6. 5 hours ago, SeaUrchins said:

    Kek, out of the top of my head I could name you some enemies that can't be disarmed and some that target invisible enemies, but you already showed that your definition of "unkillable" is not unkillable at all.

    Bosses are bosses but man you are hung up to this "unkillable" stuff.  I feel that you get what I mean.  Loki as he is now is already hard to kill even when compared to other warframes.  He already has two survivability skills, Invisibility and Disarm.  Switch teleport can also be considered to an extent.  Adding an invulnerable Decoy is really unnessecary at this point.

    So it still stands to reason that making decoy invulnerable will make an already OP frame far more OP.

    Mallet is more superior than Decoy?  I dont see the problem with that.

  7. 2 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

    It is an invalid argument.

    Which does not mean unkillable at all. There are no unkillable frames fyi.

    Let see,  Loki's got invisibility which makes enemies unable to target him. He also has Disarm that makes the enemies trade their deadly guns for rubber piss sticks. Adding that Disarm can be improved with an augment that makes your enemies hit each other with their rubber piss sticks. And if for some reason you are still dumb enough to get clobbered by rubber piss sticks,  you can switch with your decoy and not get killed.

    Thats unkillable in my definition.

  8. 4 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

    .Then why doesn't Octavia's Mallet take any damage?

    Oh, and decoy augment doesn't make him unkillable.

    What do you think would happen to octavia if that happened?

    Savior decoy actually does make you unkillable,  you got get out of hail free card every 60 sec.  Coupled that with your Invisibility and Disarm.  The only reason I can see you using that card is when youre not using the two other skills which you should be like all the time.

  9. 6 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

    Why does a hologram take damage in the first place?

    It's for balance man,  a standard loki is build for duration.  If they make the decoy invulnerable, Slapping the decoy augment on him will make him unkillable. Not to mention he has invisibility and disarm.

    What more do you want on this warframe?

  10. 2 pages in and the thread starter didnt even respond..confirmed troll thread.

    Learned some stuff tho,  I'll do some digging on the story changes in chinaframe.  And tbh I'm not really interested in the umbra frames.  I'll get them when they come but I'm not really excited about

    And no on the primed streamline.  Just pls dont do it DE

  11. Reworking the lackluster schools would be good.  Right now Naramon and Zenurik are the most prominent and strongest, utility-wise.

    I also agree with removing the cooldown penalty of each skill equipped.  As a zenurik user,  I want to activate Energy Overflow as fast as possible so getting the other skills would be against that.

    Activating the passive right off the bat can be good but I feel it would be too OP and DE might nerf the schools if they implement it.. So im disagreeing abit.

    It also kinda didn't feel right that you can get multiple schools.  It's just my petpeeve, those schools are like different factions of the Tenno way.  Each with different way of thinking. 

    But rather than making each school having negative relationships, how about using schools other than you main one will only be half as effective.

  12. 1 hour ago, kyori said:

    Interesting? Low MR players might not be able to get that high level survival potato.

    I think that it's fine.  The easy mission is for all players to get the regular free potato blueprint and a small pick-me-up for new players.  The difficult mission is more like an incentive for older players who build their frames and weapon for difficult content.

    And it's not like the low MR players cant get that high difficulty potato.  There might be some nice players willing to carry them.

    I'm gonna look forward to these Council Challenges in the future. And might I suggest "Trial of the Council" as its mission name.  :)

    Edit: adding my experience of the Council Challenge..

    Pugging it was quite fun. I was caught off guard since I didnt see the enemy level so the first run was a disaster. But I managed to do it on my second run. I now have learned Titania's potential in late game.  I mostly carried the team.  Spellbind, Latern and a full Dust buff made it safe to revive people in the heat of gunfire.

  13. Like my advice to similar threads.. Do vault runs.. Scan the kavats whenever you see them.  If at the end you didnt get 10 genes,  sell the vault mods you got.  Then buy the genes at 5p each in the market with thr plat you got.

    Thats what I did and I now got both breeds.  Do what I did, make your life a lot less salty

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