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Posts posted by Coldie93

  1. I dont know,  they are prolly used to playing AAA games..just tell them to play Anthem when it comes out.

    But to be honest,  there is a minor paywall when you are new to warframe.  The extra two weapon slots and a warframe slot at the start is too little for me tbh (50 free plats is helpful but still)  So unless someone generous gave them a few plats for slots.  Most new players will shun away from the game. 

    At least thats what I experienced.. I once gave 100p to a friend back then and now he is more addicted than me.

  2. That also happened to me..  I was 30 seconds from extracting when the hotfix dropped.  Game said to remain in your missions until its done but meh I extracted anyway...

    What happened is that I got stuck in the reward window telling me that the game can't update my account info and if I want to proceed but lose all my rewards.  I didnt want to lose my rewards obviously so I just alt tab and watch some youtube vids while warframe tries to update my account info over and over (I got dual monitors so yeah).  15 mins later,  the hotfix is over, I got my rewards and I learned some informative stuff about building equinox.  All I did after that is restart the game and proceed like normal.


  3. 23 hours ago, Masamune7 said:

    Probably because it's another batch of codes DE has to make and they can't/ don't have time to deliver. Honestly, I'd much prefer an auction house sort of system to cater trading needs. My eyes hurt trying to cope up with the scrolling text non-stop.

    There's warframe.market.  While not affiliated with DE,  many people considered it as the game's auction house.  

    It's prolly why auction house is very low or not in DE's priority list.

  4. It's really a matter of RNG.. I actually got the chassis(or systems i forgot) when I was doing doing a spy mission farming for mods.. the neuro and systems I got them on my first runs when I was purposely farming for Ivara.


    Alternatively,  If you dont want to farm 100+ spy missions and RNG is mean to you,  maybe you can farm prime parts instead to save some plats then buy it directly from the market.  You'll also likely to get prime parts you wanted.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Dragonofdarkness13 said:


    Ya' know I've covered this in a thread a while ago ... the Problem is that unlike Weapon bundles or Frame bundles ... YOU DON'T GET a 2nd skin that you are being charged for ... Even if they were to deduct half the price of the skin out it would be better than being charged again for a skin you don't get a copy of ... and Neither the skin.. nor the bundle , Tell you than this is how these bundles work

    That is more like how the game is designed.  1 skin is applicable to multiple weapons/frame..  Maybe if it wasnt made that way you'll probably get another duplicate skin to apply to a different frame.

    That's just how it is with the deluxe bundle. Spend more plats and you get a bundle-exclusive stuffs.

    Maybe just buy the bundle of the next deluxe skin you like.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Dragonofdarkness13 said:

    ... Okay lets use a car as an example .. the way the deluxe bundles work is like this ..

    You can buy a car for 185 or a car with seat covers and spoiler for 225
    Well you just want the car... but then later .. Actually I want the seat covers and spoiler .. but rather than just being able to get just them .. you have to pay for the car again ... even though you own it ~ not getting another car .. just paying for it again.. and getting nothing

    Alright let's use your example.  The Car cost 185,  the spoilers cost 100..  BUT if you buy both we'll give you a premium price of only 225!!!  BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE,  we will also throw in this shiny new spoiler ABSOLUTELY FREE!!  

    That's how bundles work.. (made it to sound like a tv shopping network for fun)

  7. You know those bundles include exclusive skins for weapons that will complement the look of your deluxe skin.

    What you're buying is the exclusivity of those weapon skins...

    Also look at the Mag deluxe skin bundle.. It includes that deluxe skin (165p) the syandana (100p).  So you already saved 40p if you buy the bundle. Plus you also get an exclusive tonfa skin


  8. I didnt know her 1st skill gets you 5% dmg resistance per orb.  

    Well back to topic. i think Nova is fine the way she is.  Nullstar is now useful as shield,  Antimatter drop is OP (one shot of Tigris Prime is enough to reach the absorb cap and deal 300k dmg at 145% power strength).  Wormhole is good at speedrunning when used properly, and Molecular Prime is one of the best 4 ability in the game.

    One thing I want to change is her deluxe skin. I mean WTF?!?!?

    DE should focus on reworking other frames.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Rare-devil said:

    i know that but i cant figure out where to create my order

    It's in the image Thundervision posted dude. It's that blue circle on the lower right of the screen.  Click it and a window will popout (like the second image).. Choose if you "want to sell" or "want to buy"... Type the item name,  The item droplist will popout. You have to use arrowkeys (as clicking it doesnt work). Specify the price and quantity, click post and youre done

  10. Titania is one of my favorite frames but I still agree that some of her skills needs some rework.  

    Her #1 should have a wider range imo.  The radius is too small for it to be a proper CC.

    They also need to rework the buffs of Tribute.  As of now the 50% accu debuff is the only useful one in her razorwing mode (which is you should be on all the time).  Pet buff useless since you're pet is gone in razorwing, reflect doesnt do much once you get 5 stacks of accu down buff, 

    I heard her lantern is quite wonky right now but I didnt encounter any trouble using it.

    Razorwing flight movement is bit hard but manageable once you get used to it.  Her Diwata needs buffing bad.  It's being overshadowed by dex pixia.  I really like darting around slicing enemies one by one but I can only really do that on weak enemies.  

  11. Look in the wiki for the accurate stats of dex pixia and diwata. for simple explanation, it doesnt really matter what weapons you use.. It's all about your mods.  Think of them as separate weapons. but i recommend the following weapons:

    Dex Pixia damage is mostly slash so bringing slash based guns like Soma prime or Tigris prime is recommended.  I also recommed fire rate mods to increase dex pixia's fire rate.

    For Diwata,  most of the damage is puncture so puncture based weapons are good.  I personally use Deretza (the rapier weapon).




  12. For end-game content,  you'll want to have the optimal build for your frames and weapons.  Most of the time those builds require a number of high capacity mods which if used will go over the max capacity of your frame/weapon.That's why you need to forma to reduce the cost allowing them to fit in your max capacity.

    But it really depends on the frame/weapon.  Frames like Loki Prime dont need any forma to get to the optimal build while frames like Mesa or Titania will need 3-4 formas.  Same can be said for weapons.

    TL;DR : yes. need forma to gitgud.

    For progressing throught the maps.  Might I suggest looking into your Mods.  They might be low level and in need of upgrading.  Try investing in some elemental mods. Elements gives a substantial boost to your dps. You might be neglecting them.  Google to find out what element each faction is weak to

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