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Posts posted by Yorinar

  1. I think grenades should bounce off snow globes rather than penetrating them.  Any AOE damage outside the globe should not penetrate the globe unless it exceeds the maximum damage the globe can withstand, then the remainder of damage should be dealt to anything applicable inside the globe.


    Also I noticed grenades will destroy sentinels when using Nyx absorb, so absorb is not really absorbing all damage inside it.  I mention this only because we're on the subject of (allegedly) misbehaving grenades.

  2. For a 4th ability yeah yeah shadows aint great. Takes a bit of planning to make work...I agree with you it needs something....


    I would say that if your squad cant handle shadows then the squad needs training. Why wouldn't you want a hand-picked personal army? Even if its little more than a distraction. Like Hall of mirrors for example. But I am a self confessed eternal noob...Shadows is very weak for a 4th ability. A bit more damage would make him more viable.


    Part of the problem with any mob on your side is that they tend to do far less damage than Tenno.  One single shot from an "endgame rifle" might be the equivalent of an entire clip or three from the enemies you resurrect.


    I don't think they are useless though.  Taking the heat off you is very valuable.  Unfortunately the cast time on this beast is so long when you actually need the heat taken off you, you're more likely to just die casting the stupid thing.

  3. I agree with your point about desecrate in that for Nekros to do his thang, friends have already moved on.  No one will eventually pick up any of it in a normal mission, because you're usually moving forward only, with the occasional backtracking.  



    Syndicate Changes


    • Added sigil multiplier to Syndicate mission bonus if sigil matches the Syndicate hosting the mission


    Has anyone seen this working? Comparing standing after a mission, from what I can tell wearing the matching sigil does not affect standing in this way at all.


    I just confirmed.  I'm getting the sigil bonus regardless of the faction hosting the mission. +11% bonus wearing a perrin sequence strategic sigil for both a mission run for Perrin and a mission run for New Loka.


    Edit: Just confirmed that that bonus only applies to affiliated syndicates.  Running a Red Veil mission with that same Perrin Sequence +11% sigil yields no bonus on Red Veil.

  5. When enemies are affected by the gas proc, I'm noticing it occurs at the same volume no matter the distance to the enemy.  I'm guessing if I can't even hear the enemy die, I shouldn't be able to hear the proc as if it's right next to me, which is what currently happens.


    Thanks and sorry if this is a duplicate post.  I couldn't find any other mention in the search.

  6. Has anyone seen this working? Comparing standing after a mission, from what I can tell wearing the matching sigil does not affect standing in this way at all.



    I thought about this after I finished running my last mission.  I'm going to verify tonight by checking my mission progress at the end of a mission before extraction for new loka (wearing +11% bloom sigil) and finding the difference between what is awarded after extraction.  I will compare that to a perrin sequence mission (measuring reward at the same points) wearing the same sigil to see if there is any difference in what is awarded.


    I post that process in case anyone else has the opportunity to verify before me.

  7. It kills me that when the god-mode nerf came, Trinity definitely got the shorter end of the stick than Rhino.  Rhino's god mode was even buffed to a certain extent, since you can iron skin and forget it.  Link runs out and can't be renewed until it runs out.  Her pathetically low armor means that if you are in an absolute clustermess that buffer can be less than the time it takes to recast.  Iron skin is faster and Rhino's extra tank and armor give him a much larger window survivability.  


    So to me that says she's already a second class citizen.  I've been playing Trinity alot for the past two months (even before Viver and Syndicates) and actually being able to tell that her #4 offers any damage resistance has been hard for me to judge.  I never feel like you get any sort of invulnerability based on the damage I take and see people on my team continue to take (since I watch that like a hawk, as a good support should).  I'm sure the resistance is there and gets applied, but it's not super noticeable and rewarding.  So her #4 is pretty much just a straight heal.  Her #3 is non-renewable damage reduction that translates into instadeath when the situation is really dire (which is fine, you should never be 100% invincible).  


    And so her point of true value is the ability to deliver energy to herself and her team.  That doesn't give anyone god mode.  It is real support.  It enables others to do their jobs better.  Healing isn't even as much support as that -- healing is rescue.  EV enables others to do better.


    Also, Trinity was already one of the least liked frames.  To take a dump on her at this point is like nerfing Banshee.  Aside from nerfing the Viver farm, it makes her almost completely pointless.  And she moves so slow, actually bringing her along is an agony of coptering of directional melee jumps to keep up.  It's such an artificial movement style, it gets exhausting after a while.

  8. things like Loki Disarm are going to get an LoS Nerf.


    don't be surprised


    I don't understand DE's fascination with destroying Trinity, tbh.  Perhaps they don't like the religiously themed name.  


    EV was already a line of sight to cast ability.  That means you have to actually aim and trigger on a strafing mob (who all like to dance around in circles making that even more fun).  Just to use the ability requires as much skill as the main activity of this game: pointing your reticule at something and clicking.  Now using EV effectively isn't as much about skill as it is about luck since you have to hope people will still be in LOS of the victim:  something you can't even reliably estimate since you have no way of knowing what obstacle is blocking your fellow tenno.  It's not like we have built-in raytracers to determine that.  So we're left with luck.  All praise RNG.


    What that means in effect, as players well know, is that you are always better off just shooting that mob instead of trying to land EV.  At least by shooting it you have a chance of getting an energy ball that carrier will pick up regardless  of line of sight (not for much longer, i'm sure!).

  9. I appreciate the addition of the melee jump to get rid of the need for coptering, but are there any plans to fix more quality of life movement issues?  There are still quite a few things that break you out of truly fluid movement.  For example, hitting a wall at high momentum causes you to get stuck for a few seconds (I get stuck to ceilings all the time).  Small ledges where you would expect a ninja to just step up can cause you to get hung.  Jumping while on the edge of a drop or on a small ledge usually doesn't register and you have to step away from the ledge to be able to jump.  Not all walls can be wall climbed.  Etc.

  10. Agree with other statements that grind walls are not difficulty.  They are artificial limits to ensure an average amount of time required to acquire something.  Certain resources necessitate much higher grind times because of their drop rate and material requirements for desirable items.  I could go on about how this system ostensibly extends game life by drawing out the time it takes you to achieve any particular goal, but the flip side is that you can also rush past most grind walls by paying money.  So the case can be made that keeping drop rates low for certain resources is good business sense for a company that depends on that sort of revenue.  For this reason, I say, do not expect this to change.


    I've played more than most and for longer than most (but certainly there are still plenty who have played more than I have), and I think at the moment I have about 2 million alloy plate, 4k oxium, and 50 orokin cells.  But also 0 mutagen samples.  I have a solo dojo so the mutagen sample grind for me has been the worst in completing my research projects.  Thanks to invasions I have about 50 unused mutagen masses, but the supposedly lesser item is far harder to come by.  But I admit, I also don't do a lot of derelict runs.

  11. Same.  PhysX is murdering my machine whereas before it worked great.  GTX 660.  I probably should just turn it off for good anyway, because the death animation is so huge it's very disruptive even without the fps drop.

  12. Pool of Life adding to the base health of the person doing damage to it is a fantastic idea.  I feel like that would make this a really useful augment instead of a merely ok one.


    I would only add that the health balls are of some value, even if everyone around gets healed up at the time of the victim's death.  In a large fight, they stay behind and provide additional backup healing after the initial effect is gone.  That "value" isn't really worth the cost of attaining it, in my opinion.

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