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Posts posted by Domaik

  1. Well if you want my opinion on the new infested invasion system I've got to say it's one of the worst ideas you've ever had. But I bet way too many people like it for my opinion to count.


    I'm sure I'm not alone on this but meh no one would really stick around against it so I'll just adapt to this new crappy infested system...


    It sucks not having any infested nodes at all other than the invasion battles with the already repetitive maps and extermination/defense-only...I loved to do all the kind of battles (rescue ect) in infested maps now it's all crap...


    Now we only have 2 real factions to battle against, Grenieer and corpus.  And even in their battles you can side with whoever has the best reward for you without really having it matter...


    The feel of that 3rd faction gave us a break from all the bullet dodging with the other 2, gave us the chance to level up our melee weapons (let's be real you don't really use melee THAT much in a corpus or grenieer defense mission) so we have been taken the possibility to enjoy infested and melee combat properly.


    I don't like it that's my honest opinion. Different people have different opinions some will like it some will not. This one I don't like AT ALL.

  2. I just wanted to make this post quickly in hopes that the admins/Devs see it and fix this asap.


    the thing is when you're on valkyr's ultimate mode any attack or environmental form of damage that would KNOCK YOU DOWN makes melee get bugged and unusable for the rest of the mission. Therefore it leaves you with nothing to do but run around bugged waiting for the mode to end. even after that you're not able to use melee and it won't get fixed in any possible way (dying won't work)


    This is not new as this bug happened before when you were charging a  melee attack and you got knocked same thing would happen...but this one with valkyr's ultimate is easier to have it happening


    so far these things made me get melee bugged:


    Corpus doors that knock you

    Heavies that use knock attack (grenieer, corpus bots)

    Bosses that pull you

    Bosses that use attacks that knock you.

    Grenieer shield lancers

    All ancient infested attacks.


    in general anything knocking you will make you get melee bugged


    I hope devs can find a solution for this....


    thank you for reading

  3. Thanks for the answers =) 


    Please stick to market-only weapons for now...I'm not in a clan with labs and I don't think i'd have the mats for that now...I'll get to that later for now I just want to equip myself with the best I can from market


    as for the riffle i was thinking of taking Soma and the kunai or ninja stars...I dunno other pistols workking well I've used aklato and I have them full modded and now i'm leveling kunai and they seem to be better than aklato


    oh an also what sentinel should I take? I have Dethcube for now

  4. Hello there.


    So i just came back to warframe after a 4 months break and I'm loving it with all the new updates.


    I was quite into the game but not in endgame so that's why I'm asking this question.


    I unlocked loki today (finally!) and I wanted to ask for the community thoughts about what weapon set fits him the best.


    Or as usual it depends on your playstyle and mission type?


    Anyways feel free to leave a weapon set that works for you always no matter what or that you think it's good for loki.


    By weapon set I mean


    First Weapon

    Secondary Weapon

    Melee weapon


    oh an also what sentinel should I take? I have Dethcube for now


    I'm ok on riffles I have an idea of all them and how they work. but I'm lost when it comes to secondary weapon and the melee weapons, which ones are the best?



    Please include weapons from the market only (don't include weapons from guilds)


    Thank you for your time! ^_^

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