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Posts posted by RoboDoge

  1. You cry when you only got from 6-7? I am stuck with 9-10 for about 2 months ( i have other mods for frames and weapons that need maxing ). And i got 2 other serration to 7 and 8. So, you will learn to live with demands of mod maxing. Mods are good as it is.

  2. I tried looking for a clan on there, after I found the 5th topic where I might've actually considered joining and found they were ALSO full like the previous 4 I decided not to even bother with it. So I joined some random clan in the game, dojo's pretty big, there's a good 5 to 10 people online most of the time and yet outside of the leader so far I've managed to get one reply to the countless messages I've typed in that chat.


    I don't see why anybody would want to join a clan for anything except the research.

    Clans tend to be that way

  3. No need new warframes and weapons, bring more new content like, new maps, bosses, quests etc .

    I agree with you, but most of the player base forgets about the bugs and game problems if you throw something "shiny" at them. So we will see more frames, more primes and more weapons.

  4. Thats our main Recruitment method. We just jump into games with Randoms, and the ones that show the kind of sportsmanship we Valkyrne look for in a player, we try to recruit them. Also, i tend to hang around in Region chat a lot, so when a total noob asks a stupid question because he just doesnt know the game yet, I always answer as well as possible, and Whisper him to let him know that if he has any more, My whole clan would welcome the chance to help someone new. We love that.

    Cheap trick for recruiting :) But we all use it.


    And for OP: dont worry, play your game and dont let trolls stress you. One bad experience doesnt describe whole WF community.

  5. They're not covering up for any thing. It's a gaming development team and that's what they do - release content.

    More content equals more issues but so far, I've seen that in every game I have ever played.

    Yes we dont have anymore falling through the world and going through the maps, lokis sentinels is cloaking with stealth, Vortex isnt crashing game sessions anymore, mobs arent dumb, Ruk cannot be kicked and killed by abyss whenusing kogakes, chat isnt disconnetcting, void missions arent gliching and much more.

  6. Me also. And that could be opportunity for DE to make more money. Give us 10 lockable mod spaces for free and sell more for 5 plat per space.

  7. Because gaming development isn't as easy as you may think it is.

    Instead of the "new" content with every update, DE should fix the bugs and AI. It seems to me they are just covering bugs and glitches with "new" content.

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