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Posts posted by Get_Singed

  1. Vengeful Revenant looks cool, but it's not worth it when Crimson Dervish exists, I got a lucky Cleaving Whirlwind for War but wanted Tempo Royale because it looked so cool so I bought it, and now I never use it because Broken Bull is just too good. Crimson Dervish's finisher is just like that. Vengeful looks cool, but the finisher on Crimson Dervish is just too good to give up. I completely regret buying Tempo Royale. I would regret buying Vengeful Revenant. It's not even worth the hassle of farming anymore...

  2. The idea that DE SHOULD include a fat frame to... help overweight people feel included into the world of Warframe? is downright stupid. You seem to be forgetting that the entire point of this game is to play as a space ninja. NINJAS PLAY FREE. Big frames would also cause a lot more visual bugs. Limbo and his top hat cause enough bugs as is, and the game is buggy as hell in the first place. The only way I would ever accept this as a possibility is if it was a frame that specifically revolved entirely around taking damage for itself and away from it's team, maybe with a Mag bullet attractor aura for itself or something like the new Ack and Brunt mod, since that massive body is not gonna be dodging bullets in any way. There is no reason at all to include a frame that has an innate disability compared to other frames (significantly larger hitbox) simply because some people think this NEEDS to be included in the game not to alienate some players. That is downright stupid logic. The only way frames are even really distinguished in this game anyway is whether they appear more masculine or more feminine. We don't need any anorexic looking frames, we don't need any overweight frames, nor do we need frames that are clearly racial stereotypes, etc etc. Just let them be.

  3. 2 hours ago, Vaxillian said:

    What I am saying is that stealth is pretty much broken even with a silent weapon. Besides this passive will only change the gameplay if your teammates actually decide to do "stealth."

    The stealth system is not broken at all, you just don't know how to use it properly. I'm able to zip through missions stealthily whether they are meant to be played stealth or not, because it's so much safer and easier to not have to worry about dying to alerted enemies all the time, and I get all that bonus affinity. If you don't want your teammates to ruin your stealth game, do the intelligent thing and set your matchmaking to solo or friends only. It's really easy to do, takes only a second, and no more idiots in your cell anymore.

    Everyone in this thread that dislikes the passive just wants Banshee to get an OP passive. There are no OP passives in the entire game. Deal with it. At best they save a mod slot and give you a little QoL bonus.

  4. 1 minute ago, Vaxillian said:

    I have but the Ai isn't exactly intelligent itself. Even with the alertness levels being added, stealth still lacks in a way that there isn't really a way to hide, when you alert one you alert the entire ship/base, and most frames don't line up well with stealth unless you have a silent weapon.

    Originally we were supposed to even been ninjas but if you compare the stealth here to any other games it is clearly lacking.

    So in short, stealth has a lot of potential if they took time to look at it but there are some major walls in the way currently.

    Thank you for literally making my exact point for why this passive is good for stealth.

    With this passive, the only way to alert an enemy is to be seen by them, or to allow an enemy to sound the alarms. Remember that enemies that SEE another enemy die do not immediately become alerted. They enter a semi alerted state where they will become alerted if they see a player or take damage, but will not sound the alarm. As long as you kill any enemy that SEES you, you never have to deal with alarms. You seem to not be very experienced with playing stealthy, but it is a thing and it actually works, and the more you try it the more you'll get used to it. Silence on weapons is a MASSIVE difference.

  5. Just now, shadowfire380 said:

    One im not talking about mods on other things because then I could include health plates,companions,syndicate procs, life strike,winds of purity,etc I mean with just his abilites.

    I said buff other then damage so he could compete with chroma and nezha.

    And not many people have an arcane vanguard helmet so that doesn't really count.

    Most self healing in the game comes from Life Strike. Whether you like it or not, Life Strike is a method of self healing available to Rhino.

    Damage buffing is generally more useful than tanky buffing because giving squishy frames a large percentage of armor won't really matter since it's only raising their miniscule base armor by a percentage of itself, resulting in a still small amount of armor, while damage buffing is a straight buff to damage. Like it or not AGAIN, Rhino buffs. And he buffs better than Chroma.

    Rhino is not slow even without the Vanguard helmet. If Chroma wants to outspeed Rhino, he needs to give up his ability to be a tank.

    All of your arguments against Rhino are invalid. I'll also point out that Rhino has literally one of the best crowd control abilities in the game, making him amazing for utility.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Vaxillian said:

    A gun with no sound is no different that a gun with sound because not only is stealth in this game dead, but it never even came to life and the devs refuse to put work into making it an actual system.

    You've clearly never tried playing the game stealth. It's actually a big difference. Enemies that are not alerted grant bonus affinity when you kill them. Up to 6x affinity if you get a stealth streak going. It also means that when you CAN'T set off alarms, you can still fire your weapons without fear of setting off alarms.

  7. 5 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

    I think that the Passive fulfills a slightly different role from Silence. It might seem redundant, but that's really only from the perspective of a veteran player with many maxed mods. For players with less robust resources, it's not really viable to keep Silence running 100% of the time. Therefore, the Passive would serve as a useful filler in between those casts.

    Additionally, there are a number of circumstances against Corpus enemies that her powers might be nullified or scrambled - her Passive would allow her to maintain stealth even in these scenarios.

    Is it the best passive? Not really, but it's not the worst either. I definitely can conceivably see its uses, unlike things like Ember's or Ash's.

    EDIT: In general, from reading this thread, I feel like people are expecting way too much from Passives. They seem to be mostly a minor convenience, not a game-changing mechanic that allows an otherwise crippled Warframe to stand. I think Inaros is really the only one with a very significant Passive.

    Gotta stop you here, HALF of Inaros's passive is significant. The half that lets him regen on finisher kills. His sarcophogus needs to be tweaked. No one dies as Inaros in low level missions, where the drain can kill enemies, and if the enemies are high enough level to kill you, the drain won't be strong enough to revive you. But yes, this is exactly right, passives are only a minor convenience, and actually there are more than a few that seem to just be a free mod slot, like Equinox getting a free Equilibrium or Limbo getting a free Energy Siphon.

  8. I feel like Oberon is really the jack of all trades, master of none frame. He has Renewal, and then there's Bless. He has Reckoning, and then there's Radial Javelin. He has Hallowed Ground, and then there's any other buffer. He has Smite, and it's as useless as Soul Punch. I want to like him, he has cool helmets, but I just can't...

  9. 30 minutes ago, (PS4)Cwellann said:

    You should probably go buy a lottery ticket.  

    I'd love for the IV to be tradable, it's a great gun, and the one spare I have would probably buy me a few catalysts.  Plus, sortie weapon parts and Baro bought Vandal weapons are tradable, so I really don't see a downside.

    OP - there's at least a small upside - the farming of nano spores can pretty easily result in plenty of neurodes, 2100 Cryotic usually seems to give around 15 R5's (i.e. the amount you referenced is two primed mods maxed, with another brought up to R-almost-8), and the isotopes just sort of take care of themselves.  Your luck does sound atrociously bad though :(


    Just now, xxswatelitexx said:

    You drew king.

    I had 2 blueprints 2 barrels  and did about 40 runs before I got full set.

    Wow I really didn't think I got that lucky. I need to go sacrifice a ram and thank RNGesus. Brb.

  10. 1 minute ago, Sixty5 said:

    Banshee's kit is heavy CC with damage amplification. To me, that screams high level missions, not stealth. 

    Additionally when I say most of the games content I mean, any mission that either cannot be stealthed or is not worth stealthing, which basically boils down to everything that isn't Spy. Every other mission in the game is pretty much a waste of time to stealth. The options are there if you want to stealth it, but it is a player choice.

    As the game is now, sorties are the hardest missions that you can stealth. Banshee has no problem one shotting anything in those missions even running half modded guns. And even then you have your 3 in case you want to sneakily apply shotgun to face. 

    I don't mind Banshee getting a stealth passive, hell the passive that I drew up for her awhile back had stealth aspects. The thing I don't like is that it has no use outside of stealth and it is something that she already has in her kit and can get without losing out on power. 

    It's like making Limbos passive "allies regen energy while in the Rift" you add nothing to the frame. 

    If you consider this passive and Limbo's passive to add nothing to the frame, I can't possibly see you viewing any passive in the entire game as useful. Limbo regens energy in the rift, and it's incredibly useful in case you've never used Limbo. If you're saying if Limbo's passive were to change to only affect his allies and not himself, it would still be a fairly good passive because Limbo is in general a support frame focused on the rift.

    Not drawing attention to yourself when firing your guns is a really good thing when playing a squishy frame. This passive will allow you to fairly easily keep alarms off at all times, because if an enemy doesn't see you they won't ever be alerted, and if they do see you you can just cap them before they sound the alarm without alerting nearby enemies. From what I can tell, you're just butt hurt that your favorite frame isn't getting an uber instakill all enemies passive. I would actually say this is probably one of the most useful passives that were announced, and will actually make Banshee worth playing for me. It doesn't fit your playstyle. I get it. Stop complaining.

  11. I'm at MR 14 and I literally feel like I've done everything there is to do in the game. I can't even imagine leveling fodder to get up to 20... I also seem to often find MR 20 players who don't know how to do spy missions, especially Moon spy missions without failling or setting off an alarm or whatever.

  12. 11 minutes ago, Sixty5 said:

    Right so a frame that is already lacklustre gets a passive that is useless in most of the games content. 

    There is a reaaon they added the stun to silence, before then the ability was absolute garbage. 

    It lets you play more recklessly inside your bubble. 

    Enemies outside can't shoot you, and those that do get inside the bubble are slowed and possibly frozen. 

    It also encourages tankier melee builds on him, rather than powerspam ones. 

    It also makes him decent vs infested. 


    This passive is NOT the same as Silence. That's literally what I said. This is a BETTER version of silence. And calling endless missions "most of the games content" is straight up stupid, and a lie. This passive will be extremely useful any time you are playing a mission solo that is not survival, and any time you are playing stealth at all. It will also be very good for racking up bonus stealth affinity. Stop being salty because the proposed passive doesn't fit your specific playstyle.

  13. This is NOT a bad passive. This is an AMAZING passive. It just makes Silence basically obsolete. The problem isn't this upcoming passive, it's that Silence needs to be changed. It's a permanent, functional version of Silence. Loki's Hushed Invisibility. The Hush mod. It gives her an incredibly powerful asset without taking up the mod slot it would normally take up, and actually silences her weapons, unlike what Silence does.

  14. 47 minutes ago, (PS4)Danilo_Franz said:

    Ok, and if i say that my secura penta (2 forma) already made tonkor users cry?

    Tonkor players just want to point the weapon, shoot and kill, same for simulor users, without care for where the bomb is, if gonna kill you or not.

    Basically, they don't want to play a shooter game, i think that the damage it's ok, just put the weapon to be able to kill you, and playes will forget the weapon, because they don't know how to aim.

    Sorry for this "unnecessary violence", but for real, some players just hate to aim. 

    Launchers aren't meant to be "aimed" in the traditional sense. They aren't sniper rifles and aren't meant to hit anything long distance. When wielding a launcher, you're supposed to just fire it into a group of enemies and blow them all up at once. If firing it at one enemy, you fire and sort of hope it hits. If you don't like the firing mechanic of launchers don't use them, use a hitscan weapon instead. Players won't forget the Tonkor if it gains self damage. It'll just lose grenade jumping.

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