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Posts posted by Get_Singed

  1. 6 minutes ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

    That Warframe doesn't penalize the player, and their 6 Forma weapon can actually HIT the target. So he's QUALIFIED to play.

    Think you can do the same in WoW??? lololol

    So, if MR4s and level 20 weapons can shoot the target, and there's no gate at the door ... it's designed for anyone to enter that door to play.

    Play the game as it's intended. Not try to carve a niche where the niche DOESN'T exist.

    If DE wants it hard and with gates, they'll do just that.

    In what world does a TYPICAL low MR player have a 6 forma weapon?

    This isn't a discussion about whether or not gates exist in this game. That's not the point of this thread. It's about whether or not gates SHOULD exist. And yes, they should. Because an unmodded unformad unpotatoed pea shooter won't damage Sortie enemies. Sure, it can hit them. That's entirely possible. But that 1 damage per bullet will mean nothing, and they will be downed over and over and over and the players who have to do the carrying will be stuck reviving that low MR player all game. THAT is why gates SHOULD exist for high level content.

  2. 1 minute ago, IceColdHawk said:

    Yes he is sure (i hope). And i'm sure too.

    @Clonmac Build for akstiletto prime was a test build against infested...Hornet, Barrel, Lethal, 2 Primed Crit mods, Convulsion, Pathogen and Seeker

    "Surge the void energy through the rift plane, increasing the damage inflicted on enemies who have been banished there."

    The in game description. Is this a faulty description by DE then?

  3. On 5/23/2016 at 10:28 AM, Demlier said:

    And what if i mean not only solo? Maybe defense with legions of enemies? 

    Then what? ^^

    As said, Limbo is an exceptional solo frame due to his invincibility and 1 on 1 potential.

    In a group, Limbo takes on the role of a support frame, using Cataclysm combined with Rift Surge with the Rift Torrent augment to turn your entire an area into an energy regeneration area for your allies and a slaughterfest for any enemy that enters. Keep in mind that Rift Surge does not apply only to Limbo, it increases ALL damage dealt to enemies in the Rift, including damage dealt by your allies, and everything inside Cataclysm is inside the Rift.

    Also, Limbo can revive downed allies while he is still in the Rift, meaning he can safely revive anyone without ever being in danger. He can't interact with the environment, but he can revive.

    ALSO, Limbo can banish troublesome enemies, completely taking them out of a fight. Got a Bombard firing rockets are your teammates downing them constantly? A quick trip to the Rift and that Bombard can't do anything. AT ALL.

    ALSO ALSO, most Warframe abilities will damage enemies across the Rift plane. This means you can Banish your allied Ember Prime and she can run around with World on Fire active, completely immune to damage while destroying any enemy that gets near her. She will also regenerate mana while in the rift and WoF is off.

    ALSO ALSO ALSO, Limbo and his allies are immune to environmental hazards, like lazer doors or lazers themselves, while in the Rift. This means you can pass through those lazer doors in Grineer missions without losing all your energy, and you can pass through lazers in Sabotage/Spy missions without locking down the core/setting off alarms.

    I can go on and on about how Limbo is by far one of the most useful frames in the game, but I hope you get the point.

    For Defense, just put down Cataclysm so enemies can't hit the defense objective from outside, and banish the guy if the defense target is a NPC.

  4. 1 minute ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:


    It's not intended to be limiting unless there's a hard lock on it (meaning the instance requires a certain rating and/or abilities to enter a zone).

    When it has those hard locks, yes, it's truly limited to a specific group of players.

    Sorties don't have that limit (and the reason is you can't bring your lowbie buddy with you to play with, with those hard locks).

    Warframe isn't there yet for raid level content for "end-gamers", as it's still tweaking existing content.

    I'm not saying it's intended to be limiting. That's the PROBLEM. I'm saying it is intended to be the hardest content in the game. Since it is intended to be the hardest content in the game, it SHOULD be limited, especially since it also gives (arguably) some of the best rewards in the game.

    The missions may not be difficult when you know what you're doing and you're properly geared, but no one wants to spend the entire mission reviving MR5 LittleTimmy who only has his Excalibur no proper mods on it and has barely stopped using his MK1 weapons and doesn't know how to mod weapons for different factions.

    And let's be real here, there ARE those occassional Radiation/Eximus Stronghold Mobile Defense/Excavation missions or Assassination missions that just end up being REALLY tough. This is only going to get even worse when players queue up for it thinking they can bring their whatever rank 0 Lato because they think they'll get carried and will easily be able to level it up, then they end up in a group of all players planning on levelling their gear and there's 1 usable weapon in the whole cell.

  5. 6 hours ago, Noamuth said:

    Is it?  

    How are Sorties endgame content when MR4 players can participate? And I don't mean showing up as a Loki and staying invis the entire time, but actively participate by getting kills, reviving, completing objectives.

    How is it endgame content when I can take R20 equipment in and still top the damage or kills chart?

    Your example of our raids being endgame content is laughable as well.  I talked a group of MR5-10 through  a LoR run.  Not participate or run it for them, I sat in the kitchen and yelled directions while they played in the livingroom.

    Get real.

    I'm not saying these missions are extremely hard. I'm saying these are the hardest missions in the game. When compared to the ENTIRE rest of the game, this is the ONLY content in the game that can be considered "end game" content currently. You're missing that MASSIVE point here with your stupid little anecdotes. This is the only content that exists in the entire game that when compared to the rest of the content in the game can be even remotely considered "end game" content. As such, yes it should be played with restrictions assuming it is end game content, since that IS what DE is intending with Sorties and Raids, REGARDLESS of whether those intentions match what you think of as end game content.

  6. 3 hours ago, Noamuth said:

    I call bs.  Sorties are not endgame content and arbitary locks won't help the quality of players everyone is complaining of.

    And once again, there are plenty of ways to make a point without resorting to examples involving child molestation. That is simply pushing buttons to get a specific, inflammatory response.

    Yes, Sorties are designed to be the hardest content in the game alongside Raids, which actually tend to be easier than a lot of Sorties. That is the definition of end game content. Your statement that it is not endgame content is a flat out lie.

  7. 8 hours ago, (PS4)MrJockStrap said:

    Well if you play a lot like myself, orokin cells aren't a problem, but it is a good idea. And lore wise, who the heck cares, de just writes the lore as they go, according to what fits there agenda.

    I'm not suggesting this because I have Orokin Cell issues, I have hundreds of them. I'm suggesting it because it makes sense for progression purposes.

  8. 43 minutes ago, SilentMobius said:


    The hour of playtime that someone can muster on Saturday should be no more valuable than 4 sets of 15 mins across the week that someone else can manage because they have nothing better to do... and that is not the case.

    Planing a life around a game is nonsense, any mechanic that ignores that is broken, if you don't see that I feel sorry for you. if you think a game should be punishing you because you're not waiting on it to be ready for you. Well... I have no words.

    The usual "I'm not paying attention so I going to call say use words like: easier, casual, entitled" is objectively wrong, I'm comparing equal game time. 

    You don't even deserve the effort, welcome to my ignore list

    I've got some bad news for you. I'm sure you've heard it before. Here it is.

    Life isn't fair.

    If you think this isn't fair then stop supporting the game as a player. No one is forcing you to play. You can complain that this system is broken all you want, but the fact is that it works for most players and even if someone can only play for 15 minutes a day because their life is so busy, they'll eventually run into enough Nitain alerts during those 15 minute periods to make whatever they want to make. It seems ridiculous that you actually believe people with no time to play the game should be allowed to get the same things people who play for hours are able to get. That's insane. If their lives are so busy they can't pick up Nitain alerts, they are missing out on Nitain to live their life. If people choose to play Warframe instead of doing whatever it is that is having a life, of course they will be better off in Warframe while missing out on life. No one can have everything they want, DE is not obligated to do anything for anyone, and no one is entitled to Nitain. YES, you are arguing that everyone should be entitled to equal chances at Nitain, and that is completely wrong. If someone is in such desperate need of Nitain that they HAVE to have it to have any fun in this world, they'll be sure to make the time to pick up Nitain alerts when they pop up. If not, they have other, more important priorities. You're confusing a game with real life. No one will die from not having Nitain. No one has a right to Nitain. Drop your superiority complex and realize how this S#&$ works. DE has every right to make a game that forces players to cater to IT'S schedule and is under no obligation to cater to the players' schedules. That doesn't guarantee players will play, but it's their right.

  9. It wouldn't make much sense lorewise, but yes Vauban should be a requirement to build Vauban Prime. The entire reason DE made Vauban Prime's build cost high is because Vauban takes a long time to get and if the Prime version was easy to get there'd be no reason to use Vauban ever. I personally think that instead of 1 Orokin Cell to build all primes, that should be replaced with a Rank 30 normal version of the frame. It definitely seems like the way players SHOULD progress.

  10. 3 minutes ago, TouchedByYou said:

    That's the same as saying if someone can't afford a good tip, they shouldn't go out to eat. 

    Nitain is a resource that you have to be on to get when the game decides you have to be on to get it.  That's their point.  If you actually read their post, you would see that someone might have 8 hours to play, but they might only be able to spend that much time playing in one day.

    I understand the point perfectly. If someone has so little time to play the game, gear that requires Nitain isn't for them. It's not required to have it. Vauban Prime is no different than Vauban. Zephyr sucks, admit it. Wukong is just a worse Valkyr. Ivara exists for farming Sentients which these people clearly don't have the time to do. The few items that require Nitain are not required to have fun. If they have no time to play Nitain they don't need Nitain. It's that simple. It's the nature of Nitain. If they don't like it they don't have to play.

  11. 9 hours ago, SilentMobius said:

    Nope, Nitain is objectively, demonstrably unfair.

    A given player who has, say 8 hours to play in a week can get ~2-4 Nitain if they can only play on a single day for 8 hours (because... say they actually have a life)

    Another player who has the luxury of spreading the same 8 hours of play over 15min periods whenever an alert-app says "jump" can get 16 Nitain

    That is a massive over rewarding for the same playtime, It is literally penalising people for not being at the game's beck-and-call. An hour's playtime should be approximately the same as any other hour. No game should be saying "You weren't awake at 4am... too bad"


    And before people incapable of responding without making accusations reply: I have no life to speak of, I do have plenty of Nitain, but I know plenty of people with kids or more demanding spouses and this mechanic sucks for them, regardless how much time they can put into the game.

    That is objectively not fair.

    Then they can just not have Nitain. If their lives are so busy that they literally can't possibly gather all that precious Nitain needed to build X Y or Z, their life is too busy to be playing Warframe at all.

    By the way, what game is this with the bolding and all that?

  12. 52 minutes ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

    Stick to the 8chan Speedo reviews, k? Not polluting threads with pedophile crap, "just because".

    Whether you like the content of his message or not, his point is valid. A group cannot be judged by the actions of an individual in the group.

    Sorties and Raids should absolutely be MR locked and require level 30 gear only. This is the definitive end game of Warframe. There is no reason anyone should be allowed to bring anything less than their best to those missions in particular. Yes, MR is not a good way of measuring a player's skill and technically neither is weapon level, but it's the best we can do right now until the MR system gets reworked. EVEN THOUGH the missions can be completed with only 1 level 30 weapon or NO level 30 weapons but a good level 30 frame, this is the current end game, no getting around that.

  13. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Galaxy_Cicada said:

    VR isn't about getting the best damage, it's about looking amazing. I should be using my Dervish, but VR is just awesome to watch. I'd rather take a little longer and kill things in style.

    Style doesn't beat finisher damage.

  14. 9 hours ago, (XB1)Rey Za BurreI said:

    I'm not farming vengeful revenant anymore. It's a waste of time! It never drops! It doesn't matter how many times you do it, how many hours you spend farming conculyst! It never drops! Like if they're going to make a drop rate so low that you have 1 in 1 billion chances of getting it, whats the point of having it in the game? Might as well be a reward in a sortie or an event or whatever. I'm done trying to farm that mod. Freaking ridiculous!

    VR Sucks anyway. Just get Crimson Dervish. Nothing beats finisher damage and 3x damage combos.

  15. 10 minutes ago, Mantis_Tankfist said:

    They could be working toghether,but how do you explain these words from the cinematic "your hatred is too weak,my fragment will do the work your hatred couldnt"(may not be right but you get the point)

    Hunhow's fragments were conscious,and that fragment was controlling Hunhow,somehow.

    It's a play on words. Stalker's original melee weapon was called "Hate" and was too weak to slay the Tenno. The sword War is a fragment of Hunhow, and would be strong enough to finish the job. In that part of the cinematic, Stalker chose not to assassinate the Tenno. When Hunhow mentioned his fragments, he was referring to the Sentient Conculysts and Battalysts that would come kill the Tenno after the Stalker chose not to.

  16. Just now, Mantis_Tankfist said:

    How do you explain the will of a Warframe then?


    I explained it above.


    7 minutes ago, Reitrahc said:

    Hunhow never controlled Stalker. He just gave him War and the Pakal armor to make him stronger so he would have a better chance at killing the Tenno.

    Considering the Infestation virus combined with void energy is what gave the Tenno their powers and how all the Infested bosses talk about how the Tenno are the same flesh as the Infested, and seeing as how the Warframes bleed despite clearly being machines, the "flesh" of the Warframes is most likely made up of Infestation, which the Tenno are able to connect to and control, similarly to how all of the Infested operate under a single hive mentality. The Warframes are not mindless cyborgs, they are capable of carrying out their own actions to benefit their Operator just as the Infested carry out their own actions to benefit the Infestation as a whole.


  17. 1 minute ago, Mantis_Tankfist said:

    Well,it could still be true,if they were fighting inside his mind.

    And there's no proof that Sentients couldnt control warframes before.


    The Stalker was flat out never being directly controlled by Hunhow. Hunhow just gave him more power and suggestions on what to do. The Stalker made his own choices.

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