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Posts posted by (PSN)i7081277

  1. So we all know venari comes as an ability. But what sets her apart from other kavats aside from her improved ai? Do you think de should allow us to use adarsa and smeeta kavat mods on her to make her useful? because the only time she'll be out is when I use an ability what makes me want to use khora instead of just any old frame with a kavat?

  2. thats really cool! but for the change to be so drastic... that would take some super futuristic technology with I don't doubt the corpus have but I bet it would be extremely expensive to create. would it really be worth it to completely change Venus' climate? 

  3. Just now, DeMonkey said:

    No, the temperature is moderated, as in controlled, not moderate.

    It's also not unreasonable to expect a snowy map given the Venus tileset itself, and subsequently the planet, is covered in snow...


    Didn't even need a google search for that one...

    huh, well look at that. I didn't know technology could transform an entire planets weather lol. guess I was wrong, I haven't played Venus in a while.

  4. so the temperature is moderate, people can live in it. ok, but does that mean there will be snow? no. so im' just saying it won't be a frozen tundra because the planet itself is the exact opposite. so just don't be expecting snow guys. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Grimm said:

    it depends on what the culture of the the assumed ostron community on venus have adopted from there environment. given the tileset it will most likely be a frozen tundra, meaning ways of warming themselves would be key to most things they crafted. so maybe heat based weapons of some kind. im more interested in the quills on that planet   

    But isn't Venus very hot? This is just one google search away people... come on. And quills mostly hunt eidolons I don't think there will be any on this planet.

  6. 23 minutes ago, UrielColtan said:

    You know what annoys me waaaaaaay more than leechers?

    People accusing ME of leeching, or basically randomly accusing people they don't know of this.

    I am someone who is near Rank 25, has every frame and damn near every weapon, maxed and formad, and who has been playing the game for longer than they had even heard about it, let alone started playing themselves. Trust me, I don't need or care to leech. Just to let some of the wolf criers know.


    The reason I am apparently a  "leech" is all because I am not using "muh meta", despite my results being rather satisfactory, typically superior even, much to their umbrage. Not just with vets either, I even got a newer guy a couple of days ago thinking they are carrying because they are spamming heals, even though this ain't Overwatch and I never asked for any Mercy heals to begin with. They didn't even know about efficiency mods but were spouting about being SO needed. I never rely on a healer unless I happen to be using one myself,  I build my frames and loadout to the point that I generally don't need a Trinity.

    OMG this happened to me in hydron. so I was leveling my mirage and these two losers were all like omg I hate carrying. but I was like 5 mr higher than them and was killing more and doing more dmg? so you know your everyday hydron troll.

  7. 1 hour ago, Lanying said:

    I'd love her alt helm to change shape along with her IPS equiped. Like buns for impact, pony tail for puncture and bob for slash. You can get really creative. Maybe just something like a hair piece that changes?


    Wonder if Venari will get different looks with different skins? Like chroma's effigy etc.

    id like some sexy 1950's pinup hairstyles.


    1 hour ago, Lanying said:

    haha. I know but she really shouldn't be tied so hard to IPS changes. She still has venari, a bind attack and an exalted whip which are *mostly* separate from IPS changes.

    You guys really think a month away? What makes you think that? is that matching their usual big release schedule?

    yeah us consoles get your things like a month or two later. we really enjoy it when we do get it tho.

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