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Posts posted by (PSN)i7081277

  1. It's a lot more difficult to rig a new model. it takes a lot of effort and time on DE's part.

    I don't really want modeled tennogen skins anyways. It takes away the exclusivity from actual deluxe skins and I like having more options to put under prime details.

  2. They should just make Garuda invincible for a few seconds during and after casting her 1 so you can get to a place where you can use the shield better (like gara when she’s making her wall). I think her 2 just needs a bit more base range to be more effective. And her 4 just needs the base cast speed to be a bit faster. She’s already great but needs just a few tweaks to be perfect.

  3. Just because it has a man bun it doesn’t mean it’s a woman. He doesn’t look feminine at all. 

    28 minutes ago, Spectre-8 said:

    A male warframe that looks like a female and will most likely be a garbage support .

    have you even looked below the helmet?

  4. Is this armor ever going to get prime effects? It's literally one of the only things that are keeping the majority of people on the verge of buying it from buying it. The armor itself isn't ugly the thing is its too close to normal armor sets to justify buying it. I really hope DE intends on fixing this.

  5. 1 hour ago, (PS4)randy_lahey__-- said:



    Nope de confirmed a very very long time ago that equanox is female in all of her forms. She’s just day n night frame. 

    And wukong is just based on the protagonist of journey to the west sun wukong. He was in fact a magical monkey.

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