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Posts posted by (PSN)i7081277

  1. The dev build seemed 99% bug free in the second build while shul  was playing it and that wasn't even the latest build 

    I'm not saying it should be simultaneous but I still think a month is a bit much for this update. In one of the devstreams someone mentioned the console team started converting it not long after the update began development.

  2. 1 minute ago, Havarkus said:

    PC are essentially beta testers, so as to find and help patch any bugs that could appear in the console version. That way, DE doesn't have to go through the rigmerole of cert-ing a lot more small patches for said consoles. If they released the update at the same time for both, consoles would have the same bugs and DE would have a hell of a time getting rid of them all in as few updates as possible.

    I know that but I'm just thinking back to when the devs said that they began converting it shortly after they began well... developing it.

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