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Posts posted by Fallen_Echo

  1. 7 hours ago, Ced23Ric said:

    UI changes look better, and fit the aesthetic style set forth by the Vitruvian of the Sacrifice - but usability suffered.

    I do not care about aesthetics when i lose usability. Its like buying a great lookimg car what can only by started by opening the door, rolling down the window while pressing the horn.

    8 hours ago, Ced23Ric said:

    Io still works just fine.

    Yeah its just takes drastically more time to get the materials you need. Previously you could get up to 4 drops from khora+nekros now its 2 if you are lucky.

    8 hours ago, Ced23Ric said:

    The event (Hostile Mergers) works just fine.

    Bugging out 4 times in a row is NOT FINE.


    The rest is fine but all i care about is what gets ruined in a patch not what gets done as it should be.

    7 hours ago, Fishyflakes said:

    He is talking about the hydroid, nekros, khora Nerf when their loot abilities match up. Something veterans could care less about 🧀

    I pretty much have everything along with large stockpiles of various materials but i still care about it. It not only effs up the most common farming methods but also the only bandaid what makes those survival missions doable when they start to bug out.

  2. 7 hours ago, Zeclem said:

    then change your email on your account. 

    Thats not as easy as you think, you need to message the support if you want to do it and if 2FA gets messed up (various people already complained about this) you get locked out from your own account.

  3. On 2019-04-05 at 8:51 PM, Lance_Lionroar said:

    First of all, addressing DE directly whilst posting in General Discussion (which they don't visit for feedback) is very smart on your part.

    I'm sure that your condescending tone is very constructive and helpful too, assuming they ever read it. Well done.

    This is warframe feedback not general discussions, unless it was ported away by a mod i think you are on the wrong page.

  4. If you think about it DE never really tried to do any kind of gameplay loops.

    Every mission is just "do a thing->extract", there is no difference, no loops, no effort to consider this less repetitive. Even the map design is just a long corridor with nothing interesting on it.

    The sad thing is it does not need to be like this. An extermination mission at the end could let you choose to either extract or go and scavange whatever goods you find with a bunch of syndicate operatives. You would need to defend them from traps, hack alarms and doors while they open up the rest of the lockers or kill some remaining enemies. A spy mission could turn into a sabotage where you get coordinates to blow up the whole base and such.

    Theres a lot of extras what could be added to create satisfying loops where you wouldnt consider every mission the same.

    • Like 2
  5. Helios: Soo curious, he just observes things and scans around.

    Carrier: If not found in the biggest pile of decoration on your ship it moves around small size decorations on the ship to his randomly choosen lair.

    Wyrm: Runs combat simulations with the othet half of Ordis. Randomly shots at decorations.

    Diriga: Floats around aimlessly, uses laser pointer to mess with your other pets.

    Taxon: She follows another sentinel, it seems like she want to learn from them.

    Deth cube: You dont know where he is but the orbiter radio pick up distress calls from flagships about a floating machine massacring their crew.

    Djinn: Hes either chilling with Helmith or hes swimming in the fish tanks. You dont know how he got into them.

    Shade: Shes perma cloaked and you only spot her if you look directly at her or when you notice that Taxon follows the air half-cloaked.

    • Like 7
  6. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    Oh but the game lets you know when you are out of your depth, by killing you repeatedly. 

    Then you are given the opportunity to back out, look at the mission levels and go "oh... Ohhhhhhhh!" 😲:facepalm:

    Yeah but you can take that information in two different ways:

    1. This is obviously a level not designed for me.
    2. Im doing something wrong i should be able to progress throught here.

    The skyrim mission with that cursed beacon meme comes to my mind where it is designed in a way that you cant back out of it once you started the mission and its supposedly for players medium to high levels.

    8 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    Oooh ooh! I know this one, it's that old song Nanny Ogg used to sing, "a wizard's staff has a knob on the end". Well it's either that or the hedgehog song. 😁

    I cant believe how fitting this is.

    8 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    Same. I know that the initial tutorial gave us the information and I suppose I must've used it, but with no real reinforcement, that and much of the other stuff we had to do in the tutorial were promptly forgotten. 

    Im pretty sure that the tutorial atleast when i started never actually had bullet jumping in it. I think the only reason i learned about double jumping is because its pretty standard in most action games.


    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, WhiteMarker said:

    I'm sure you read all of my post.
    I'm sure you read that I said that I like the fact that players help players discovering stuff.
    I'm sure you understand that the Wiki is made by players testing stuff.
    I'm sure you understand that I like the fact that not the game is telling me all this stuff, but the wiki, or other players are. From time to time I ask questions in chat. Just last week I learned that other players see my Phoenix Renewal Indicator on their screen. So they know if they died and got safed.
    So yeah, if there was no wiki, then yes, this would be another story.
    But if we didn't have the wiki, Warframe would basically be a single player game. And in this case the game needs to give more information. Thank god Warframe isn't single player. This way players can help each other. But helping doesn't mean holding hands. Helping means giving information if someone wants these information.
    I like to test things myself. And if I fail to test something, or if I can't be bothered to test something, then I take a look at the wiki, YT or the forum.

    Thank you for your post. I just don't agree with you.

    But thats the point, a good gaming experience should not rely on a player-made wiki and randomly asking EVERYTHING in the game just so you can progress a little.

    For example i havent learned bullet jumping till i reached the mastery rank test what actually requied one to use in order to progress. If i remember right i was already farming at Akkad by the time i got there and learned about bullet jumping from a video i looked up in frustration.

    Another example my brother always used 1 forma per polarity. Not as in you click on the slot and forma it to whatever polarity you want but 1 forma per polarity rotation, to get to - polarity he used up 3 formas because nowhere the game tells you its wrong and due to the process it even looks like its the natural way of formaing stuff.

    Look at OP's post, the reason they havent asked if they should be there in the first place is because it felt natural to be there. Theres no pointers what say you are not supposed to be there, enemy levels and being generally harder than everything else is no longer an indication that you gone the wrong way.


  8. On 2019-05-12 at 2:29 PM, WhiteMarker said:

    Nobody held my hand when I started playing. I learned everything by doing it, by testing. I tried what I can do, or what I couldn't do.

    Thats all nice and fine but if i go and turn down the wiki would you be able to tell me:

    What are the color changed elemental effect do exactly on Chroma?

    What ways can your primary guns fire damage targets inside the rift while you are outside?

    What is the firing patter of the ignis?

    Which frame skills grant status immunity?

    What is the calculation difference between elemental and base damage mods?

    What mods are not multiplicative but additive?

    What are the damage efficiency ratios toward enemies?

    In which order do you have to do nodes if you want to reach Mot?

    What is the exact damage boost enemies in Mot have?

    • Like 1
  9. On 2019-05-12 at 1:06 PM, GinKenshin said:

    'does something that isn't suppose to be done'

    'blames game for it' 



    The problem is literally nothing tells you that you are not supposed to do that.

    Its like you enter a dark room, flip the light switch and because of this the garage blows up because no one bothered to tell you that its not a light switch but a remote control to a bomb.

  10. 1 hour ago, (XB1)TerDav7887 said:

    You all do realize in order to build a game that pleases the players you must get the players involved. And that is essentially tennogen. DE makes cosmetics according to what is happening in the game tenno gen allows players to show their art and others to buy their art. If you want more warframe like tennogen just go make some on the program and hope it is selected. 

    As we said tennogen is fine, theres no problem with it. The problem is that we only ever get either tennogen or deluxe packs for fashion, there are no longer reinforcements and such pumped out to get us more fashion.

    You know ingame plat only fashion what is not restricted to deluxe bundles, that is what i miss.

  11. 39 minutes ago, Eyn_Sof said:

    While i understand where you are coming from, theres a big problem with platinum at least on pc.
    Platinum price fluctuates with discounts, it can be full cost, half the cost or even quarter of the cost.
    And from that stems the question, How much should they pay to the creators of tennogen? thats why its in normal money at least on pc (heard that consoles have a different system and its all plat there).

    Deluxe is nice nothing there, and a lot of old stuff thats plat only is a bit meh like skins, companion parts and we do get new cosmetics from time to time garuda syandana, i remember gara syandana as well as some armour pieces.

    Yes but this was always like that, the plat prices always fluctuated but we still got randomy syandanas, skins and whatnot ontop of the deluxe bundles.

    Dont get me wrong i dont want tennogen to be sold for plat or something like that, all i want is regular non-deluxe stuff added into the game somewhat regularly.

    • Like 1
  12. Im not sure how alone im in this, but i seriously miss the times when i could open up the market after a regular patch just to see 3 new syandanas, an armor set, some sigils and whatever plat only fashionpiece added.

    Tennogen is nice but i did not buy all the plat just so i also need to fill up my steam wallet too to get something nice. Deluxe packs are too good but these are coming every 3rd month and have approx 1 skin for a frame, 1 skin for a weapon and a syandana at best. Not something you will regularly buy plat for.

    Can we get back to the age where we got skins/paintjobs, syandanas, armor pieces and all that jazz regularly for plat?

    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Pizzarugi said:

    Using Hydron is a bad example. People go there, willingly, to powerlevel their gear as quickly as possible so they can go back to playing the rest of the game. Before Hydron, we had Viver and before that, we had Draco. If Hydron gets nerfed next, there's several missions in Eris you can use for powerleveling.

    Also, no, the fun does not come from massacring entire maps for loot. It's a team-based horde shooter with spells mixed in, not "EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD STAND STILL WHILE I PRESS 1 BUTTON AND KILL EVERYTHING!"

    I can say pretty much any node ingame from the void to the kuva survival its the same.

    People are playing this game like its a shared instance shooter and not like there is a team they are in. If i wouldnt die from time to time to random stuff i wouldnt even notice my teammates because most of the time the biggest team interaction in the whole game is when you resurrect someone.

  14. You know even if you remove all aoe capatable weapons ingame warframe will never feel like a coop shooter.

    Someone is going to stand on the map bulletjumping around like a rabid rabbit trying to get as much kills as possible while you feel like its a chore to actually keep up with him because he actually tries to be the best while you are just there for the fun.

    I played several times with newbies on hydron supporting them with aoe nukers and such. Not a single one of them ever complained that i steal their kills or ruin their fun by killing. Not a single one of them pointed at the endgame score and started to whine that i got 2K kills while they had 28.

    Why? Because unlike the people who vomplain about these, they seemingly know that this is part of the fun and the experience, to become soo powerful that you massacre whole maps for loot.


  15. On 2019-04-19 at 2:54 AM, Tinklzs said:

    One reason why it's so hard to balance warframe currently is because as a designer you have to (if you think balance is important, I question if DE does) think about the power your player has and how you want to challenge them.

    Okay first of all i need to clarify that DE has never taken into account the already existing stuff in our game when it came to designing anything. The prime example for this is Mirage, before rivens it was a frequent argument that its hard to balance and create new weapons when one of your frames comes with innate +200% multishot.

    DE simply doesnt care! They go ahead and design whatever they want and after the test chamber gives approval (aka us on pc) they keep it that way while also making sure that the weapon does what they want it to do.

    Remember the Harrow incident? When they removed the possibility to headshot with it just after they released an augment what needs headshots for it? They literally forgot that they already have a weapon like that and nerfed it soo the interaction is not too easy.

    Same goes for rivens, in their desing policy items come first balancing them with the ingame stuff comes later.

    • Like 2
  16. 13 hours ago, MagPrime said:

    You're being encouraged to try new things, to break out of your comfort zone and branch out.  It's a fairly strong theme of the entire game, considering how we have to experiment with builds and use weapons or Warframes we don't like in order to advance within the story and star chart.

    Its a strong aspect of the game yes but its also a faulty one.

    Forcing someone to take nekros just to be able to finish a survival challange will only make them loathe the experience.

    Same goes for all those challanges for rivens, mastery ranks, missions, its not an encouragement it feels like you have to take this punishment if you want to go on with the content.

    You are good with Atlas and hate the spammy caster frames? Well congrats you are unviable for ESO! Either change to spammy caster frame or give up!

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  17. 6 hours ago, SupremeDutchGamer said:

    hyekka's dont drop genetic code, only feral kavats found in the derelict do.


    5 hours ago, DeckChairVonBananaCamel said:

    yeah, the hyekka masters summon hyekkas, not feral kavats. Your RNG may be a bit better if you are actually scanning the right thing (though, im impressed that you apparently managed to get 2 DNA from an enemy that doesnt actually provide them)

    Seriously though, feral kavats have a 25% chance to give a dna sample when scanned, and they always spawn in pairs.

    I could have been a bug but i could swear my helios got 3 kavat dna from hydron last year.

  18. 15 hours ago, Cibyllae said:

    The community was always S#&$, now they just can't hide it from the newer player base. Before they got their rocks off to helping people, thats how they inflated their egos. Now, they inflate by bashing new players. Vets were never your friends, you just thought they were. It was fake kindness the whole time. Now you get to see the true colors of the community.

    Whenever i told people that warframe communuty is essentially some guys hanging around in small lifeboats above a toxic waste ocean, i got ridiculed that its not true and everybody is nice but when you take a look at the reddit page to see someone trying to turn things for newbies in nightwave they get negativity and insults for it.

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