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Posts posted by Lone_Dude

  1. It's a bug.

    If you use Void vacuum from Zenurik in simulacrum, enemies might slide-teleport to you across the map. Something is broken when it comes to calculation of pull strength combined with enemy movement speed.

    I also noticed that sometimes enemies continue to move even when I knock them down, as in - they proceed to run while being in a knockdowned state, making turns and climbing upward surfaces. Especially funny when they're affected by Howl(fear ability of one of the kubrow species) and actively run away from you on their ass. 

    Many knockdowns also became ragdolls - RiP Crushing Ruin.

    So yeah, as usual, DE broke a lot of things at once and didn't notice, because most likely no one at the office uses Mag lmao.

    • Like 7
  2. Heheheh. I can see it already - "We would like to revert the changes of arcane ranks however, it would be disrespectful to all the players who acquired 11 additional arcanes so we won't". Whatever lol, just know that not everyone will "gladly" participate in a grind just to get back  the stuff you literally stole. Some people will leave and it will hurt you in the long run.

    Aside from that, it seems that you people forgot to add a "full shield" requirement for shield gating. Either that or Arcane Aegis is so good it makes you immortal. I don't mind tanking 8 heavies while being knocked down and having my shields fluctuate between 0 and 300, but it certainly doesn't look right.

    And now I understand the idea behind Arcane Guardian nerf. It happened because it activates "on damage". So its probably seen by you as a lazy access to DR. Compare it to Ultimatum that grants 1200 armor for 45 seconds as long as you know how to open an enemy to a finisher and it all becomes clear. In a way it's a good change - Guardian for already tanky frames, Ultimatum for squishies AND tanks(or you can go crazy and equip both on #*!%ing Banshee, first proccing ulti and then guardian).

    Energize changes are a kick in the groin. 15 seconds? Really? I knew it will be bad since you were #*!%ing hiding that info from us but I didn't think it'd be that bad. And thats coming from someone who owns it and didn't mind a nerf. At least make it so that cooldown is reduced with each rank lmao. That, or fix energy consumption issues of most frames first. I mean, even random dudes like me understand that you can't have one without another, Energize is only a symptom of the actual problem.

    In the end, the whole thing is spoiled by grind. Should've kept the ranks as they were. Players would still participate in that fancy event of yours, but with lower amounts of hatred involved. Out of all the changes only Arcane Ultimatum made me switch my builds a little, btw.

    I rate this update 10/21. Oh boy, it seems like upvotes are gone from many of the posts I've seen here yesterday. I wonder where they went lmao.

    • Like 6
  3. Didn't developers state that "tenno" shield, armor and health values are going to be normalized? Doesn't that mean that every frame should receive armor changes? I mean, the damage that enemies deal is not always the same, yet we lost both resistances and weaknesses. Certain units might receive a huge advantage against us because of that, no? Were there any tests in that regard? Nidus, for example, won't benefit from shield-gating and he didn't receive any armor buffs either.

  4. Remember having the same idea as many people here, but a little bit different. Oh well, lemme ctrl+c and ctrl+f.


    Instead of making "javelins" or "Exalted Blades" rotate around excal, I would make it so that they spawn behind him. Basically, normal summoned swords, but instead of flying into the targets right away, they just float behind the user. Similar to Dantes Sin Swordmaster/Royal Guard(and I think Vergil already had that in cursed DmC)

    Why? Because if they rotate around Excal it might cause some interference with normal melee(imagine running up to an enemy to keep your combo counter going, but it dies from your 3) and I'm not a fan of that. It would also mean that excal would get a lazy way to deal damage by just running past enemies - and we all know what that leads to. DE really doesn't like that.

    Basically, I would make it a copy of Novas 1. But it's pretty dumb to lose it over time and having to recast it constantly whenever it decides to go off on some harmless grunt(especially because you can blind stuff as excal so its even more of a waste to spend charges on blind enemies). So instead I would make it so that it doesn't trigger on its own.

    • When ability is used it spawns 6 javelins. There is no cast animation. There is no timer on them. Ability cost remains the same as it is now.
    • Each javelin deals twice the damage of the Exalted Blades normal attack(1k damage, just like it does now but with EB IPS distribution) and scales with melee combo counter by 50%(basically at 12x you get 6x the damage). It doesn't double-dip power strength scaling damage-wise, since Exalted Blade already benefits from it.
    • Each active javelin provides 5% DR that scales with power strength. Allowing for 60% DR at 200% strength. I don't think it needs to go higher since excal has his 2.
    • On each tap of the ability button, 1 javelin is sent towards the enemy that the player is aiming at, or, to the nearest enemy if player doesn't aim at anyone(more like javelins teleport into the enemy right away the same way they currently do). When ability key is held(for less than a second, no idiotic charging for 2-5 seconds lmao) all of the javelins are released with twice the efficiency - basically, if you "charge" the ability you get 2x the amount of javelins you have left.
    • When the javelin is sent out, player doesn't lose DR right away, instead 1 stack of DR(5% unmodded) decays over 15 seconds(scales with power duration). Sending out anoter javelin during that time period will add another stack of DR and refresh the timer of the first one. When ability is charged, even if there was only 1 javelin left, DR decay duration is 20 seconds.
    • All DR stacks are lost when player casts RJ again.
    • Enemies that survive being struck by a javelin are stunned.
    • Javelins contribute to melee combo counter - 5 combo "points"(?) per javelin, doesn't scale with power strength.
    • Each javelin has the same crit and status chance as Exalted Blade. It also procs same status effects as Exalted Blade.
    • If Slash Dash is used while at least 2 javelins are active, it's cone is increased by 1.5m on each side of Excalibur.
    • If used while Exalted Blade is active, javelins cause guaranteed bleed, puncture and impact status procs on hit. All three, simultaneously, even if player uses the Chromatic Blade and only has elemental damage.
    • Furious Javelin provides the same amount of damage bonus per javelin as it does currently and uses the same duration and stack mechanic as Javelin DR. However, Furious Javelin stacks remain after the next cast of the ability.

    And I suppose that's it.

    • It allows the player to actively use the ability without taking away DR, by either slowly spending javelins and refreshing DR, or by using all javelins right away to nuke a room but having to spend energy to recast the ability later. Or player can just toggle the ability and have DR but no other benefits aside from Slash Dash synergy.
    • it also motivates the use of melee, helps with keeping the combo counter going/regaining it after using a heavy attack.
    • Javelins have decent damage and scale with EB and combo counter, so they are not all about passive effects and gameplay mechanics around them and actually have a direct use as a damage dealing ability.
    • Javelins actually have a real synergy with Slash Dash and EB.
    • Furious Javelin is easier to manage and greatly increases the damage of the ability itself, along with melee and EB damage.
    • No more annoying movement interruption.
    • I guess it's somewhat OP but it's 75 energy. And frankly, I don't care. I want the game to be fun, the combat system is not deep enough to be bothered by.


  5. Is lemonade better than bread? - the usual reply you'll receive when asking questions like this.

    With upcoming changes Mag might receive quite a buff. We will get a shield-gate, meaning no one-shots and if it functions like that of Hildryns, Mag will be one of the best frames to exploit that mechanic since 2 of her abilities can restore your shields right away. Shields will also receive an innate damage resistance, meaning her tankiness MIGHT improve(still a question since developers will also remove weaknesses and resistances of our health, armor and shields).

    However, since you're a beginner and seem to dislike Mag, Mirage will certainly work better for you because she requires way less fine tuning and her playstyle is not as cast-reliant as Mags. Cast her 1 - you have clones(they copy all of your movements always stay by your side, deal a % of the damage you deal and draw enemy fire fromyou), cast 3 - get a shifting damage/defense buff(depending on a light level around you, you'll either receive a huge % damage increase for all of your weapons or a huge % of damage resistance). She's not energy hungry either and easy to build. Quite survivable too.

    TL;DR - pick Mirage if you're not feeling confident that you have enough time to kit out and learn Mag. Mirage is a reliable frame with good defense and a great damage buff. You'll be able to get Mag(or her Prime) later, I'm sure.

    I'd gift you a frame slot, but you're on Xbone, so I can't.

  6. 49 minutes ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

    Some people might not mind self-damage if the rewards were nutty enough to justify it, but you have to remember that implicit pressure of being by-far the best output would also push people who still don't want to engage with it into feeling obliged to do so. Which is partly why I offered the other side of the equation as well. Bring the risk down partially, then people have less to complain about, so they can bring the reward up where it ought to be. Then, since the formula variables are easily tweaked, it's not a massive undertaking to account for that 'worthwhile but not obliging' bump in damage output.

    The KPS-related issue of AoE weapons is certainly a thing, yes. I don't think, however, that people who strongly dislike the self-damage mechanic would throw themselves at it because we have multiple high-KPS non-self-damage weapon variants. But I do agree that the solution was never as simple as "just make every AoE weapon as strong as Bramma lmao". In the end it still comes down to mechanics surrounding the self-damage weaponry - game requires you to have high KPS, the amount of enemies we kill matters more than the "quality" of said kills. Only a limited amount of enemies can withstand AoE barrage and such enemies do not appear often enough in terms of group per group spawns.

    49 minutes ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

    Shield-gating I would actually argue should not apply to self-damage, though. It's too absolute, just like the 'solutions' of capped/percentile health damage. Shield gates should be for things that aren't under your direct control - like the historic Ballista no-scope one-shot which is why they have a delay and visual tell now - so that you can't just get blindsided and killed before you can react. Especially when there are units ludicrously beyond the common-sense power curve for their level (looking at you, Grineer Seeker).
    On the other hand, since self-damage is the player's mistake, the player's trigger-pull, that's not a 'cheap shot' any more. It should be allowed to go right on through. Allowing an absolute gated freebie brings the risk of the gameplay loop of "careless self-damage shot hits gate, use alternate gun/melee until gated, repeat". It's a grey area but I don't think that's a positive loop since it still promotes that carelessness.

    Oh you bet people would exploit the S#&$ out of that lmao. And if it worked the way you proposed people would complain twice as hard about self-damage, using arguments such as "well why does shield gating work if I get shot by a bombard but not when I shoot myself?!". Considering that you dislike the idea of limiting self-damage with %-based or flat numbers, self-damage would basically remain the same(since, from what I understand you still want self-damage to remain as something LETHAL), meaning that the situation we're currently in would happen eventually. Tweaking subtleties like these is a difficult task, and as I said, I think this is why the self-damage is being removed completely.

    I think even the system DE are currently planning to replace the self-damage with is kind of lacking. The knockback on what is basically a direct impact is lengthy enough to cause some problems(as I mentioned in one of my previous replies, being displaced is a dangerous thing in warframe), what I'm not happy with is the stagger - if its too short it won't even matter for most weapons, since they're slow enough already and stagger will basically be equal to a period of time you can't use your gun anyway, meaning that if you got rid of the group of enemies that were posing a direct threat to you, the short stagger won't matter at all. I repeat myself, but I think that just tweaking self-damage alone won't ever be enough for a proper risk/reward system, since it will be too 1-dimensional to fine-tune.

    49 minutes ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

    Arguably, for the same reason, invuln frames should also not protect from self-damage. We can see hints as to why already with the Revenant/Bramma abuse.

    I disagree with this one, if a frame is specialized to be invulnerable it certainly shouldn't die even from self-damage.

    However, don't think that I disregard it completely.

    I think its more of a frame design issue than a self-damage issue. Lets take Revenant or Hildryn - they're the go-to lazy survivors when it comes to invulnerability. "TO USE SELF DAMAGING WEAPONS PROPERLY U GOTTA USE REVENANT/HILDRYN ITS DUMB" - probably heard that one, didn't you? That's because their kits allow an easy(literally passive for Hildryn lmao) access to what is basically a god-mode. On the other hand, lets take Wisp as an example - she has an invul access as well, but it comes from her 2 and its rather short, meaning that you gotta stay active in order to utilize it. It allows a niche playstyle of being able to face-tank an insta-kill, even from your own weapon IF you expect it and planned for it.  Ain't so bad, don't you think? I use it from time to time when playing with Komorex/Glaive. Quick 2 cast and I get a window where I can be sure that nothing can harm me. So, once again, it goes outside the realms of self-damage alone.

    As a side note, using AoE weapons as Revenant is a smol brain endeavor - Bigg brains slap it on Wukong lmao. Don't even have to AIM OR JUMP.

  7. 1 hour ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

    See, you say that, but according to many people who are so adamantly against self-damage existing, every tile in the game is a claustrophobic corridor where any explosive you shoot is going to be a risky one. Even if you find it annoying more than engaging yourself, at least you can take a step back and acknowledge that it's totally possible to use them safely.

    I don't mind saying that I'm a minority in that regard. And it probably has something to do with the way I play the game. You see, I'm usually playing alone - no stupid ass teammate to jump in front of me, no min-maxers to sweep the map, forcing me to pick up the pace, none of that S#&$, I'm constantly in my comfort zone, everything goes as planned, since I'm the only one doing the planning and execution. I play the game the way I want to, to have fun and if something goes ass-backwards - the fault is mine.

    That being said, I have my share of experiences in Public matches, where I suffered from self-damage because some moron, having a strong case of herd instinct just HAS to follow me, run in front of me and do all kinds of S#&$ disruptive to my gameplay, leading to my death. I swear to God, some people don't even consider that S#&$ - they're the kind of people that will stand in the middle of a road chatting with their friend, obstructing the path of everybody else.

    Basically, what I'm saying is, people who complain about it, are not complaining for nothing - I can use it safely, so can you, but the game is not made for us alone lmao. Looking at how positive the response to that change is, it is obvious that many people welcome it, meaning they most likely encountered the problems I've just described. There are of course, "special" individuals who will blame the game for "killing them" because they can't put 2 and 2 together while wielding a god damn rocket launcher, but I suppose you and I understand each other on that topic, so I digress.

    Oh yeah, last thing - I don't mind dying in that game, as in, I don't see it as a problem - I have 6 revives on me at all times and lose pretty much nothing on death since all of my resources that I build up during my "life" can be gained in a second by spamming consumables. So I guess it also adds up to my positive bias towards self-damage.

    1 hour ago, TheLexiConArtist said:

    Then again, pushing that boundary of safety is half the fun. It's just a matter of whether you can accept the result when you push too far and die by your own mistake.

    What makes me upset is that its exactly HALF the fun. The removal of self-damage could be avoided if developers adressed some of the issues people bring up constantly. Even in this post you propose that ally collision should be removed - but it never happened, for some #*!%ing reason. I've also seen many people say that they would mind the self-damage, even in its insta-kill state IF our weapons were strong enough to warrant it. But someone at DE really doesn't like that idea so here's that. Self-damage is another victim of a lacking effort in manually balancing CATEGORIES of weapons. I hate it when such systems, are half-assed, for me its all or nothing - do it good, or don't do it at all. And it seems DE finally realized that they just can't do the "good" with self-damage in place.

    Shield-gating probably plays a big part in the removal of self-damage too. I'm pretty sure that complaints about self-damage would die down with that system in place because I noticed that a lot of enemy encounters while I'm using an AoE weapon end in 1 strike - my strike lmao. I get the jump on the enemies, fire a rocket, they don't even get to hit me because I'm also in the air and enemies get the accuracy debuff(which will also get an effectiveness increase in a following update). Meaning, that I have invuln frames at the ready to defend me from either my own exposives or enemy fire in majority of cases.

    And when it comes to personal arguments, I expect mods to stay objective and to either nuke us both or do nothing about that because both me and that guy are not just arguing, but we also discuss the subject of that thread. Also, I'm super nice so I hid it in a spoiler lmao.


  8. Its only bad because developers don't want to tweak weapons manually. They think that every weapon category should be tweaked via some #*!%ing simp-ass formula. Their "balancing" of thrown melee #*!%ed over multiple weapons and they don't care enough to un#*!% them. What makes it worse is that some people will also defend that S#&$ and claim that it needs no tweaks whatsoever. They will also tell you that the "throwing" part is just a gimmick, meanwhile heavy attacks are supposed to be a crucial part of melee 2.99 lmao.

    All we can do is wait. It took DE pretty much a quarter of a year to remove accidental heavy attacks, and even then it wasn't done properly(no toggle because #*!% you, players, we had that issue for 6 years and we aint fixing it any time soon). I expect proper fixes to arrive only when they'll finish up their last phase of melee 3.0 - new channeling mode.

  9. Never liked it when people used pics or vids of acquiring 800k skin because they pulled in 20 enemies in a tiny room and then used the Ironclad Charge. Spawnrates are #*!%ing random af, most of the time I get like 5-7 enemies per charge tops. I also don't like to wait around till enemies group up in one spot for me to use as a skin "primer" - I don't have time for that S#&$. However, that last one is on me - just ain't my playstyle, doesn't mean that its a bad way to play, its just that it ain't a good argument in my eyes. It certainly proves that Rhino doesn't have any EHP problems, but it doesn't prove that he's capable of achieving such numbers effortlessly. In a way, its a positive thing, since it means that rhino isn't your usual braindead meatslab.

    When it comes to me and the way I play, even without any setups I get by with like 70-250k of skin on average. I also use the Mecha set, so sometimes I don't even bother with skin lmao. Mind you, I'm not doing endurance runs and mostly run Kuva/Sortie and Lich missions, meaning that highest levels of enemies I encounter are around 120s.

    What I am worried about, however, are the upcoming shield, armor and arcane changes. I don't use the Tanker arcane, I use Guardian, without double-stacking, so I hope DE go back on nerfing the Guardian since(if you look at the workshop post) it'll provide worse results than the current version of double-stacked Guardian and will also require 11 additional arcanes. Rhino skin also had ferrite modifiers, but now that DE are "neutralizing" our health, armor and shield values, it might change. Shield-gating will be a great improvement for my playstyle since I don't mind recasting the skin all the time and if pet improvements come through properly, even my weird-ass Mecha set will get a passive buff along with my doggo.

    So yeah, I don't think that Rhino needs an armor buff, I ain't a min-maxer unlike some other people in that thread, but I still do just fine. Upcoming changes might affect Rhino positively. What he does need is some of that QoL juice and slight buffs for his augments. IMO Rhino should be able to shed skin without any augments, I mean, we can kind of do that already by just walking into nullies or jumping off the map, but having it a click away would certainly help. Iron Shrapnel can receive a buff instead, a range buff, maybe. Since DE are planning to add "double" status procs, Piercing Roar should definitely get that. And Reinforcing Stomp, well, ugh, it should just get a % skin regen.

  10. DE realized that they cornered themselves and that their players bleed to games with gameplay that actually has depth. Player retention is not only about new shiny content, its also about moment to moment core gameplay, and its rather lacking, considering how braindead the game is.

    All the nerfs and tiny rebalances look pathetic because to add actual balance and challenge they'd need to rebalance EVERYTHING in the game. Not just armor, not just damage, but also enemy AI(not just accuracy lmao), enemy pathing, enemy abilities, enemy spawn-rates, objectives(since currently many of them rely on KPS) - ALL OF IT. DE are trying to slow down the power creep since its obvious that it has gotten out of hand, but the changes they make are not big enough to make any difference.

    • Like 1
  11. I use air melee attacks because I use short range weapons like Furax. They're unnecessary for most metaish melee since those usually have enough range and a good moveset to strike aerial targets. I don't miss the additional momentum, but I think its pretty stupid that it was removed and replaced with a WHOLE LOAD OF NOTHING™ mobility-wise and it should come back.

    There is still a way to "copter" around the map. It's achieved by canceling slide attacks via rolls, but the velocity of the maneuver is so high that it feels more like the good ol' coptering 1.0 which in turn means that it's going to be kindly eviscerated, disolved in acid and deleted from history by our wise overlords. They might take their time with it though, maybe a year, so test some weapons and see if it works for you.

  12. 1 hour ago, (PS4)BlitzKeir said:

    This thread is filled with people pretending not to understand the intention of the language of the person they're responding to, so they can argue the merits of an opinion in a vacuum instead of deconstructing or improving on the ideas presented for the benefit of both parties.

    But this is the internet, so I guess that's saying "this water is too wet". Everyone's a politician. This is why we can't have nice things.

    "These peple here r stooped and dont hav proper dialoge but Im not wrong becus I dont take eithere side I want every1 to be happy and good.

    Is useless to argue because is internet. Im not like everyone. Everyone bad and im not so im sad and yall shuld be ashamed" - sentence by sentence translation of what you actually said.

    1 hour ago, Cephalon_Baphoma said:

    OR! We could keep self damage and rework it to be a actual risk reward system.

    Being displaced after a careless shot is a risk. Imagine getting thrown backwards right into the Nulli bubble, off the map or into a field of damage. You're still getting punished, you still have to position yourself properly before you fire, you still lose your DPS/KPS because you're basically out of combat for the duration of the recovery animation. It's just that now the punishment is not as dumb as an insta-kill.

    1 hour ago, Cephalon_Baphoma said:

    It makes no sense for something that explodes to not hurt you in some way.

    It also makes no sense that many things in Warframe have an AoE nature but don't hurt you or your allies. I remember there was a "bug" where Ogris could harm a defense target. That was #*!%ing hilarious, people were mad and it was fixed quickly. Lets makes it so that all of our guns have friendly fire lmao. We should add #*!%ing fall damage while we're at it, I mean, if we get hurt by "impact" from punches, why don't we receive damage from slamming into the ground at extreme velocities? I mean, there is a heavy landing animation, that CAN kill you if you land between a bunch of enemies, but it's not good enough, amirite? We need NUMBERS.

    1 hour ago, Cephalon_Baphoma said:

    I dont understand why people dont want challenge.

    People want challenge, its just that jumping up to the ceiling every time you fire or switching to another weapon is not the challenge we need lmao.

    1 hour ago, Cephalon_Baphoma said:

    The game already struggles with challenging the player, why babify it more?

    Real challenge doesn't come from just getting one-shot by your own gun, even though it can't one-shot a level 60 unit. Good games challenge players with a smart AI, intricate map design and finely tuned player tools, while forcing the player to utilize their tactical thinking, knowledge of the game and physical abilities, such as hearing, sight and reaction time. Does Warframe have any of that?

    • Come on now, how many times did you witness an enemy reload their gun right in front of you without even attempting to run away from you? How many times did you witness an enemy look into a corner instead of firing at you? I've been playing for 6 years and it has been the same braindead AI through all the updates.    
    • The best enemy synergies we have are:
      • Ancient healers giving everyone damage resist
      • Nullies pulling enemies under their bubble
      • Arbi drones with their "NOPE-field"
      • Poor grineer shield dudes that sometimes get 1 or 2 grunts to hide behind them before getting kebabbed by a single shot from a gun with a punch through
    • How many enemies per each faction have unique weakpoints that aren't located above their damn shoudlers?
    • How many enemies are straight up immune to status and cc for some #*!%ing reason, rendering multiple playstyles unviable?
    • Maps are not interactive and can be easily locked down and exploited as long as there are no nullies, as they can outright DELETE your setup, showing how lazy their design is. There is little to no map variation, really, if you've seen the map(tile) once, there is nothing for you to learn when you see it again. Even dynamically changing tiles are limited in that regard.
    • Weapon and warframe balance is just crap. One of the best arguments against self-damage is that many dangerous weapons are outperformed by safe ones, if that wasn't the case more people would support self-damage. Same goes for frames - why bother with an easily countered, energy-hungry, squishy CC frame if you can literally delete everything off the map with 4 other frames? It basically boils down to personal preference alone and at that point no one is wrong or right, since we live in a nice society where I can't call someone a dumbass because I don't like their #*!%head opinion.
    • What's the last time anyone on the dev team mentioned gunplay improvements? Why aren't there more guns with insane recoil as a trade off for insane damage they deal? Why didn't devs add a proper dynamic reticule allowing for better spread display? Why the #*!% do some guns go from 100 accuracy to 16 or 5 while others go down to 30 or 40? Why do weapons like Latron have long ass reload times? Why aren't there more gimmicky movement related weapon mechanics, such as some weapons having higher accuracy during slides or aimglides allowing for interesting setups with things like SMGs and shotguns?
    • There are no advanced synergetic mechanics, such as status-combos or frame-combos(with Gauss being the only one SOMEWHAT capable of that). One fully geared player can take on pretty much anything without breaking a sweat.
    • Even the health/energy "economy" is lacking, since players can easily sustain themselves without requiring supportive frames. Only Oberon with his insta-revive is SOMEWHAT useful, IF you manage to #*!%ing die like a scrub in the first place(which is extremely difficult unless you use #*!%ing Ogris and dont jump before you shoot lmao).
    • Mission objectives are static and exploitable and multiple frames and playstyles were nerfed because of that instead of fixing the root cause.

    What I'm saying is, Warframe is not deep or difficult enough for anyone to claim that they're some kind of pro. Even the "eleete" endurance runners usually just sit in some locked down deadspot of a safe tile and spam GUN while bullet jumping to decrease enemy accuracy. Ain't rocket science - they're simply avoiding enemy oneshots constantly while CCing the map. The game is easy and simple by design - its a power fantasy. Thats why the player retention is so bad. You can only obliterate so many braindead goons before you realize that flashy pew-pews don't get your pp hard no more. Having a collection of guns that kills YOU won't help the situation and it certainly won't make those who use such guns look any cooler or tougher lol.

  13. Make toxic changes, receive toxic responses. You don't double-dip on nerfs and force the entierty of the playerbase to farm a whole additional stack of arcanes unless you're looking for trouble and negativity. Should I drop the game for 3 to 4 months again, since it seems that it usually takes you that amount of time to "go back" on the grind? It happened to Liches and Railjack. Might happen work with arcanes if enough people flee to other games after you pull that one off.

    I welcome the idea of Arcane changes. Getting rid of double-stacking for the sake of diversity sounds amazing. I use some weird builds from time to time and rely on pretty much every piece of equipment available while using some of my loadouts, so being able to use more arcanes is a great change. Meta arcanes getting reasonable nerfs and off-meta ones getting reasonable buffs - even better, even more diversity, more new builds and experiences.

    However, what I see currently doesn't bring me any joy whatsoever. Not only did you straight up nerf some arcanes without buffing other arcanes in the same category to allow players to retain the current level of their functionality, but you also followed it up with a second dip by requiring a whole new set of arcanes to be farmed. It wouldn't be as bad if nerfs at least made sense, for example, Arcane Energize nerf seems reasonable because it is currently an extremely strong arcane for caster frames. But why would you nerf something like Arcane Guardian(proc chance, armor amount) or Arcane Ultimatum(duration)? You're not nerfing enemy damage, you're not boosting our armor, since it is now neutral and has neither weaknesses nor resistances.

    Why the #*!% do we all have to grind for a new set of arcanes to slap on top of the ones we have already. Not everyone is double-stacking and you know that. If you're making arcanes easier to acquire, wouldn't it make more sense to just leave the stack sizes as is and let double-stacking players sell their arcanes? You wouldn't lose anything from that, right? The whole thing feels like another attempt at forcing players to stay in the game through grinding. And it won't help your numbers after the whole Liches and Railjack situation. Saying that it'll be okay because the new event rewards arcanes doesn't score any points with me and instead makes the whole deal look even worse.

    It could be so great, you could tweak the numbers properly, completely revamp certain arcanes and create different ways of experiencing the game through them, but instead we got the usual paper-tested mediocre nerf-sandwich with a "malicious intent" sauce on top.

  14. DE should add an exilus mod that adds 100% damage and grants 100% self-damage. Enjoy exploding yourself because your cat or dolt of a teammate ran in front of you, leave sane people alone. Cheers.

    It's incredibly hilarious to me to see that some try-hards defend self damage by using "skill" as an argument, while also stating that to avoid death you just have to jump. Not everyone is as "hardcore" as you are, Johnny, not everyone wants to jump every time they shoot just to prove to themselves that they have a "skill" in a non-competitive PvE game lmao. Reminds me of that Ninja guy with his tough talk on "Its just a game" argument, meanwhile all he does is play Fortnite. What a #*!%ing meme.

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  15. 8 hours ago, I_AM_JUGS said:

    my idea doesn't add any more buttons than already exist with the current update.

    It's not about just "le buttones". It's about coding. DE have been having problems with " held" melee for YEARS because of that. As a "vet" you should know that much at the very least. One of the recent updates removed "held" charging exactly because DE couldn't solve that very problem.

    Devs also have plans for adding the channeled animoo mode already. And I #*!%ing hope its something better than an idiotic 0-mobility-charge-attack-4.0.

  16. Yeah, its kind of weird to see enemies slowly walk out of it. What makes it even weirder is that it doesn't happen ALL THE TIME. It just happens sometimes. And I also think its weird that enemies that get pulled into Magnetize just fly past it. It feels like there should be a synergy between those skills, not only in terms of cc but also when it comes to energy orbs on kill from Pull.

  17. 2 hours ago, Masakr said:

    Remove selfdamge and everybody and their mother will be running around with some kind of AoE explosive weapon, mindlessly killing hordes of enemies with 0 risk while doing it. Everything that is not AoE will not be used at all, forget about other non AoE weapons cause they will be obsolete. Casuals wett dream yes i can imagine such sh/t show. Keep selfdamage there is no point in removing it except your ego got hurt since you killed yourself.

    The same way they run around with S#&$ like Plasmor, Ignis or literally any other weapon that has decent stats. That argument would make sense if every self damaging weapon was actually capable of higher KPS than any good gun or a barbed stick or a #*!%ing warframe.

    "Casuals wett dream" - you're playing Warframe lmao, it ain't difficult enough to unironically call anyone a "filthy casul". Casual at what? Reading wiki and repeatedly doing the same mission over and over again? All difficulty simply comes out of broken enemy scaling - add a simple fix for that, or better yet, pick a frame like Inaros/Revenant and any #*!%wit is suddenly capable of pulling pro-gamer-moves.

    Is YOUR ego going to get hurt if someone doesn't get obliterated by a gun incapable of killing a level 60 enemy in one shot? Not eleete enough for the turboautism gang? Certainly feels like it. #*!%ing competitive Warframe player, a master of coathanger evasion. 

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