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Posts posted by Viridias

  1. 9 minutes ago, (NSW)Sk0rp1on said:

    My point is that the exact specific way warframe powers work has never been explicit. 

    Void MajiksTM, that's been pretty explicit from about Day One. The "themes" of the different frames apparently serve as a symbolic framework to channel and focus the Immortal Spacekid Wizard mojo. (Margulis apparently eventually worked out that dreams made a decently reliable method for controlling and cultivating the Magic Kid powers so, yeah. Symbols. Laws of Magic.)


    Also there’s a huge amount of inherited knowledge about how powers work in fantasy and superhero fiction. 

    Which is wholly irrelevant since every author makes their own (sometimes intentionally different), as DE now does too. Tropes Are Tools not codified laws.

  2. 1 minute ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

    Did you know Lasers can drop the temperature of a spot to Absolute Zero? Funny considering we are used to seeing lasers being used as high energy/temperature weapons that burn through things.

    Laser cooling (totally not magic guise). Fun stuff but *rather* demands highly controlled conditions and not too applicable on scales above the atomic; for most practical intents and purposes weaponised lasers indeed are simply "heat rays" that dump energy into the target to melt it - or by preference, vaporize bits of it explosively. (WF tending to treat them as puncturing or cutting weapons is... debatable... at best but then this is the same vidya gaem physics where bullets are hitscan and pew pew laz0rs shoot glowy bananas slow enough to evade by stepping aside...)

  3. 1 minute ago, Legion-Shields said:

    Don't tools and machines that are designed to work in extreme temperatures have to be resistant to those extremes to some degree?

    Work in, yes, but that's not what we're talking about here - that'd be something like a probe designed for the sun side of unterraformed Mercury. We're talking about the analog of a blowtorch (or flamethrower) which only needs to be made highly heat-resistant in the parts actually involved in combusting and funneling the burny stuff - the rest of the thing is altogether less robust.

  4. 2 minutes ago, RX-3DR said:

    As for why their abilities don't harm themselves, namely, why wouldn't Ember kill herself from running through her own flames can be chalked up to gameplay reasons to avoid the game becoming a horrible self-kill mess.

    And just because say Ember has the Required Secondary Powers to avoid self-immolation doesn't mean she can also automagically do diddly squat about that blowtorch a Grineer is jamming into her face - the latter not exactly being part of her own powers after all.

  5. 3 minutes ago, (NSW)Sk0rp1on said:

    Says who? I think this really comes down to what the concept of the frames makes you imagine.

    Are the elemental frames like the Human Torch and Mr Freeze, or are they just regular dudes with specialized weapons like Captain Cold and Heat Wave?

    For some people, Ember being more like the human torch makes more sense.

    Pretty sure what 'Frames are made of is spelled out in no uncertain terms in the lore - meaning assorted high-tech materials and bionics, domesticated Infestation and people (though one imagines the Oros switched to blank clones or whatever as soon as the techniques allowed for practical supply-side reasons) - tho. The assorted Void Magic tomfoolery comes from the Operators.

  6. 10 minutes ago, (XB1)RevenantRequiem said:

    Why is this ephemera PC only? Its not okay and gives the PC an unfair advantage over console

    >purely cosmetic effect

    >gives unfair advantage

    not sure if trolling or...

    • Like 5
  7. 28 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    Here's a hint: you're trying to compare apples to oranges. 

    Our economy doesn't have many items with reoccurring demand. 

    Do you know what happens in an economic model where supply is infinite and demand is constantly diminishing? That's what you're asking for. 

    In most MMO economies the demand for any given item per player tends to be more or less limited, sometimes quite sharply so. And as the only thing unusual about WF's is the use of the local real-money currency for transactions between players and the laughable primitiveness of the mechanics thereof I'm quite failing to see what's supposed to make it such a special snowflake orange instead of a pretty standard apple.

  8. 10 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:

    Thats why you carry weapons too...

    At which point what frame you use becomes largely irrelevant unless it has features advantageous to survivability and/or muh deeps in the grossly null-heavy Disruption environment, and dealing with the Demos essentially a pure gear DPS check (with some added luck factor related to how close the bugger gets before someone spots it).

    That sure sounds like a recipe for loadout variety and F U N!!

    This may come as a shock but now that the event's over I personally have zero intention and interest in touching that BS cluster**** of a mode again, BTW.

  9. Somehow every other MMO I've taken a gander at manages to make proper marketplace systems work just fine. WF's soi-disant trading system OTOH is, tbqh, a primitive PoS that belongs in the days of Diablo 2 and Ultima Online and nowhere near the present decade; DE's unwillingness and/or inability to implement an industry-standard marketplace is both a grotesque farce, a major strike against both the game and the developer, and outright questionable given the unit of exchange is as close to Real Moneytm as makes no difference.

  10. 14 minutes ago, DreisterDino said:

    And if you look through some Concepts of Players for Warframes for example, they often add Concept Arts aswell.


    you gotta do some research, collect images and videos that support your point (from other games for example) and put everything together.


    It could be interesting imo because it would make the player think about how Warframe could be, and if many people like and support that idea,

    And this would not be better served in a written format, which in any case is altogether faster and easier to both parse and if necessary reference, how exactly? Full disclosure: I consider videos to be about the worst format possible for presenting just about ANY kind of argument or proposal because of previous.


    did it never happen to you that you have watched a Video about topic or a game of which you never thought it would interest you?

    No. Can't say it did, I've pretty stronk mental filters.


    DE will notice and might think "ok this really seems like a great idea, lets try to do it". My point is - a well made video might help these good ideas become reality.

    Fairly sure this files under "that's not how any of this works" as others have already mentioned...

  11. 25 minutes ago, paul5473 said:

    Look through reddit and pull ideas as reddit and even the forums have loads of ideas

    Pretty sure at that point you'd be waaaaaaay better off composing a post about it here (or on a blog or whatever) rather than rambling about in on video which mostly just sounds like a waste of everybody's time and a great way to lose viewer interest. Again - how would you go about "showcasing" something that isn't in the game in the first place, as is the case with "ideas or concepts from the community" pretty much per definitionem?

    • Like 2
  12. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

    ...so I ask you, based on history,

    Do you think this “partnership” ends well for Alad V?

    Salad Vee is pretty much Poor Career Decisions: The Character but from what I understand he's *already* starting to think it was a bad idea by the time you fight Ropolopo, so at least he's not ENTIRELY blind to past lessons. Mind you the fact that Flappy Bird is there to keep an eye on him in the first place implies the Sents aren't confident they could just take control of his fancy new Amalgams (and/or all of his other junk) if they need to twist his arm for some reason...

  13. 2 hours ago, Lancars said:

    No she was ripped apart by corpus. I'm talking about the corpus will soon be able to make one from scratch.

    Unlikely, given all the downright baroque hoops the Orokin apparently had to jump through to make the things, and would be rather pointless anyway given they don't have Tenno to helm the things. Adapting suitable parts to their own 'bots though? Salad's already been there done that and the mainstream Corpus is already dabbling with integrating reverse-engineered Sentient tech...

  14. 9 hours ago, Loza03 said:

    *Looks at the half-broken windows as standard on Corpus cruisers, with only a manual lockdown in case of decompression*

    They also automatically seal off the compartement until the leak's closed and Corpus peeps apparently about live in their spacesuits while on-ship anyway (the robutts don't much need to breathe as such in the first place). And just think of all the money saved on new windows!

    ...better question is why they bother having those windows at all but procedural tileset generation is rarely a place for rational design sensibilities anyway. >_>

  15. 3 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

    I'm impressed the Corpus have safety procedures to be honest...

    Well living in space you kinda need SOME else everyone is eating hard vacuum in rather short order irrespective of how much they have in the bank. (Jovian atmo is no healthier.) Even if they don't much care about worker safety as such there's an obvious vested interest in keeping all those big expensive spaceships and whatnots from falling apart - and skilled labour generally isn't all that readily replaced.

    Looking at the Ceres shipyard tileset the Grineer would seem to be the ones actually counterproductively lax about such things, what with entire walkways apparently melted through by spills etc there...

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