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Posts posted by NightBlitz

  1. Just now, RazulDarkwood said:

    Because its not exactly random if you know a thing or two about programming you will understand what I mean.

    i do, but people don't understand how it works and what probablity means. they far to often think that if somethign has a 10% chance to drop it has to drop in  like 10 tries, even tho the rolls are independent of each other

  2. in terms of drain per second its super high actually, too much higher and itd be unreasonable to even use for a short time. so no, it isnt too cheap. besides, ember got changed cus she was both "set and forgot" AND  just run through the entire mission afterwards, plus, her cost was never as high as rev's

  3. bugs? they'll always happen, sometimes its on your end tho, validating and optimizing your game files once in a while helps.  others they're either unaware of (they won't know about  them if  only a few people encounter them and never let them know), are being fixed, or they're aware of but can't replicate/find the cause of

    frame balance? will never be perfect, especially when changing them so they aren't so powerful in one instance can  mean they underperform in another they used to do fine in. if you're really concerned about it theres always solo or recruiting. no frame is completely useless, people just look at them that way cus cc is pretty much dead now that people think " the best cc is death" or w/e it is. beside you can't have every frame perform better than all other frames for a role, its impossible with how many frames we have.

    the rest is pretty much entirely you, nothing we can do there except maybe remind you to to just take it easy, it is a game afterall

    oh and that bit about lv100? that cus they don't balance the game for levels past that, you never see them in normal gameplay afterall


  4. I, on the other hand, found it to be worse than the ember/frost/loki one, S3s were horrible to farm, i got maybe 8-9 of them total, despite countless runs of the void sabotage. Never again please, at this point i dont even want to see the void again for a long time... it just reminded me of the hell that was the old void...ugh

  5. sure, it might, but that'll only be if one hasnt been added by the time the game reaches the end of its lifespan, not the cause of it. there is a fundamental issue when it comes to 'endgame' content in warframe tho. due to how the balance is, its not rly possible as the game is atm

  6. 4 minutes ago, EmilotMargus said:

    I mean... I did, it still doesn't change the fact that just quickly changing something is probably not a great idea. Also almost none of the changes you listed in your post are "quick changes" they require a lot of work.

    pretty sure hes being sarcastic. E never once called PoE an open world afterall, that was all players and media. DE called it an open landscape

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