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Posts posted by Calvyr

  1. It's not a really big thing, but I think that changing the interaction to Capture a target or Activate Life Support in Survivals to a channel instead of a locked-in animation would help with survivability. Essentially, the way that it is now, when you interact with either a downed capture target or Life Support tower, you are locked into that animation, but continue to take damage from enemies, making you an easy and defenceless target. My suggestion would be to make it like the Revive animation, where you need to hold the Interact key to complete the action, allowing you to cancel the action if you suddenly come under heavy fire.

  2. To play devil's advocate, and I am a supporter of the individual extraction option for Survivals and Excavations, the Evacuation mission, especially the third one, is significantly more difficult with three players as opposed to four. It's doable, but once the enemies approach sortie level and beyond, missing that fourth player can be a severe handicap, and after the first extraction opportunity, no new players can join.

    With that said, I'd still like to see the option for individual extraction in non-wave based endless missions.

  3. My biggest complaint is actually with the mechanics of the bombs more than with Raptor. I think it would be a lot more intuitive to press the Interact key to drop the bomb down the shaft, rather than the Switch Weapon key. Either that, or make it much more clear. With everything else going on, it's very difficult to figure out first how long you have until the bomb explodes in your hand, and second what key to press to drop it.

  4. I've been thinking about ways to improve Banshee over the last couple of days and I keep coming back to the feeling that her kit is mostly fine, that she really doesn't need a rework, just some tweaking to a couple of her abilities. Specifically Sonic Boom and Silence. I think that adding some duration to both of those abilities would go a long way to improving Banshee's survivability. I'd like to see Sonic Boom keep the knockdown that it currently has, but have a disorientation period after the enemies recover from being knocked down, similar to Inaros' blind. For Silence, I don't think that the ability itself needs to have duration added to it, however its effects on enemies should be increased, similar to the heat proc stun that Ember gets from her World on Fire.

    I think Banshee is fine being squishy, she's certainly not the only one that has that trait, but as great as her CC can be, it's just a little too short to really be effective.

  5. My question is whether this new relic is going to be a consistent sale item from Baro (like the Sands of Inaros quest) or if it's going to be rotating in and out, like all of his other items. I fully expect that it's going to be Baro-exclusive.

  6. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, or if I missed something, but I've been having a problem recently with intermittently not being able to Void Dash in Operator mode. Of course it's always when there's Kuva on its way to the siphon and there are no other players around. It's like I'm out of energy, but it often happens when I haven't been in Operator mode before, or it has been more than long enough to recharge my energy.

    As I said, I don't know if maybe I'm doing something wrong, but it definitely seems to happen often enough when I should have ample energy that it may be a bug.

  7. I want to start by saying that generally, I really like the relic system over the old key system, especially because it gives you more choice in what kind of mission to run to open your relic and it allows for more focused farming by choosing which relic is used. However, I'm finding one big flaw with the system lately and that is finding radshares for anything but the newest, or about to be vaulted relics.

    As an example, I'm currently trying to finish my Spira Prime, one of the few unvaulted primes that I don't have. However, it's nearly impossible to find a group to do that. I know that I can run the radiants on my own and I'll have a better chance to get the blades that I need, but to take full advantage of the system, I should be running in a group that are all running the same radiant to maximize the chances of getting the rare drop. I don't really know what can be done to resolve the situation, but I thought it was worth posting to maybe start a discussion about possible ways to incentivize running older relics. 

  8. The biggest issue with the Mirage Simulor combo is that it isn't fun for anyone else in the squad, because there's nothing for them to do. We can try to get ahead of the Miragulor, but this isn't easy, since, as many people forget, Mirage's passive gives her +25% Bullet Jump speed and +50% Maneuver speed (sprinting is considered a maneuver). Others have mentioned it, and I agree, that you shouldn't have to fight against your teammates to participate in a mission. It's not about getting the most kills or the highest damage, it's about getting any kills. I love when I finish a mission and look at the stats to see them evenly distributed, that tells me everyone contributed and likely enjoyed themselves. I don't like seeing one person, even if it's me, getting all the kills or doing all the damage. There are specific exceptions, like Spy missions where maybe one person just concentrated on vaults, but that's not the discussion.

    When talking about other "cheese" like Snow Globe or Molecular Prime (which I've also seen mentioned in similar discussions), the big difference is that those types of abilities allow other players to participate, whereas things like Miragulor, WoF Ember, Maim Equinox, as well as others, take the opportunity to participate away from other players. In a co-op PvE game, that's bad. In short, "cheese" that allows participation is fine because it's still fun for others, "cheese" that removes participation is bad because it's only fun for the "cheeser".

    Personally, I used to play on public most of the time, but lately I've switched to solo for most cases except sorties and fissure grinding due to the prevalence of Miragulors and other loadouts that suck the fun out of the game for me. And even when I do go public, I will often quit out of a mission where I see a Mirage, Ember or Equinox, simply because I know my chances of enjoying that mission are low. That makes me sad, and has seen me playing the game less lately. Hopefully DE finds a way to balance out some of these things to encourage more group play rather than "solo + 3" as I call it.

  9. I'll keep this fairly short so I can get back to playing this amazing frame, but simply put, I'm loving Nidus. The synergy within his kit is phenomenal, making all of his powers work together to make a nearly unstoppable frame. Provided that you understand how his skills work and interact with each other, it's very easy to ramp up his power and survivability very quickly. It takes a little practice, but it's not hard to figure out. That's probably my favourite thing about Nidus, the fact that he's not a one trick pony and that in fact, to really unlock his power, you need to use all of his skills. Sure, you can get by with just spamming Virulence, adding in Larva if you're adventurous, but if you restrict yourself like that, you're really missing out.

    Thank you DE, for what I consider to be one of, if not the best designed frames in the game.

  10. Well, I will admit that I think DE has done good work today. When I was playing this morning, I was frustrated, and aggravated, and just threw my hands up in the air, deciding to spend the day playing on a friend's new Minecraft server. After relaxing for the day, I came back to see if there were any further changes made to Infested Salvage, and I was pleasantly surprised. In just three runs this evening, I was able to get the two Nidus parts that I was missing (Systems and Chassis), and as a bonus, on those same runs I got Axi E1 relics on the B rotation. I'm happy to say that I think DE has done well adjusting this mode, and I may even play it when I don't have to. Now to farm the Kuva I'll need in 12 hours to start building Nidus.

  11. 6 hours ago, Yorinar said:

    I understand you, believe me.  This is the F2P business model, though.  You can spend $5 and buy the frame outright (or however much it costs), or you can grind 30 hours to get it for free.  To save $5, you work at wages that would make even third-world child labor factories blush.

    First, this is the only frame that we have to deal with this nonsense with. Second, given that Nidus is 225p, it's more like $15 than $5, and that's still not the point, see point #1.

    The thing is that until now, I haven't really been bothered by any grinding in Warframe, because it has generally been fun. This new game modes, with all of the bugs and flaws in it though, just isn't fun. If they fix the game mode so it isn't so aggravating, and lose the crappy drops from what should be the Nidus rotation, then I'm okay with. They can also get rid of the hologram map too, but I guess if they fix the spawns and drop rates, that map wouldn't be so bad.

  12. 54 minutes ago, UvBenServed said:

    It's not even the drop rate of the Nidus parts that bothers me so much as it's the other terrible rewards on rotation C. I mean seriously, at least the other rotations drop relics fairly regularly. But once people are done farming Nidus, who's gonna stay til rotation C for a Vital Sense, Stretch, or 80 endo?

    Nobody. As soon as I have the parts that I need, I will very happily turn my back on this game mode until they fix it.

    Edit: In fact, I'm done playing this mode, and possibly Warframe, until it's fixed. The fact that we have to go through this to receive crappy, low level mods instead of the parts that we're actually after is insulting. I've been frustrated by drop rates of parts before, but never felt insulted the way I do now.

  13. 10 minutes ago, Nurmetya said:

    You know back in the day when Banshee was a defense reward she was a guaranteed at wave 20 "Congrats! Here's your banshee piece. please try again."

    Well now we have Nidus in the same position and its more like this "Here's 80 endo. Go away and do it again.", okay so I do it again "Oh? You came back? Well here's another 80 endo.....what I gave you something now go away and do it again." and I stupidly do it again and get a  "Really now? 160 endo wasn't enough? You want more? Well okay then here's another 80 endo."  I didn't do it again probably never will. 

    As aggravating as getting 80 Endo is, I'd take that over a Stretch or Metal Auger mod. This whole thing is so infuriating. The spawns are still broken, the hologram map is trash, the drop rate of serum is still too low, and the whole idea of having to do this nonsense to get pieces for Nidus is beyond me. If they're going to make us do this to get the frame, we should actually get the frame. Considering how long each run takes in comparison to a boss run, I really can't fathom what DE were thinking. I can do a normal boss run in under 5 minutes and I'm guaranteed to get a part, even if it isn't the one I need, it's still a part. This nonsense, however, you could run it 50 times and not actually get a single part. And I refuse to pay for Nidus with platinum. There is no justification for it, so I will not do it.

    DE, PLEASE, fix this. I'm losing a lot of faith here.

  14. I'd still like to see the bubbles on the vaporizers not decrease in size between rounds. I don't know if it was because we had a Saryn that constantly had a Molt up on one point in the Salvage I just ran, but nearly all of the spawns were going to that point. Another point was getting a trickle of enemies, and the third point might have had a dozen or so enemies come to it over the course of 4 rounds. It's manageable, but would be better if there was a way to actually even out the spawns, rather than having them all go to the same point. The drop rate for the serum also still seems a little low in a 4 player group, but it's manageable. The game mode is improved, but still not what I'd call fun, and as soon as I have all of my Nidus parts, I'll be happy to say goodbye to it, just like the Rathuum and Index arenas.

  15. I'm generally pretty supportive of DE, and I try not to be too negative when it comes to feedback, but I have to say honestly that I was really disappointed with The Glast Gambit. Now, when I say that, I don't mean entirely, but mostly. The first mission in the quest was neat, with the doors closing and protecting the technician while they were closing. And I don't even mind the first round of The Index. But that got old fast. Essentially, this questline was one interesting mission, followed by 3 rounds of Index, then a spy mission, and finally one more round of Index. I was really hoping for something more interesting. I didn't expect it to be another Second Dream or War Within, but what it is just isn't all that interesting, in my opinion, especially compared to other Warframe quests like Sands of Inaros or The Silver Grove, for example. I won't go into getting the remainder of the pieces for Nidus, but to say that I'm unsatisfied with that would be an understatement. I'm tempted to just buy Nidus, rather than grind for him, but I refuse to spend my plat on a frame that I should be able to get through similar means to every other frame.

    Overall, The Glast Gambit is a disappointment for me, with little to no redeeming aspects to it, which is very rare.

  16. I've seen people commenting on the map, which I gather there are at least two different ones. I've only played the mission twice and been on the same map both times. The map I've played is fine; there is the central point, then three terminals spread out in a triangle around them. You can pretty much bullet jump from one terminal to the other, so moving between them isn't terrible. From what I've seen though, the other map has multiple levels, which just sounds horrible to me. This mode is hectic enough without having to contend with moving up or down levels to move between points, since Infested tilesets are notoriously easy to get lost on.

    Edit: I've now tried the other map and agree with the feedback I've seen, it's not fun. And for my trouble, I got a Stretch mod. So I'm done with farming Nidus. Plain and simple, in its current state, Infested Salvage isn't fun, and the rewards aren't worth the frustration.

  17. I've done this mission twice now. The first time was with a group and we didn't even get enough drops to finish the first round. On my second attempt, I went solo with Nekros and was able to complete 4 rounds, for which I was rewarded 80 Endo. I died once through the mission, and noticed a significant difference in the amount of antiserum that was dropping when I didn't have Desecrate running. I also feel like the amount of damage that you take when outside the bubble is a little too much. I'm fine with taking damage, but if you're moving from a bubble to a console without a bubble and get snagged by an Ancient, it's entirely possible that you'll die before you get up. I think this is an interesting idea for a game mode, that would actually be pretty fun with some tweaks to drop rates for groups and damage numbers.

    Also, for the time being, I think that they should increase the drop chance of Nidus parts. I know that they want to include other items in the drop table to encourage people to play the mode after they have Nidus, but right now, that's the only reason people are playing it. Down the road, however, having Nidus in this drop table is actually likely to bite them in the &#! because people won't want to run it with the drop table diluted with Warframe parts. I would be good with running this mode to farm relics, but if there's a good chance that I'm going to end up with parts for a Warframe that I already have, I'm more likely to go back to Hieracon. That's why you don't tend to see people running boss missions once they have the parts for that frame, unless they're helping a friend.

  18. Just now, AhmadIvu said:

    I know but so far I have heard Queen Rebecca mentioning that they are thinking of a special ayatan sculpture to add into the sortie reward list which can solve both 2K & 4k endo problem for good. I hope you haven't missed that episode, do you!

    I haven't heard anything about that, and I don't think I've missed a devstream in at least 6 months. Maybe you can enlighten me.

  19. 8 minutes ago, AhmadIvu said:

    > Please for the love of GOD remove the 2K endos from all sortie seasons for the lifetime of warframe, instead add your already planned special type ayatan sculpture which will surely help players get the endos you intend to help them with. With this change you will also get the chance to remove the 4K endo, well that's completely upto you.

    2 things here: 1. Ayatan Sculptures are already in the game; 2. Only one of them (Orta) rewards more than 2000 Endo when turned in. The rest not only reward less than 2000 Endo, but they all require credits to turn in.

  20. I'm not shy about the fact that I'll quit a mission with a Simulor Mirage in it, for two reasons. 1. I like to actually play the game, not just run through a level; and 2. I can't stand the sound of that constant "blounse" sound as they spam the fire button. I'm almost to the point that I'll quit any mission with a Simulor in it all, but not quite.

    What that boils down to is that it isn't fun, and I'm not going to waste my time playing something that isn't fun.

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