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Posts posted by W3zeer

  1. I dread the day we get a large disposition tweak. Having Rivens loosing their disposition on which you spend tens of thousands of Kuva just because other ppl are using that gun aswell...I think I'd be seriously pissed about all the time I spend farming that stupid Kuva. That's why I kept my investment into Rivens to a minimum, but still... a system which will flush ppls time investment down the toilett is a bad system. Not only bad but maybe the worst. And that from the company that claims it can't change absurd ressource requirements because of a few ppl that sucked it up (yeah, haven't forgotten the blatant Hema-Lie yet ;) ). If rivens are to stay, they need to be there in a way that ppl can trust that their time spend will still mean something in the future.

  2. vor 5 Stunden schrieb DeadlyCreation:

    i mean - who doesnt like wielding a big ass anime sword?

    Me. If I had to choose between that kind of ridiculous weapon design or the removal of range mods, I'd choose to trash the mods without hesitation. And for the most part I don't even see the issue, usually you don't have the time or line of sight to even see the enemies getting hit by thin air. Weapon sizes in warframe are already far to big to be considered realistic. With war or galatine to a point where you have to ask yourself why warframes need weapons at all, because of the sheer strength and mass a frame needs to have to wield those monsters. But I know, that's a problem in all "fanatsy" settings, but no need to make it even worse.

  3. I'm more annoyed that's is just another rush as fast as you can fight. It absolutly fails to feel epic if the only goal is to kill as many as possible in a single night to get a look at the end of mission screen as often as possible. All three fights are exactly the same, a light show with no real mechanics. Tried it, was bored, can't be lured in with arcanes I don't need. We're OP already.

  4. Am 7.4.2018 um 21:06 schrieb SlicerGT:

    Honestly, i prefer old mechanic (and its cool visual effects), but your suggestion sounds really good too.

    "Cool visual effect" is very subjective. For me the game already has enough visual pollution and I was glad when that was gone. Have you ever seen what a Volt of a Eternal War Valkyr could do with that thing? Maybe I worded that wrongly because you sure weren't able to *see* anything anymore. I understand where you come from, I occasionally used in for syndicate missions (solo!) to get rid of containers fast, but I'm not sad they're gone ;).

  5. vor 46 Minuten schrieb Maka.Bones:

    Dude, I agree with you... and that's why i'm going to ask: have you read the entire post? lol

    I've actually put a lot of effort into making it easy to read (despite it being long) so pls read it lol. It'll be worth it, I promise ;)

    But as far as your argument about synergies.... Mag's magnetize used to hold prism in the bubble, and they nerfed that.... SO yeah.... synergies are still susceptible to nerfs. Even though it's less of a concern. 

    Yes I did read it and what I took from it was that you seem to be worried about certain strong playstyles being targeted by the developers. But I simply disagree with the notion that we have to "hide our playstyle". Some frames will always be better at some things than others. Frost is has been the master of defense for a very long time now, f.e. It seems ppl think that DE is targeting everything that is strong and effective, but that's not what I saw in their rebalancings. I'm not white knight at all, I've posted my fair share of critizism, but their attempt of balancing is not part of what I can critique. They don't attempt to kill the players fun with that, they are trying to make sure we have a variety of options. It's up to debate if that always works, but that's what they are trying to do. The nerfs were well deserved, they were not just highly efficient ways of playing through mastery of the game, they were easy no-risk-high-reward machanisms that were far superior to everything someone who actually put a lot of effort in his stuff could hope to achieve without them.

    Your new gamemodes seemed not to be too serious suggestions ;). I'd love to have the Clem-Mode though ;). Besides that, I don't think we should have too many gamemodes, it would take away to much development time from the problems that actually need to be fixed.

  6. tbh combos are hardly the problem. Ppl complain about individuals who are able to clear all the enemies before the rest of the team can even take a shot at them. And that is their right in a supposed coop-game. I know, many ppl don't want to actually play the game anymore but are satisfied to look at the end of mission screen as soon as possible, but there are still old-school players like me out there who get their fun from actually doing something, instead of just picking stuff up. So nerfs are definetly a neccessary way of balancing players satisfaction, if it's too easy to remove your 3 teammates from participating, your game is in trouble. What you described is not the same though. Synergies from team effort are not in that league I was talking about. And they have not been targeted that much. And rightfully so. For that to happen you actually have to play as a team, which is kind of the goal of the game. Sure it's staring to drift in the same category when 2 ppl can shut down the other 2. But as those synergies don't tend to happen that much in public matches, so I don't see that as much of a problem as the solo-heroes. Imagine what they would have done to Trinity by now, if they did not like synergies ;)

  7. A few months ago DE changed the generator to get less endless-type missions, so that's why we have spy and rescue every day now. Problem is the community can't be bothered to play the game anymore, everything that's interesting to the majority is looking and the end-of-mission-screen ;)

  8. Their damage output certainly is broken, especially with hit-scan-weaponry. But before we talk about making it easier to shoot them down, we should start making shooting down the transporters do anything at all. Because as it is right now, it's absolutly good for nothing to kill the transporters, no matter if they're full or empty. They'll just respawn almost instantaneously. But yes, their armor and health is absolutly messed up aswell. Good thing DE already acknowledged that armor scaling is a problem... oh no wait, that was two years ago ;)

  9. Took me a good hour to complete it, until I used a fish(oil)-wing. after a few more tries I got it, but I totally agree, this challenge is the worst currently there, due to a bad spawnrate. In general I dislike the high number of PoE challenges compared to others, seeing that the plains are only a really small part of the game.

  10. tbh I'd like an AI fix much more than just increasing level. And with that a limit to enemy damage and armor scaling. Grineer will never be that challenging as you can shut them down completly with CC. Works also on infested, although to a lesser degree. High level corpus are bs and noone ever plays them :D. It would also be nice to see a fix to the currently broken shooting vs melee effectivness ratio. Sure, there are many guns that can kill very high level enemies. but they do not scale nearly as well as melee weapons. But that's not even the point. The problem is that melee weapons do not have reload times, and the current meta of spin-to-win-whips has insane range, so that would be your average players go-to choice of weapon, again. So what I'm trying to say is, while adding higher level content to the game would seem like the logical approach for adding more challenge, in reallity I fear you would not notice that much of a difference. At least I do not in Sorties. Everyone just brings his nuke-equipment with him, and it's the same run-through-as-fast-as-you-can-game as anything else. Challenge can only come from smarter enemies or harder to perform mechanics. one-shots are okay, i they are telegraphed and can be dodged with skill. Warframe lacks that entirely, enemies just use swarm tatctics and hitscan weapons + infinittly scaling damage. So my plea would be to work on that before adding another feature that I do not think will change the way we play the game in any way.

  11. vor 23 Stunden schrieb Bibliothekar:

    Oh, but there is. Operator can remove resistances from Sentients and Shadow Stalker, putting away with the requirement to switch weapons (or even carry weapons with different elemental loadouts).

    Only in case I don't bring my powerful weapons. WIth a Tigris Prime or an Opticor, the Shadow Stalker wont move a single step before he's dead. Especially if you have a Mag. Sentinets pretty much the same. But okay, I'll give you that, as I indeed used it myself in the past ;). Still not convinced of operator gameplay as it is now though ;)

  12. vor 7 Stunden schrieb Yetiquatch:

    1) I bet you a billion dollars that you use Zenurik's energizing dash at the start of every mission. (If you say you use energy drops instead...why?... that's just absurd...)

    2) When your teammate is bleeding out in a cloud of toxic gas... I bet you switch to operator and revive them in void mode.

    I agree that their uses are niche at the moment... but I trust DE to make them more fun and useful over time. I enjoy the concept of switching to a "space wizard" mode to fire off a couple of high impact spells I prepared for that mission (much like you would choose your load out). I still have hope that the operators could be fun and useful additions to warframe gameplay not replace it (like you all think DE is trying to do) If they built operators to be more like another type of equipment that you could choose how to use in a mission they would be a lot better (like how pets/sentinels are)

    You on the other hand seem like a salty vet who would only be happy if DE nuked the entire game and they go back to the old stale version of the game from 4 years ago that most of us tried... then quit... I'm glad I came back... and kudos to you for sticking with it... but don't be a salty hag about it.

    3) The new Hunter Mod (can't remember which one... the slash proc every time you crit one) IS BROKEN AF!!! even the worst weapons in the game if built for at least a little crit can now take out lvl 100+ enemies with a fraction of the effort it used to take... and primaries that were already good? EVEN BETTER! you're missing out if you don't pick that up... guess ill make 100 or more plat off of people like you after the event ends selling the mod to you when you realize just how broken it is.

    4) The loot system is stupid... you right on that one....

    In conclusion: Grow up man, if you are going to complain at least give some good criticism. But the OP doesn't even do that, you just whine like a kid who didn't get the candy he wanted in his huge bag of Halloween candy.   Its sad that my respect for the vets is always ruined by people like you.

    Well, your 1) is actually a thing that already annoys the crap out of me. Ofc we start our mission by activation the Operator. Great for spoilers when you play with beginners. Also I hate the jump into a bubble every 30 seconds mechanic. I stick to rage build frames now. Which also brings me to your second point. I have not done that move yet. I just tank through that toxin or have my squadmate crawl out of it. If they don't care to make my life easier when reviving them, they deserve to use a revive. And quite frankly, I have literally no trust in DE to make that system any fun anytime soon. We have so many broken things in the game in need of a rework. Stuff that just have gotten a rework wont get anything big for a long time in my experience. Also, I don't really get the point of fireing a few "high impact bolts". If an Operator lacks one thing even more than survivability, it's damage output. There is not a single situation where you'd want to engage the enemy with your Operator rather than with your Warframe and your weapons. Not only is their attack pathetially weak, you also make sure your frame ends up in a bad situation. Sure, your Frame might be invulnerable now as long as your operator is active, but your Sentinel is not. And it does not help that your frame is also untargetable, because your Sentinel is. So you well be either already be shot at when you switch back, because you now catch the bullets aimed at your Sentinel, or you'll already be on fire due to the abundance of Napalms and Hyekka Masters, or standing in toxin or sapping Osprey circles, spelling instant death on very high levels. And what you do in the end is really weak. Attacking the personality of your opponents on things you make up on the spot, rather than what he says. Really the worst form of arguing. Guess which ppl are more important for the game: Those that stuck around for the entire time and went through the bad times, while giving feedback or those who left and came back when they found enjoyment for a little while again? Guess which kind of ppl are more likley to stick around for the future? So step off your high horse and keep this here objectivley.

  13. vor 10 Stunden schrieb (PS4)XxDarkyanxX:

    5. I'll pass on the melee weapon spam everytime I try to quick-close the "You caught a fish" tab

    That seems to be a console specific problem though ;). I'd love to be able to dispatch of the Grineer Fish Protection Squads without having to unequip my Harpoon. because every time you do, you prevent the spawning of fishies, as they only do that if you have your spear equipped. Feels totally natural ;). Also the range of the Dye is indeed quite short, I usually spot the fish far before they are highlighted and am left wondering why I even bothered with using it. Another thing I would love it would be changed is having the spears to be upgrades to each other. It's simply a QoL thing not having to switch spears all the time. I already achieve that with Volts passive, but I fear that will be removed at one point :).

  14. Am 10.11.2017 um 05:17 schrieb krc473:

    But Nef does not need to win.

    You paid your credits as a bet. In real gambling, you pay the money upfront and hope to get a prize. Your credits are with him when you start.

    You then did too well. Nef backs out and keeps (steals) your credits (because he had them anyway, not you).

    I want  an option to sue him then! Spacemom, I need the number of a space-lawyer!

  15. Am 12.11.2017 um 09:25 schrieb Terrornaut:

    I feel that DE does not respect our time (and thus us) anymore with this update.

    Well it certainly looks like they're trying to spread the new content over an extended period to cover the fact how little actual new things we actually got. To be clear: I'm not saying I wanted PoE to be the super-duper huge completly game changing addon. I understand that DE does not have the manpower of the largest studios. I'm just not a fan of having to do the same stuff so often, you don't feel any progress while taking each step. If it had been possible to get everything the update provides (not talking about all focus unlocks, those can take a while longer in my opinion) within a few weeks of casual gameplay, I would have said the update was great. And i'd have looked forward to the next, while doing stuff I have fun doing. But with this extremly repetetive gameplay we have now, where you have to farm with no end, i can't be bothered with going to the plains anymore. I don't care for anything there anymore, it's the most boring part of the game for me. Please let there be an option to help the infested to destroy cetus, because I'd give anything to get Konzu killed for his refusal to give me anything useful for my time.

  16. Well, it doesn't make sense at all that you loose your credits when you won with too many points. Sure, Nef Anyo wont continue the game, but you still won and should take the bank. But since the quest can't end at that point we have to assume all that never happened and you should have a balance of 0, because in no alternate realitiy did Neffy win. Balance should be 0 in that case, it's punishment enough to have to play that boring mission again (and again and again and again, because even if you do it, there's plenty more Index in that quest).

  17. If you speak german, the threads title gets even more true ;).

    But more on the topic, the problem is that the entire game has become so extremly DARK. even with high light settings I barley see anything in dark areas or at night. At this point I have to wonder why the orokin installed such bad optical receptors in their warframes. Grineer have no trouble spotting me, while I stumble blindly through my mission. And that problem leads us players to turn up brightness and then the void looks like it does on your screenshots ;). You can return it to standard value and the void will look better again, but you'll be blind again once a lightbulb isn't working properly somewehere.

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