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Posts posted by W3zeer

  1. This one happend during the Sorties. After falling through the ground repeatedly, after calling my Operator, I lost my Warframe and was only able to play my Operator anymore. I couldn't switch back and when I lost my Health I entered Bleedout, one time the timer ran out, I lost a life and respawned...again as my Operator. Actually a funny bug, but I guess mostly because my friends didn't really need my help to win the mission. But falling to the outside of the map still happens a bit too often to feel safe when using your operator ;)




    PS: If only Void-Beam was a secondary :D

  2. The new endless system is definetly an improvement and makes me stay longer in those missions. But the drop rate for reactant needs to be improved significantly. Just did two Lith Interceptions, the first in a group in which we managed to get 10/10 but only at the very last minute. I tried to solo it and only got to 8/10, just not enough enemies to kill. I thought the difficulty is supposed to come from the mission, not the drop rate.

  3. You did read the entire post, did you? She has cc capability, you cannot deny that. I admit it is not as powerful as that of real cc-frames, but it does a lot more damage while doing so. And she also restores your shields, might not be too important right now, as shields suffer reduced usefulness in higher level content, but as DE stated they are getting a rework you might one day find yourself thanking a Mag for saving you. Might already have happend. Polarize also does not only strip armor it also does a ton of damage against grineer. And she does not only pull your teammates bullets, she also protects you from enemy fire. Besides, while you lower their DPS you actually increase your groups DPS but I guess many ppl don't like that Mag is "stealing" their kills. If you're a teamplayer I'm sure you know that's a flawed argument.

    And to the point that every single frame has to be the best... well, I guess you only want 4 frames in the game then. There aren't that many roles to fill, their abilities have to overlap. Different frames accomodate different playstyles. Some ppl do far better with "inferior" frames than most who use those that are favoured by you. Skill comes to play when you use the tool that is not the best by default and still achieve your goal.

    Which brings me to the last point:Balancing a game around something almost noone does means you're doing it wrong. And DE seems to agree when they say you aren't supposed to go that far. And stating that staying over an hour brings any sort of challenge is plain wrong. Done it and got bored, because you just use a setup that does not allow you to loose. You don't even get hit. Besides having to stay over an hour before you "fun" begins sounds not rewarding, I'd like my mission to be designed that they are a challenge right from the start and I hope that's where the game is going. And that means a lot of rebalancing/ nerfs, but I'd be perfectly fine with that if it means I get missions that I could actually fail. I don't want to bragg how I stayed in survival for hours and hours, smashing the same button, never even getting close to getting challenged. If you balance the way you want, around killing lvl 300+ enemies, then you can remove the entire rest of the content an with it loose your playerbase.

  4. So much hate on Mag, did she cheat on you or something? :D

    If you don't think she's powerful or brings utility to the team, you really are doing something wrong. In Grineer Sorties it's almost impossible to outdamage a well played Mag, she'd do even better if she had a little bit more energy. And the Room-Armor-Stripping is great for the team. Crush may not be the strongest ability around, but in a team, it keeps enemies in place and makes them very easy targets for your teammates, spelling instant death for all of them while preventing them for shooting at you. Her bubbles act as an area denial and cover all at once with the great finish of a nuke when it wears off. Pull is more of an emergency CC, it is indeed outshined by most other CCs as it only affects targets for a very short time. On the other hand it can still help a great deal in interceptions. The frame has changed, she doesn't blow up corpus left and right anymore, but she has become a lot more versatile, I find use in all of her abilities. Ofc you can find frames that do almost each specific task better, but you can say that just about any frame. She does not kill as much as Ash or provide the CC of Nova or Nyx, but do you really need every single frame to be best? To be able to oneshot the entire map? Because it sounds to me like that is what you want. There is no value in balancing the game for 2h survivals, how big is the part of the playerbase who stays that long in missions anyway? If you do that you trivialize 99% of the content to a point were you can do sorties sleeping. They are already far to easy with OP AoE weapons and abilities, no need for teamplay at all. In her current state, Mag is not the specialized go-to frame for a very specific task, but she can fill a lot of roles and is always of help to her team, if she is played correctly. And she does it without making the rest of the team wonder why the hell the match was set to public, like when you're playing with a Simulor-Mirage or Button-4-Smasher-Ash.

  5. Thanks for the responses and the provided Link. Unfortunatly this issue will not be resolved, funnily enough one of the points is, it would require a successful mission in order to restore lost items. Which is completly impossible in a bugged mission, so yeah, very helpful. I don't feel like getting back to grinding, feels like wasted time. I wish you good luck and fun with the game, I lost mine.

  6. Here's my Tenno-Girlfriend's (online under the name tsoa :) ) and my entry:

    I was preparing some Halloween Dinner, while two sneaky Infested tried to attack us. Luckily for us, our brave Kavats were there to defend us!










    Disclaimer: No Kavats, Kittens or Infested were harmed in the making of these pictures ;)

  7. Have to write that in Feedback as I can, for some unknown reason, not post in the bug section. But well it's also kind of Feedback.

    So I played the Invasion on Ludi and got, after completing the sabotage, attacked by Zanuka. killed it and it dropped the Detron BP and Receiver, the only Parts I was still missing. Too bad the console to open the Blastdoor was INSIDE the wall. Mission failed, got nothing. That was not the first time I lost something that needs some nice grinding to get. Really, I'm pissed off now, you can only make insanly low drop chances if there isn't the constant risk of loosing the stuff to a bug. Atm I have no intention of continuing this game, at MR 21 and well above 1000 ingame hours.

  8. 2 hours ago, LuckyCharm said:

    It's more that I run 90% of missions solo and refuse to scan anything since I never have room for kinetic traps and I'm not usually invis since I play nezha. So if they run into me they get killed since I can't lock them down for scans, and I don't like leaving things to shoot me in the back. 

    Why would I ever want them to be immortal in that case? 

    Either way though I have been stopped in enough missions waiting for some annoyance to catch up since they'd run miles out of the way instead of sticking with the group actually completing the mission. Scan in your own solo games. 

    How do you even get targets from Simaris if you don't want to scan? It's not like he forces you to scan. And they also flee from you, so no need to kill them. In group content I have no problem helping others with scanning, thus I'd be totally okay with unkillable targets. And "sticking with the group" to complete the mission... we both know that's a joke right? you don't need a group in this game, ever. In 99% of group content you have at least one guy running ahead and killing everything while doing it with OP AoE weapons and powers. So let ppl at least something to do besides opening crates if they don't want to compete with you to get all the kills, even if it means waiting a few seconds at the exit.

  9. well it's supposed to be a co-op game. "go in solo" is a bad solution. playing with a full group makes it next to impossible to ensure that everyone reaches his goal. sorry, very bad game design. I'm actually pretty tired of having to play everything solo. The event could be fun if it would support teamplay a little bit better.

  10. Well, I for one have to agree with the op. At least it should not exist in its current form. All "group-conten" has become is doing nothing and run behind someone with a crazy overpowered aoe weapon, even in sorties. Or use one yourself. Or counter it with kill-anything-in-range warframe poweres. It almost feels as if you're not playing against a common enemy, but against your fellow tenno in a desperate struggle to get some kills, i.e. something to do. I don't really know why aeo weapons need greater single-target-dps than slow-fireing non-aoe weapons but it does not really make sense to me. I avoid most group-content now, as you can easily do any kind of mission on your own (even with a non simulor or tonkor loadout ;) ) because I'm a bit tired of that sort of gameplay. You don't have to agree with me ofc, if it's your goal to play each mission just as fast as possible then I understand you want to keep everything as it is. But I never understood why I should play a game by actually not playing it. And the Simulor definetly gives me that feeling, you don't even see most of your enemies, because they're already dead when you enter the room. This might be ok for low level missions, but it's no difference in sorties. Ppl complain they have no challenge anymore because the change in endless missions but want to keep stuff that eliminates all challenge in the content we have, sometimes I really don't understand the community. Getting your challenge from the start of a mission seems more favourable to me than staying 2h in a survival until the enemies finally became so strong you can't oneshot them anymore.

    Long story short: In my opinion aeo weapons should not be that stong that you can kill everything in top-tier content by just passing by, or you remove every bit of challenge and the "co-op"-idea. Not using it is no solution and, sorry for that, an absolute useless suggestion, when every group you find consits of at least one guy using it, leaving you with nothing to do but open chests.

  11. If the Carrier could have just stayed the same this would have been a QoL improvement. The new Carrier precept is completly useless, it's just too easy to craft a few ammo restores and never have to worry, even with really ammo-consuming weapons. Running around and picking stuff up should not be the main content of this game. Surivaval missions with a group of 4 already gave you enough of that, now I think I will avoid doing group content. And I will still not use any other sentinel. All their abilities are nothing in a fight against high-level enemies, you don't need them. The one thing they really made easier was picking up the hundreds of items you need to collect in a single game.

  12. Yay, more running around and collecting stuff instead of actual playing. As if it wasn't enough that we already got more and more items the carrier couldn't pick up (reactant, ayatan stars). Reducing QoL will really make ppl enjoy the game ;)

  13. Sounds like a very good idea to me. I don't see how this would make anyone overpowered. Sure, you can adapt in advance to the challenges you will face, but anyone who can afford to multi-forma his gear could easily own several weapons of the same kind with different formas on it, if it would really make that much of a difference. I would say it would indeed be a reason to not go only for the strongest polarity-option available, but to also have loadouts that could be different or more supportive to your team. As it is now, you want your gear modded in a way that you can pretty much do anything by yourself because if you're not in a well balanced team and you don't have that kind of gear, you are useless. And if you don't want your arsenal filled with 5 times the same weapon just for different polarities, you will only own the strongest loadout. Being able to switch polarities on the same slot by using multible formas would allow you to easily change your role in the group and a lot more fun with more options. At least that's my opinion :)

  14. 7 hours ago, (XB1)LAZYNOOB2015 said:

    I can agree on some things with people about 2.0 like have traces drop in the void instead of getting 6 for doing a fissure but things like "Not enough reactant spawns because the enemies stop spawning" is not true. I've played alot of fissures and not once have I left without enough reactant. Crossfire gives me enough about halfway through. I usually have enough before the end of the mission. I see people typing about allowing reactant to be obtained by Carriers Vacuum and I agree.

    Sorry, but only because you were lucky does not invalidate the experience of many others. Lith exterminates on earth only feature 30+ enemies at times and there is no way to finish them successfully. I agree it's not a huge issue, 99% of fissures work quite well, but it can happen and is annoying when it does ;)

  15. 4 hours ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

    The Tonkor got nerfed enough already. Leave it as it is. I keep asking my self how much crying will happen on the forums when a MR12+ launcher shows up.

    Secura Penta? ;) Well, but noone uses it, because self-damage. I really like steelblueskies idea though, best I heared so far concerning the launcher issues :)

  16. 44 minutes ago, Mattoropael said:

    It doesn't.

    I don't go around and complain about the teammates being unable to keep up with me, unlike Simulor/Bladestorm/WoF/<Insert trash mob quick-clearing weapon/ability> complainers who keep saying people are too fast for their taste.

    Usually rushers don't react kind when they have to wait at the exit when someone else tries to get his 30 kills or something for the affinity thing ;). but the statement still stands, why even group? The time you need for a mission does not change a bit, no matter how many players you bring. Don't get me wrong I use that stuff too, but I don't bring it to teamplay. It's simply no fun having nothing to shoot at. WoF isn't on the same level as the others, its damage falls of quickly, but the simulor and bladestorm trivialize even sorties to a degree where it's just rushing through. Sorry, but that stuff does not fit into group-oriented content.

  17. On 6.9.2016 at 4:21 PM, Mattoropael said:

    That's your definition of fun. You don't go around and try to enforce it on a bunch of random people who have absolutely no obligation to follow your vision of fun, and you will run into people who don't share it.

    That comment works both ways though. If you just want to run through missions as quickly as possible, play them solo or don't complain about someone staying behind. If you play thinking you don't need squad members, don't group with them ;)

  18. The most important thing still does not work, and that is the problem that in some missions there is simply not enough reactant. Happens a lot in Lith exterminates, but also had it in sabotage missions that just no more enemies spawned. That might be prevented if a fixed number of corrupted that WILL drop reactant is spawned at the beginning of each mission, but there should be a lot more solutions to that problem.

  19. I have to agree with most ppl here. I can't say this event was even close to fun. Sorry, but it's just frustrating. I'm also one of the guys who did not get Argon Scope. I don't really use Assault Rifles, so in the end it's not too much of a loss in actual usefulness, but the fact alone that it was not possible to get this thing, although I grinded that Boss more than enough (at least in my opinion 39 Kills should suffice), makes this whole thing nothing but frustrating. I wonder if DE even reads their own statements when they put out events. They acknowledge that enemy-scaling was broken, we get rathuum. They say they know ppl are tired of grinding, we get this thing. You can only make ppl grind stuff if they have the feeling they will get rewarded in the end. For those mods, the chance is gone, we sit on a ton of useless mods now, and at least my motivation has taken a serious hit, thanks for this great fun...

  20. Had the same problem. Were in the same room with a groupmember of mine, so we noticed the different rewards immediatly. Checked two more times and after all missions, players get totally different options. A Clanmember was the third party member and confirmed this. "Luckily" we did not get anything valuable, although I feel like we wasted our radiant relics (after we already lost lots of relics to the conversion form keys ;) ). Seems this was patched in with the latest "Hotfix".

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