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Posts posted by Jhakoon

  1. i dont know how the lanka works, but i guess it doesnt work like the asmd. it primarily fires a short photon beam and secondarily a slow moving orb of antiphotons, dealing splash damage. the trick with this weapon is to hit the orb with its beam; then photons and antiphotons annihilate each other, setting free immense amounts of energy, which results in a niccccce explosion ;)

  2. i love my bo, too. it is aesthetic, it is smooth, it is... shaolin style! i don't care how much damage it does, as long as i can stun enemies and let them take off. for me it is a purely tactical/defensive weapon and not ment to kill anything.

  3. Mimic is a real transformer Warframe, inspired by City Of Heroes' Peacebringer/Warshade character design and uses the background of nuclear energies and elements. In fact, it is three specialized warframes within one. It alters its abilities to the actual needs (tank/healer/blaster), for the cost of high energy consumption.

    Mimic is supposed to be a medium warframe with highly specialized transformations, that grant specific advantages but also punish with serious disadvantages, depending on each shape.

    As a novum, most of Mimic's abilities are channeled, slowly draining energy as long as the button is pressed, providing constant beam skills for following a single target or cutting through a dozen.

    It looks simple, androgynous, inconspicuous. While transformed, Mimic's shape changes drastically. Its weapons will be integrated into the transformation model and therefore unavailable. As another disavantage, this results in an even splitup of all incoming experience between frame and guns. However, some special abilites are granted to each shape, to support its intended role. They are accessable by the usual way you use your guns. A melee attack will do a punch/kick, using the melee weapon's stats and mods, including styles.

    Energy/Health whatsoever will scale up/down by transforming forward or back and be rounded down. Due to its enormous energy need for transformations, in transformed shape it uses a build-in fusion microreactor that isnt big enough to support Mimic with unlimited power, but provides a slow energy output. That ensures Mimic doesn't completely rely on energy orbs, rendered helpless in certain situations.

    Health: 100 (250)

    Energy: 100 (200)

    Shield: 100 (250)

    Armor: 50

    Shield recharge: 22.5

    Speed: 1.2

    Energy recovery: 0.2 (2.2) while transformed only

    Additional polarities:

    1x -

    1x D

    Aura: -


    1: Shockwave

    This is a defensive tool for the basic shape. It causes a controlled nuclear microdetonation, which emits a spheric physical shockwave, leaving enemies tumbling. When being hit, they recover instantly.

    Energy cost: 50

    6/7/8/9 mod points

    10/15/15/20m range (+stretch)

    2/3/4/5sec duration


    2. Neutron

    Neutrons are the heaviest elements of an atom and don't have any affinity.

    This is the first of Mimic's transformations; it turns into a sturdy, heavily armored appearance with a force field shield device attached to its left arm and an oversized right arm.

    Energy cost: 75 (Shifting back costs the same amount)

    6/7/8/9 mod points

    +30/40/50/60% Health (400)

    +25/50/75/100 Armor (150)

    -0.1/0.2/0.3/0.4 Speed (0.8)

    Primary (left mouse button): Fusion Punch

    Neutron charges its giant fist with glaring energy and smashes it into a single enemy's body, dealing moderate damage and shattering its armor. Killed enemies are being ragdolled and blown away, damaging others behind.

    Energy cost: 5/10/10/15

    Damage: 50/100/150/200 physical

    Armor Reduction: 20% per hit

    Damage: 30/70/110/150 energy (+focus)

    Secondary (right mouse button - we don't need aiming in close combat): Force Field

    Neutron activates its huge shield and blocks all incoming frontal attacks, providing directional invulnerability, excepted areal/environmental damage types. Additionally, ranged attacks will be thrown back, injuring the enemies by ricochets.

    Energy cost: 2/5/7/10 per second

    Damage reflection: 10/15/20/25% ranged

    Protection cone angle: 120°

    Note: Both abilities can be used at the same time, but when attacking, Neutron of course has to open up its defense for a second.


    3. Proton

    Protons are an atom's positive polarized element. This is Mimic's supporter transformation, focused on single target action.

    Energy cost: 100

    6/7/8/9 mod points

    +10/15/20/25% Energy (250)

    +5/10/15/20% Shield (300)

    -10/15/20/25 Armor (25)

    -10/20/30/40% Health (150)

    Primary: Irradiation

    Proton emits a slightly winding ray out of its hand that accelerates cell division and heals the target (even enemies, no robots) over time. If nothing is targeted, Proton may use its powers for itself.

    Energy cost: 5/10/12/15 per second

    Health recovery: 10/15/20/25 per second

    Range: 25m (+stretch)

    Secondary: Induction

    Proton transmits its energy by advanced induction, replenishing the target's shield.

    Energy cost: 5/10/12/15 per second

    Shield recharge: 10/15/20/25 per second

    Range: 25m (+stretch)


    4. Positron

    Positrons are the highly energetic antimatter counterparts of electrons, the negative polarized atom elements.

    This transformation, though being Mimic's most offensive shape, lacks in devastating aoe skills and defensive abilities (especially Poisonous Ancients would be fun), but again channels its energy to rip through single or small groups of enemies with ease. Its appearance should be fragile, almost etheric, smooth and shiny with glowing energy patches/stripes (tron style).

    Energy cost: 100

    6/8/10/12 mod points

    +25/50/75/100% Energy (400)

    +10/20/40/60% Shield (400)

    -10/20/40/60% Health (100)

    -10/20/30/40 Armor (10)

    Primary: Disrupt

    Mimic's Positron shape sends out a beam of positrons from its palm (remember Iron Man), that annihilate with the target's electrons, dealing massive damage until the poor victim dissolves.

    Energy cost: 2/5/7/10 per second

    Alpha damage: 20/50/100/150 energy

    Damage over time: 20/75/150/250 per second, energy (+focus)

    Range: 20/25/25/30m (+stretch)

    Secondary: Annihilation

    A cone of positron radiation erupts from Positron's hands and burns everything in its path to dust.

    Energy cost: 5/10/20/30 per second

    Alpha Damage: 20/50/100/150 energy

    Damage over time: 20/75/150/250 per second, energy (+focus)

    Cone angle: 60°

    Range:10/12/13/15m (+stretch)


    Though this frame would be highly dependent on a continuous energy supply especially in Positron shape, it would be something i definitely would love, just because of its versability and difficulty to play with. It is (should be) no jack of all trades; just deliver some decent abilities for its changing roles, making it a well-thought choice IF and WHAT to transform in.

    What is your opinion? Would you give this warframe a try? Why/why not? What would you change?

  4. Optimus, only available as Prime ^^

    1st: Supercharged Slash - comparable to slash dash, but deals damage within a cone like a normal charged attack.

    2nd: Assimilate - take a target's ability and integrate it to yours. Will use the '5' key. For example a Grineer's Roller Gun, the Eviscerator thing, an Engineer's Osprey Launcher or a Moa's Stun Gun. Biological abilities from Infested are not affected.

    3rd: The Allspark - very situational, permanently turns up to 3 turrets within a radius into friendly machinery with significantly increased damage output. If there is no turret within the radius, the Allspark will create only one out of metal around you.

    4th: Transform - you become 10 ton truck. ^^

  5. Look at Call of juarez. That game took place in the real wind west and you could dual wield revolvers. This game takes place millions of years after the cold war era which was far after the old frontier era, they most likely have some reason to be able to dual wield revolvers.

    I don't know if YOU knew, but... ever tried to repeatedly fire double revolvers? I personally believe that this 'realistic' game fooled you, since an original revolver doesn't provide semi-automatic action.

    Even if our space revolver does, and the idea of double vastos came up my mind, too. ;) But I like it, especially the almost non-existant reload time makes it a formidable weapon (with style!) right after the badass lex.

  6. Mixed.


    That's my opinion.


    Some days I rush, I throw on Volt and speed from start to finish in 60 seconds! I'm in, out, and rewarded with some mods to boot from the few kills I got and the boss! Resource bliss.


    Some days I want to explore, specially the void where it's really rewarded.


    Some days I just want to watch the world burn.. or just .. everything die..


    Some days I'll run defense expecting to go 10-15-50 rounds ... only to leave on the 5th because RL happens. 




  7. there is a mod for sentinels, which covers you with a shield. good enough to help this mate. though every frame dying amidst the horde deserves it somehow.

  8. trinity works great; it is my favorite frame up to now... saving everybody's &#! xD

    the only thing bothering me is the useless heal. maybe it could be changed to restoring shields instead of hp? or giving an armor bonus?

  9. +1!

    i hate dealing with consumables, in every way.

    buying them is a pain in the &#!, equipping them, too. not to mention how you're supposed to use them: switch off the team hp window, switch on the inventory, hold key, find your pointer somewhere in the onscreen chaos and klick on the consumable.


    if there is some sort of a shortcut system i apologize and ask for a hint. ^^

    on top of it, except the ammo boxes everything else is useless somehow, lacking in efficiency.

    i support

    -buying multiple consumables at once

    -equipping by drag+drop

    -deleting small medikits

    -raising large medikits and group heals to full heals

    -raising shield kits to a full recharge+boost in maximum shields or a recharge over time (about 20/s for 50s)

    -if not implemented yet, using consumables by shift+(1-8)

    -an inventory window not interfering with the group health window (optically→displacing, and technically→should be accessable despite grp hp window is open)

  10. Decoy: It is supposed to be a hologram. Not a hardlight contruct...we are Space Ninjas, not Green Lanterns. Have shots fire through it...better yet, let it set up friendly fire effect! Have the enemy get shot by their own as they try to take down the Decoy.

    about that solid decoy: ever thought about you still might be shot by enemies, if the decoy would be real holographic? i think there is some sense in its actual role of a bullet stopper. ;)

  11. Die Komponenten die da verbaut sind stehen einem PC in nichts nach...

    zugegeben, die konsolenhardware ist derzeit etwa 600€ teuer, wenn man das als pc bauen täte. und ein 600€ pc ist... naja... mittelklasse. nicht gerade das gelbe vom ei. so gar nicht der hellste stern am himmel.

    ein ordentlicher rechner leistet noch immer ungleich mehr als eine konsole, allerdings muss man dafür auch wesentlich tiefer in die tasche greifen. eine konsole ist in meinen augen eher was fürs limitierte budget oder anspruchslosere klientel als meinereiner.

  12. i wish bladestorm would slash everything first  then deal damage at the end of the animation.

    sth like ash sprints from enemy to enemy, being a blurred shadow, and when he returns to his original position, everybody around him falls apart in pieces. the whole process must not exceed 3 seconds.


  13. i consider all primes as 'working as intended', providing a slightly more powerful frame/weapon without turning them into nuclear bombs. they are MENT to be more a cosmetic option. please don't make them stronger.

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