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Posts posted by Jhakoon

  1. Hi there.

    Right now i had the glorious idea of synergy between certain mods. Didn't find any thread, so i'll start this one.

    My imagination is, that most mods should offer synergies to the frame/weapon, if all of them belonging together are equipped, but the single mods itself should be slighty less powerful.

    For example if you equip ice dmg + stun to a weapon, together they could provide a freeze synergy with a certain percentage (max about 20% maybe), depending on the level of both mods.

    Also some synergies could make rare double skill mods obsolete, reducing complexity by increasing depth.

    I imagine that such a synergy system could make modding more interesting, making players to focus on certain builds, maybe some unique crazy settings, rising diversity of the frames.

    I know most of you don't want to be 'forced' to follow a certain path, but in my eyes this 'everybody can do anything'-thing ruins a great part of the spirit of a game, reducing immersion and pride (for a mod setup, for a frame, for the whole game). In my eyes games need to be edgy, to provide a wide variety and unique experience. There shouldn't be THE omgwtfpwn setup, but many of similar ones, offering the possibility of focusing on special things, making a frame/weapon perform extraordinary good in whatever the user choosed, while lacking in other things, but not as bad as it makes the frame/weapon totally suck there. Just some decent advantages/disadvantages.

  2. to me it sounds a good idea, equipped my ash with double ether anyway, because it just fits to its ninja style. my trinity wears the bo for its defensive cc abilities (staves are always best for the healer^^) and volt still needs a good choice, but as a ranged fighter it doesn't really use a melee weapon. maybe the glaive would be fitting.

    giving the weapons some synergies with frames makes the gameplay (for me) more authentical and realistic, and sharpens the differences between the frames significantly, so that every other frame offers some kind of special melee gameplay. lokis gets a bonus for stabbing with daggers, rhinos are more efficient with heavy weapons, ashes perform best when dual wielding and so on.

    that doesn't mean they'll be awful crappy when fighting with other weapons, but they could have a slight boost for the fitting ones. maybe a 5-10% in damage, in attack speed, in stunning, in attack radius etc. this isn't much by far, and they will slash through any enemy whether wearing those synergy weapons or not. it would just a little gimmick for a more diverse gameplay.

  3. since we are space ninjas i like the idea of outdoor space missions, too. maybe not throughout the whole mission, but a good amount of time.

    walking on the outside of a ship/station, extremely low gravity, planet surfaces right above and razor-sharp shadows. there may be an energy shield around the ship, or the object is damaged and small meteorites bash into the hull, doing serious damage to frames and enemies. logically these missions are grineer or corpus, and they may drift away into space if kicked hard enough...

  4. What? What does any of this have to do with my post?



    You still never answered my question.

    I did, but you just don't get it.

    Your question contains a giant IF; therefore it is (actually) not worth talking about. Wich excuse i had if we'd still need content. This is senseless, and you could give the answer by yourself.

  5. I have absolutely no idea what you think you're trying to talk about.



    You never answered my question. Beta ending isn't some magic fixer-upper. The game is still going to get content updates, bugs, glitches and fixes. What excuse is going to be used at that point?

    What you do is complaining in advance, pointing at a construction yard. I don't deny the fact that some issues still need to be fixed, but i decide to wait until v1.0, just to see what devs are up to, and not to yell around for things they perhaps planned to do anyway. This is like sb telling you to paint the walls while you're still working at the roof. People need to be more relaxed and not to want ALL THE THINGS! NAO!

  6. What are you going to say when Beta ends and we still need content and fixes and still have to put up with bugs and glitches?

    personally YOU may never have nough content, i fear. and there's no game without bugs, but of course i hope they'll be fixed.

    the three most important things for mmo-ish games are to me

    1. bugfixes

    2. fluff (customization options / possibilities that do not support the game's actual intention, like extra animations, housing, minigames or j4f stuff like fishing etc.)

    3. more content only if 1. and 2. is done - as far as possible

    and don't forget, if you're not satisfied by a game you're always free to leave. that's how i do it.

  7. warframe IS the endgame. there is no goal, get it ffs!

    everything you sacrifice your whole freetime to eventually will become boring. take a break and go out or do sth useful, but stop complaining about not enough content! you'll NEVER be satisfied, because ppl like you always slash dash through new content and start complaining over and over again. i seriously hope that DE does what ever they imagined, and not, what a few customers cry for.

    and after all: THIS ... IS ... BETA!

  8. ...Here's an idea: REMOVE THE OBJECTIVE MARKER UNTIL THE OBJECTIVE IS COMPLETE! Knowing where you need to go from start to finish removes the need and the incentive to figure things out on your own. Doing this will actually force players to interact and work together, encourage the actual incentive to explore, and overall make the community better in the long run. The change WILL be met with resistance, hate, and rage quit but you know what? People will get over it, as long as DE stays adamant about it, should they ever do this.

    I think the reason people rush is because they ALWAYS know where to go. Remove this until the objective is actually finished, just have it always pointing to the extraction point, or even having it only be visible for a few seconds every few minutes and making it more noticeable to compensate is what I feel SHOULD be done.

    you can't do this.

    most people will suffer from their... coddled(right?) sense of orientation. they remain stunned and helpless, or run in circles screaming hysterically. ;) i know it; i experienced this rare case:

    after killing earth's boss (just can't remember the name), a bug set the minimap marker directly on the exit instead of the next door.

    so what happened? of course everybody ran in a different direction. including myself, yep... but after 10 minutes of methodically searching for the exit i found it. i kept waiting there for another 15 minutes and prepared for work; by the time i had to switch off they still didn't find it but kept complaining. note they needed more than half an hour!

    if this is what awaits us, the game will lose 75% of players. ^^

  9. 1. you get killed by 3 melee hit, so when you go up to hack a door a random guy with melee spawn bihind you.

    2. there is no one to play with, you can use sit and wait for 30 min before the game finds a team for you.

    3. not noob frindly, It gives no help at all how to make new items and stuff

    nice beginning, but then you somehow started lacking in good ideas.

    6/10 trollpts

  10. drones respawn in rooms that you've already been in. The amount you find depends on how much time you spend on a mission, it seems.


    E Prime on Earth is a good place for drone hunting, too. Not 6 on one screen, but feels like around every second corner your radar gets jammed. A nice & easy mission for farming drones.

    I tried another Earth mission, but didn't find a single drone there. It really seems to depend on the map.

  11. first mission in drone hunting:


    got 18 drones, not really competiting. (i had to leave because of the ship's self destruction, else i would've been there forever)



    something i found out:


    - it helps to explore every corner (you don't say!)

    - if you get close to a drone, at about 20 meters your radar gets jammed. so it is easy to search the whole map

    - drones keep reappearing randomly, making it possible to farm an infinite number on only one map

  12. 'Improved enemy waypoints on minimap to show true location instead of next closest nav location.'

    niiiiice one! we just had to figure out how to get from vay hek to extraction, spreading out. ive been the only one who made it - unfortunately i had to get to work before my mates arrived, but it is good to see that you cant just race through the locations with eyes on minimap anymore. now some people have to use their brains and orientation sense. good job!

  13. everything mentioned.

    1. rushers in normal missions / impatient players, including triggering cams, using lifts before anyone else arrived, waiting at extraction while i'm still fighting the horde and so on

    2. players not defending th pod

    3. being put into games with players who cause: my ping raise into space / lags / enemies warp around

  14. it depends where you are. up to level 20 you meet starter frames alot.

    i see excaliburs everywhere, followed by mags, but that's logical. most people play starter frames, and the more damage they do, the more people play a certain frame. the harder the planets are, the more players own other frames.

    i've seen only two nyx yet, and trinity (beside mine ;) ) is seen very seldom, too

  15. I had some similar crashes, too.

    Take a look at your EE.log file (invisible!  C:\users/[name]/appdata/local/warframe).

    If the EOF shows up some 'phys' errors, it will be your Physx not working properly. For me it helped to just switch off the Warframe 64bit mode, the next and last step would be to deactivate Physx...

  16. well of life is useless, agree.

    energy vampire is situational, but highly useful. dont waste it on weak enemies, since you can butcher them easily without making use of skills (this is for the team members, too). its real immense power shows up when it comes to elite or boss enemies and helps you and your comrades to continually use skills. i end up using energy vampire and permanently spamming bless during high level defenses, which just kicks &#!, simply said.

    link is my own little panic room. against all the voices telling continuity is a no-go on trinity, i'm doing fine with my skill duration maxed and i love it. in sudden case of danger i just retreat into link and have enough time to turn the tide or forget about myself and keep my mates alive. that's what trinity is made for.

    the only rework that needs to be done is well of life, which maybe should be replaced by some armor buff, as already mentioned.

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