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Posts posted by Jhakoon

  1. actually i'm easily butchering through level 4 towers, not only 3. frames and weapons at 30 but still far from being full modded, and they didnt see any forma yet, too.

    trying soloing level 5 towers always ends in at least two deaths. but not because of those freaking hard guys in there, no, they're just hard enough for draining my ammo with an awesome speed. i even tried to enter with my backpack full of ammo kits... no chance. what breaks your neck is running out of bullets and going into melee combat vs ancients.

    so it depends... there are some really tough places out there you better don't go alone. the only thing is the long way up to them

  2. enjoys:

    latron. decent fire rate (for a semi-automatic), great accuracy, niiiiice damage. most useful weapon ever.

    latron prime ♥

    braton. same as latron. runs out of ammo quite fast, BUT! even more dmg compressed in one clip! painted black oooooh feel like a specops member.

    snipetron. could use a more powerful sound. anyway... BAM! it's dead.

    paris. slow projectile speed, a weapon for t3h skillerz. thunderbolt mod makes your eyes shine. first by explocuting a dozen enemies, then by explocuting yourself.

    akbolto. ermahgerd dat sound! xD peforating enemies has never been more... supreme.

    aklato. same as akbolto, sacrificing dmg+fire rate for higher projectile velocity →more accurate

    despair. *flingfling* *thud* ninjaaaaaaa!

    afuris. THE fun weapon. runs out of ammo instantly, but with emptying one clip (91 bullets) you kill twenty mobs. or two ancients. love that sound.

    dual ether. everybody and their mother have dual ethers. so what? nice look and fast as hell.

    gram. now that's the father of all swords (and lightsabers) outclassed only by cloud strife's monstrous slasher.


    shotguns. perhaps i'm too much sniper?

    burston. hell, no!

    gorgon. too slow during the first two seconds. and after two seconds the fight is over already. drains your ammo like... a drain?

    vulkar. looks more like an injector for close combat bio warfare. but sounds hot.

  3. Hi all.  Just started playing, first post.


    Anyways I was working my way to Saturn and saw my first Alert type mission pop up so jumped in.  At one point during the mission someone I was following ran across the wall to cross a large open area.  I haven't quite got the hang of the wall running / jumping just yet.  I didn't stick to the wall high enough and hit the railing on the far side, and fell.  I got teleported back to where I initially attempted the wall run, and tried again.  This time I missed and got stuck on a tiny ledge along the wall, and then fell again trying to get back up.  After that, the game seemed to be trying to teleport me back to that ledge, but it wouldn't place me quite on it, and I ended up falling endlessly.  Eventually the screen would black out, except for the chat window, and the sound started to echo.


    After the screen being black for a minute or so it would finally put me back near the ledge, but as soon as I moved I would just fall again.  Fortunately the rest of the team finished the mission but had to wait for the timer because I could not go to the extraction point.


    haha! same happened to me right now. ^^

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