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Posts posted by ShiraHagane

  1. On 08/01/2018 at 2:38 PM, Trichouette said:

    Electric ? Because sending back your oponent damage multiplied by 30 while stunning them is bad ?

    Fire and toxin sure... but definitely not electricity.

    I said defensive buffs, as it stands, ice can quintuple your eHP while electric gives like 2 percent more eHP

  2. What Chroma needs:

    * A buff to fire and electric wards defensive buffs

    * Fix the damage buff of vex armor to not apply twice to secondary elements

    * Rework his 1st ability entirely

    * Reduce the energy drain on his 4th or make it more powerful

  3. Just now, Neo_182 said:

    Understand what the rules of conduct are, Shira and there wouldn't be an issue. 

    I do, I said "I wish I could've gotten one of the abomination cats" and a certain moderator suspended me for 24 hours

  4. 6 minutes ago, Neo_182 said:

    LOL In your opinion.
    I am formerly a moderator, and so i can tell you.
    Please don't spew rumors when you don't know how things work.

    I was suspended after filing a complaint against a certain moderator after he suspended me for no reason, stop being blind neo.

  5. On 1/5/2018 at 11:40 PM, Neo_182 said:

    It's something you have to discuss with support. 
    There is no point in disputing this on the forums.
    And fyi, 'gay' in chat is chat bot ban.

    Vargras likely had nothing to do with your ban.
    Just because they were in chat at the time does not mean they are responsible for every kick/ban.

    No, "gay" is not a chat bot ban, since someone did it right before me, in all caps, and nothing happened to them.

    I wasn't saying this was done by the chat moderator, but that I've been suspended by him before for no reason other than he felt like it.

    As I said, I'm not disputing it, since even with support that leads nowhere.

    I'm saying that a serious look has to be taken at the what the bot deems as suspension-worthy

  6. On 1/5/2018 at 12:40 AM, Neo_182 said:

    Take it up with http://support.warframe.com 

    I've done that before when the chat moderator suspended me in one of his temper tantrums, they won't reverse chat suspensions.

    This post isn't about my issue, it's the fact that someone can say something in chat in all caps and nothing happens, but I say something less profane and get a suspension.

  7. So I just logged in to get my daily reset, glanced at region chat, saw a person say "IM @(*()$ GAY" and nothing happened

    being the hilarious comedian I am, I respond with "is gay hot?"

    immediate chat suspension.

    thanks DE

  8. 300000000000 light years away, far off from the universe we know and love, a distant noise can be heard. A noise that everyone knows, everyone fears. It's almost as if a distant life had been lost. Before you know it, red streaks across your face, as you're killed instantly. You fall to the ground, battered and broken. As your life fades away, only a small sound can be heard.

    ˢ ᶜ ᵃ ᵗ ᵗ ᵘ ʰ

  9. 6 minutes ago, allibound said:

    So many replies failing to see the core of the problem.  Some players have been unable to get into the plains in a group of any kind.  Host migration puts everyone into a solo instance every time they try, often within seconds of loading into the plains.  It's not an issue of not trying to find groups, its that every single group that you join kicks you back to the orbiter before you get 100m from the door. But hey, the issue doesn't affect you so its okay to laugh and call us lazy and to suck it up.

    that's a bug

    they'll fix it

    the game shouldn't be changed to work around a bug

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