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Posts posted by Doomsknightmare

  1. As a Oberon main I totally agree with you !  Oberon deserves some QOL changes for his Renewal as you mentioned, and right now it's really inconvenient for Oberon players to apply Renewal to all his teammates (I have the same problem with Renewal : If teammates don't stick with Oberon or they accidentally lose Renewal buff, it's super frustrating to apply Renewal to them again, which is bad for a teamplayer)

  2. I mean it's kind of unsatisfying that there're only some Lv.50-60 mobs in bounty 5 which most veterans can still solo pretty easily, and TBH bounties get old pretty quickly (I believe DE will add more mission type in POE though) I hope there will be some new endgame in POE besides Eidolon hunt and fishing / mining. 

    To be clear I'm not suggesting making bounties harder, considering the new player experience, but it's a shame that veterans can't find some challanging fights asides from Eidolon hunt in POE. 

  3. Sydon Insi-acritox : +57.3% Toxic Damage +59.1% Critical Damage +79.5% Puncture Damage, Max Rank, MR13, Naramon polarity, 250p only.

    If U are smart U will realize that the best Riven for a weapon is not simply Riven that +Damage, but the one saving more mod slots for further build. 

    With this sexy Riven U can have a Blood Rush + Condition Overload hybrid build while keeping the range mod & attack speed mod and here's my perfect build :

    Primed Pressure Point, Primed Reach, Drifting Contact, Blood Rush, Condition Overload, Berserker, Voltaic Strike, and the last slot is for this sexy baby. The final stat will be 15% Crit chance(enhanced by Blood Rush) + 3.2XCrit Damage + 50%+Status chance + great melee range & Justice Blind range + insane attack speed and thanks to Vaykor Sydon's good Status chance and attack speed Condition Overload can boost damage quickly. And a Hybrid Vaykor Sydon would become a beast among the polearms.

  4. 18 hours ago, JuicyButthurt said:

    Balance passes don't sell, it's easier to push new content out instead of making older content viable (which in turn would make getting new stuff ASAP less important).


    But if we are to discuss balance:

    Quick and dirty write-up of my thoughts on weapons.

    Continuous weapons need a complete rework, they are completely unsuitable for status (even funnier considering most of them are status focused) and their mechanics make them ridiculously unresponsive.

    Projectile weapons need to fire the projectile from the camera instead of the weapons, the current system can break randomly and that's good enough of a reason to ditch it, it has no actual advantages over projectiles originating from the camera and clever VFX being used to mask it.

    ^shameless plug

    Now to weapons:

    Boltor Prime and Telos Boltor could use at least MR adjustments, maybe a slight buff as they are hardly competitive now.

    Braton's are in decently good place though I cannot really see a reason for Braton Prime to have reduced ammo reserve, as meaningless such change is.

    Burstons need a buff.

    Buzlok is a meme though it finally received slightly less laughable projectile velocity, it's somewhat expensive to make and could use at the very least a single default polarity, it takes forma to make ffs.

    Dera series, same as above, at least a polarity and maybe a slight buff to base damage, crit and/or status. On the more expensive end (Fieldrons and Forma) while being pretty underwhelming, especially with Dera Vandal in place which is an invasion reward, as troublesome as that is.

    Gorgons need a huge buff across the board, one of which could be Tenora-like mechanic of spread and recoil decreasing as the weapon is fired.

    Grakata series are in decent place of a cheap starter weapon and endgame viable Baro item.

    Grinlok, just buff it through the roof, it's terrible, it's hopeless, it has no place in this game, it's expensive and is effectively invalidated by its secondary counterpart. Damage, consistent crit, even make it a scopeless sniper, do something to make it useful.

    Harpak, it's not too bad.

    Hema, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH, either reduce the costs massively or make it the best weapon in the game.

    Hind, it has allegedly received multiple buffs but remains quite lacklustre in general, slight buff to status (15-20%) could make it a decent early/mid-game weapon.

    Karak lives up to its description, though it's pretty much a straight downgrade to Grakata, it could essentially be turned into Grakata that fires half as fast but deals twice the damage.

    Karak Wraith could use a tiny buff, be it status or crit, it's otherwise pretty solid. Not particularly good but workable in mid/endgame.

    Latrons need a buff across the board.

    Mutalist Quanta could use a buff and a long manual explaining how it actually works.

    Opticor is in fine place.

    Paracyst is about the same as Harpak, could use a polarity or two by default, maybe another fancy mechanic to it as it's pretty expensive.

    Soma series are in pretty decent place.

    Stradavar is cheap enough to warrant such mediocre stats.

    Supras aren't in too bad of a spot, could use few polarities and Tenora-like mechanics but that's about it.

    Sybaris series is overall well rounded bordering on slightly OP, basic Sybaris could use a default polarity.

    Tenora is completely fine.

    Tetra could use a slight buff but is generally cheap enough to for its stats, Prisma Tetra is kind of a joke that does nothing particularly well, it could use a buff or a rework.

    Tiberon is far too expensive for its stats, basic polarity is a must, it could use 15/15 or 20/20 critical hit chance and status, it's otherwise pretty solid, need to be balanced along with Sybaris and Burston series so one doesn't invalidate another, it could result in Sybaris being crit focused, Burstons being status oriented and Tiberon being right in the middle.      

    Shotguns overall are in pretty decent place with few exceptions like Convectrix (Jesus F. Christ rework this thing already), some of them are bordering on ridiculously overpowered.

    Snipers are okay-ish since last rework, most of the tweaks are of QoL nature (like making them display the combo counter with scope overlay disabled).

    Snipetron should be a cheap credit sniper for begineers instead of an alleged reward for the upcoming Operation, lore excuse doesn't work anymore, just put it in the market.

    Bows are in a decent place

    Launchers are in a decent place, could mostly benefit from QoL features.


    Now, to secondaries:

    Acrid is old and expensive, long overdue for either a rework or a buff., it would be interesting it its innate toxin proc could cause other status effects.

    Angstrum is the number 1 choice for suicide.

    Arca Scisco is in decent place.

    Azima is mediocre but at least it's free.

    Ballistica is pretty much universally hated for its mechanics, simply adjusting how it fires would go a long way to make it far more appealing.

    Bolto could use a slight buff to make up for its cost but it's not urgent.

    Cestras need a buff of some sort, possibly make them work the same way as Tenora and/or receive additional damage as they are fired.

    Furis is a decent starter weapon though the 4 neurode cost is off-putting, it should be reduced.

    Knell is somewhat tedious to make (whole 38 excavators finished...) but overall is a pretty solid weapon.

    Kraken is cheap and is equally bad to match, there isn't really much to change here.

    Kulstar is number 2 choice for suicide, could use a slight buff to crit and/or status but is in a decent spot.

    Lato, there's not much to be said.

    Lexes have received buffs making them one of the best secondaries, essentially pocket snipers, it would almost invalidate Snipetron with no mods, possibly does so when modded.

    Magnus, surprisingly solid gun though rarely seen, in my experiences it was the inconsistent handling that made me ditch it the moment it hit lv30 so something could be done about its recoil, spread and possibly sound.

    Marelok, borders on overpowered.

    Pandero, I personally disliked it though it allegedly outdoes Lex Prime so there's that, quite a solid gun with somewhat of a high cost (5500 Cryotic).

    Seer has pretty bad stats and requires Vor to be farmed, that's quite an effort for new players and isn't really worth for older ones, it could use a slight buff (maybe actually giving it AoE?)

    Sicarus is in a really good spot since the last buff.

    Sonicor excels at CC and isn't particularly expensive.

    Stug needs a complete rework, it's hopeless. Number 3 for suicide.

    Tysis is a pretty good gun for status application but there are numerous others that do the same and do it far better, at least it's pretty cheap. Could use a slight buff to either damage or rate of fire.

    Vasto is on the more expensive side of things, would be otherwise fine if the cost was reduced to ~3 neurodes.

    Viper, really cheap to make and has an augment, it doesn't need to be rebalanced.

    Zakti is in a decent spot currently.

    All continuous secondaries need a rework, that's it.

    Shotgun secondaries received a buff similar to primaries, they all are in decent plate.

    Dual secondaries should be a straight upgrade to their singular counterparts as they take twice as much resources and time to make, it would be favourable over them being a mere sidegrade having bigger mag, faster firerate and longer reloads.

    Thrown secondaries are in a decent place though they all need to have general projectile weapon adjustment applied.

    I won't get into melee now.






    Man I am 100% agree with your list, kudos to you.

  5. Streamlined Form is great but I would love to have a new exilus mod that +15%bullet jump +15%slide -15%frcition which is fair and balanced and won't put other exilus mods to shame (I know we got other exilus mods like Cunning Drift , Firewalker, Maglev,etc but I just want to enhance my frame's bullet jump and slide a bit without putting 2 exilus mods in my build :)


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