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Posts posted by Doomsknightmare

  1. 1 hour ago, krc473 said:

    Is the whole point in your post to show people a thread?


    DE is not at work until January 8th. They are unlikely to fix any bugs until the .

    :smile: Is the whole point in your post to trash talk ?

    "DE is not at work until Jan. 8th so stop reporting bugs" *smh*

  2. Sobek falls short in high level due to its low base status (it needs a god like riven + 4 dual status mods + Syndicate mod to reach 100% status chance while Sobek shoots very few pellets which means it's not worth the effort to reach 100% status chance) 

    Prisma Sobek should have high status chance / shoot more pellets and that's what Sobek needs to compete with other endgame shotguns in high level.

    Other than that, higher base damage / crit and faster reload speed are also very welcome :)

  3. +1. You rarely see a Vauban in public squads these days simply because there're always better choice than him : Frost, Gara, Limbo, even Nezha, Rhino and SlowNova are better than him when it comes to high level Defence / Mobile Defence / Excavation / Interception.

    Let me explain why most people won't consider Vauban first when it comes to defence / CC type of missions :

    1.Vauban mostly relies on his 3 & 4 which require both strength / range / duration / efficiency, so there's not many mod slots left for survivablity / augment mods

    unless u use Repelling Bastille so that u won't need strength, but Repelling Bastille is often bugged, leaving one or two enemies unaffected, which means instant death in high level for him

    2.High level enemies one shot him, he lacks survivability : 100 base armor(his passive is also meh BTW) 100 base health / shield, no reliable ability to keep him alive compared to other frames I mentioned above : Frost has high armor/shield and his godlike 3 / augment 4, Gara has 90% damage reduction and godlike 4, Limbo can stop bullets and enemies and stay invicible, Nezha and Rhino have extra health from their abilities, even Nova has damage reduction from her 1.

    3.He's a pure CC frame while other CC frames I mentioned above can do something more than just CC.


  4. We all know raw damage / pure crit build weapons fall short in high level endgame where Proc is the king, so I'm glad that DE give us Hunter Munitions which is a huge buff for many crit only primary weapons.

    So what's next ? A new mod for raw damage weapons of course ! Tiberon(almost non-existent crit / status chance...), Sobek(might be a bit controversal, but Sobek is such a weirdo that can't achieve 100% stuatus chance even if u got an insane Riven, which means it would be better if u just build it for raw damage rather than stutus), Seer (literally non-exist crit + poor status chance) Fang Prime (one of the worst Prime weapon out there...) etc

    So what kind of mods would save these poor souls ? 

    1. A new mod that allows you to increase crit / status chance at the cost of status / crit chance. This mod will help weapons like Sancti Tigris : it can achieve 100% status chance at the cost of losing its 15% crit chance which is good for it)

    2. Weapon exclusive mods for those have neither crit nor status. A good example is Entropy Burst, which makes Supra (Vandal) endgame viable. Another good example is Thermagnetic Shells which kinda revives Detron.



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