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Everything posted by Lockhart77

  1. I agree with OP but OP presents terrible arguments. Kicking can also mean you're just "host migrated" to your own session, doesn't have to mean to be placed back to the orbiter and lose all progress. I understand being host migrated carry the stigma that host migration also can result in disconnection and you losing your progress/rewards, for that I argue that the host migrations we currently experience is caused often by connectivity reasons, so the system have to scramble for the last known packet to remake a session and that can often fail, I don't know the specific reason why, but it is a technical debt that DE haven't really catch on to. So now when you are kicked, the system can actually get a snapshot of a point in the mission, its progress, and its rewards instead of a panic button, give you a 10 second timer or something before you eventually is host migrated to a session of your own if you are kicked, so you can still progress the mission or extract with all the acquired rewards so far if you so wish. Another way to implement kick function, this is a rather divisive means however, is to let people opt into either a public session that have vote kick enabled or vote kick not enabled. But this truly means that people that opt into either options are consenting to whatever repercussion that can happen during that session. Personally speaking, I want vote kicking primarily not to kick bad/newbie/inefficient players, but to kick players with leech like behaviour, or afk-botting. Kinda too often happening in asia region where I play, you can see someone that just use repeated input or movement to just not trigger the afk system, or have all 0's in the game stats that represent an active player actually participating.
  2. So effectively the same argument as removing the challenge then? But it punishes the player?
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