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Posts posted by Mavor

  1. If you're burning too much ammo - either A) you're not doing enough dmg with said weapon for the content you are playing, B) you're not burst firing enough, thus wasting ammo - or C) using a weapon that has a naturally low ammo pool (which needs Carrier or ammo mutation to offset).

    There are systems already in place to combat ammo hungry weaponry - and firing those weapons with a level of self-control helps even further. There really is no need to add to or change the ammo system, imo.

    Also - ammo plates are very easy to make and eventually you should be carrying hundreds =)

  2. Most people do not like folks sitting around doing nothing, reaping the benefits of other people's effort. Its pretty much a given throughout life. Now perhaps you dont mind, and thats fine, but you're the minority. Its the principle of the matter: You want something? You help get it. Its really just that simple.

    I routinely run into Banshees who just wreck Hydron - theres almost no need for the rest of the team to do anything but stand there - but I still run around and kill what I can. Why? Because Im here to play a game, not to let someone else play it for me. 

  3. Too few factions in a game can start to feel stagnant, if they're not well defined and interesting - too many and you'll never have the time or inclination to care about any of them.

    Personally I think WF has a good balance. Yes, Ive been fighting the Grineer, Corpus and Infested for years, just like we all have - but I also have a connection to them at this point.

    The Sentients finally showing up has added a new faction to deal with, which granted isnt very big right now - but thats probably a good thing considering their power. Im looking forward to seeing where DE takes them.

    There are quite a few MMO's out there that have too many factions and to me, they dont add any interest or real value. They're just some group that I have to fight because thats where the current micro-storyline has taken me. Id rather have few factions, and deeper story interaction with them - than many that you fight against for a time, and then never see again.

  4. Pretty sure its a physical manifestation -


     as the Grineer Queen mentions 'coming here in the flesh' when your operator transfers out of your frame - also, she wants your operators body to transfer into, which obviously couldnt be done if it were just some sort of ethereal manifestation =)

    I assume the frame acts as a conduit the operator can use to physically travel thru - but with failsafes that pull your operator back when life threatening injury could occur. 

    When your operator gets out of the chair onboard your ship - its simply because theres no reason to transfer through the frame since the operator is already right there.

  5. Hydron is used as a leveling node, bringing unranked gear is kinda the point...

    Its a given that people are often going to be weak there and potentially go down alot.

    I always run Hydron with rank 0 frames and gear, granted I *do* mod them as best I can before going in - but still, from time to time, depending on circumstances, I may drop a bunch those first couple of rounds.

    Theres an unspoken understanding that players with higher ranked gear are helping the ones without - and those without eventually end up being those with - and the cycle repeats itself - thats just kinda how leveling nodes have always worked, in my eyes anyway.

    Unless someone is just standing there, doing nothing but leeching XP, theres no reason to give them S#&$ for trying to level their gear just like everyone else is. If reviving players, on a *leveling* node is too much a hassle for you, then dont go there. I dont care if they drop once or 20 times, I always try to pick them up if I can.

    Its not a hassle, it comes with the territory.

  6. Id love to see channeling more feasible. A long time ago I tried to use it constantly, but in the end, too many mods were needed to keep the cost low enough to warrant it - so I stopped. Now the most channeling I do is a sec or two for Life Strike.

    Its a neat idea - but the cost-vs-benefit of channeling feels out of balance - channeling benefits rarely seem worth the energy cost, Life Strike notwithstanding.


    Charge attacks are also neat - cept they rarely get used and for good reason. When you can destroy a whole room with one slide attack, why bother stopping to charge up a single attack (which likely will miss because your target ran while you were charging...)?

  7. 9 hours ago, SilvaDreams said:

    It's a credit sink, so yes it does serve a purpose. Just like the credit costs for Baro purchases.

    I get that its a credit sink - but it nevertheless, its pointless. Its just an artificial obstacle that the player has to deal with every few days for no other reason than being a credit sink. Those kinds of mechanics are never fun or useful - they're just something else a player has to worry about, while not providing any meaningful gameplay or content.

    At least with Baro you are making one-time purchases. Pet stabilization is something that must be dealt with every few days (or every day if you're anal about it) - its an upkeep layer that simply has no value. Maybe if it boosted pet health by an extra % - that'd be different, but no, it just maintains the pets normal health pool.

  8. Warframe moves at a fast pace, always has, always will. I'd get used to shooting thru maps, when matchmaking, if I were you. Granted, its not always the height of enjoyment to have your team shoot thru the map at warp speed and wipe everything out while you're still trying to figure out which way is up - but speed is a big part of the game and its sorta hard to avoid.

    For that matter - even low ranks, who have a good grasp of the game, tend to move quite fast.

    I'd say get thru the starmap, beat the bosses, get gear, let the high ranks blast the maps for you and enjoy the affinity boost they provide =)

    Then, when you're stronger, go back and enjoy the missions at your own pace or with friends.

  9. At this point, with everyone, Cetus inhabitants, and all us Tenno, *knowing* its going to become a problem - why havent we collectively destroyed the boil by now or at least tried?

    Like we'd really just sit around waiting for it to burst open and spill out a big infested mess for us to deal with? We *know* Vay Hek wants to exploit it as a weapon against Cetus - we *know* its infested in nature, we *know* nothing good can come from it.

    But eh, no...we're just flying around it, walking by it, staring it. Going 'Hey lookit that, damn thing busted up my fishin' hole'.



    Moral of the story, having a flashy introduction to a new event and then dragging out its activation sucks...

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