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Posts posted by TenGaugeBoson

  1. 6 hours ago, TheGuyver said:

    Despite WoW being in a garbage state, they give you months to get the reputation required for those races with the exception of Mag'har Orcs and Dark Iron Dwarves who were available at launch and we're unlocked in the first month through your normal progression the story/character wise. People had months to get the reputation for the Kul Tirans and Zandalari Trolls, much like people had the entire expansion of Legion to cap out for the first wave of allied races.

    If you don't like doing the content, then choose not to do it, and complain about the grind after having months to prepare, you have nobody to blame but yourself. It's our job as players to give feedback on things like missions/rewards/etc in the hopes that change happens. Ignoring it and then lashing back out because you didn't do the content to get the future rewards is not a way to get your opinion out. Baruuk was hardly a time/rep gate, we had plenty of time to farm toroids in bulk, which many did. Hildryn as well, we've had even longer to get the required reputation and it was still lowered. Revenant as well, we had plenty of time. 

    Play the game, get rewarded, this isn't a 60 dollar AAA shooter that hands you things on a silver platter. 


    Little rude reply don't you think.Seems like you are trying to escalate this into something.I am out.

  2. Steam! at least mine is freezing all week.Ever sense that Windows update.

    Call me paranoid if you want but I am betting Microsoft is intentionally messing with Windows to make Steam and Steam games buggy.That what they do to competition.

    I swear as soon as Warframe will work on Linux I will walk away from anything not open source.


  3. Saw the new Mission type for Kuva and am looking forward to it.

    I hate the current kuva mission so much I just don't play it at all ever.



    I still truly want to go to the Kuva fortress and rob a Kuva Vault.

    Wouldn't care if it was a raid , a mission , and extended spy, an escort a capture. or even better

     An extended repeatable quest.That starts with ;;;

          1.A spy mission in the kuva fortress that drops a schismatic or something . "with whatever drop chance"

          2. That leads to you needing a key that you need from some guy  . So then a capture mission.

          3. The key from the capture is used to drive a vessel of some sort inside the fortress "escort mission'\

          4.Leads to a covert multi assassination of targets who operate lock outs that need to be neutralized

          5 which the leads to an obstacle coarse   kinda like in the dojo. that is timed and some how includes Lunaro

          6. which leads to the final spy with a big fat pay out of kuva and a part to a special weapon or frame.

    Or...a part or blueprint for a tenno kuva extractor that we could place on planets like the ones we already have that I never use.This is prolly to much though tbh.

    Something like this would make me happy on the inside.




  4. 1st -Health shields armor

    2nd- Serration, point blank,  hornet strike and Pressure Point

    then start farming out the status mods and run orokin Vault missions until you get your Narrominded, Overextended, Blind Rage and Fleeting Expertise.

    I forget hen you you get the keys to do the Vault run check the wiki.

    By then you should have a good handle on what you are doing.

    Have fun !


  5. Mag is hands down one of the best frames ever.

    anyone who doesn't recognize this just doesn't have the play style to suit her.

    Go range and effeciency

    bubble everything

    get a mara detron or anything with a bunch of pellets

    use pull for cc

    top every damage chart on every mission.

    Mag is my go to frame if I need end game power.

  6. 80%-90%  of the time after doing Bounties in public groups.The end of the mission when you go back to town and wait for everyone to get to the door.After the mission reward screen the door opens and there is just red screen and you fall through the world and end up at the front of Cetus. You cannot return to the plains at this point you must return to your ship then return to Cetus again to start another bounty.

  7. Warframe has no end game.

    Arcanes were locked out behind a mission type no one wanted to do.

    Arcanes should not be MR locked. They are a mod not a weapon.

    Raids hopefully will be turned into something epic and worthy of the term "endgame"

    The old raids hopefully will be scaled down and put into the star chart with arcane helmets for rewards.

  8. Arcanes were out of reach of anyone who could not stomach the raids. Like me.

    So moving them to something accessible is a good thing not a bad thing.

    The raids weren't hard. They were boring and not really epic.

    A raid should be epic. Like in Rift or World of Warcraft were you have to work your a$$ of to succeed .

    These raids were just missions that required a small amount of coordination.Who's rewards should have been in the regular game.

    Rivens now....Rivens are killing Warframe.

  9. I am with you Man. I HATE Rivens as they are.

    You are 100% right . The devs said that they were put in to make unused weapons more fun.

    There is ZERO fun in RNG.


    I just made a post the other day that got no traction about the same thing

    People like saying "If you don't like rivens don't use them" or "Rivens aren't necessary for any content"

    Which is not the point. I loath playing and participating in a flawed system.

    I suggested in my post that I want to be able to Mod my Riven like I mod my weapons and warframes

    1.By choosing their stats through using mods or some other means

    2. ranking them up like everything else in game

    3 Adding forma to make them more powerful and ranking them up again.

    This isn't some crazy idea. It is literally the most obvious path that should have been and still should be taken.

    I have rage quit this game a few times because of Riven rolls.

    I keep coming back because outside of the extremely flawed Riven system I just love the game.

    But just today a spent 8k kuva rolling a Zenistar riven and got shafted.I nearly rage quit again.

    A while back I farmed 250k kuva or more and got nothing from it but disappointment and frustration.

    not fun man just not fun.

    Please DE remove the RNG from Rivens and make an actual viable path of progression with them....please.

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