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Posts posted by TenGaugeBoson

  1. This will likely stir up some debate ...

    #1 Price your sales any way you want. This is just opinion and this opinion is subject to change.

          Riven prices are all over the place and have annoyed the crap out of a lot of people.So much so that a lot of people do not even use them at all. To be honest they are not in anyway necessary to successfully participate in any part of the game. They do how ever exist and because they do, a lot of people are using them and invest in them. Buying and selling them though, is for myself, a nightmare.What a riven is worth is subjective .Below is a very basic formula I am going to be using that appears to be close to what the market seems to be unconsciously gravitating towards.At least in my experience it is what I see.

    For critical chance on a mod I multiply it by 10% critical chance on the weapon

         ie.   Mod 100%   x   weapon 35%  = 350

    Next I multiply the critical damage on the mod by the Critical damage on the weapon.

         ie. Mod  80%  x   weapon 2.= 160

    For stats like damage% , heat% , cold%, Toxin%, Electricity% I just take the number and add it to the weapon

         ie Mod: 200% damage  50% heat     weapon: 75 heat    would be 200+50+75=325

    For stats like damage vs faction I take 1/3 the stat

         ie Mod Damage vs corpus 90% would be 30

    Then i add those numbers up and that is about the price mods seem to be traded at.

    For status weapons it is trickier...If the weapon is a status weapon and the mod is Status chance I add up the damage of the weapon + the status chance of the weapon and the mod.Then if it is possible to hit 100% with normal modding I multiply that by 2.

         ie.Mod Status Chance 100%  toxin 50%     Weapon:Toxin 125  Status 35%  would be _50+125+100+35=310 x2 = 620


         This seems to work out decently though I am sure that will be debated.For example though I have a Cernos riven for my Rakta Cernos

    Cernos Feva-critaton

    102.6% Crit chance

    70.6% Impact

    32.2% reload speed


    Rakta Cernos

    Crit Chance 35%

    Crit Multiplier 2

    impact 225

    puncture 12.5

    slash 12.5


    Crit chance_   102.6% x 3.5= 359

    Damage_         225+12.5+12.5= 250

    Total  _            250+359= 609


    That is about what this mod is worth. In my opinion.

    note:Though 600'ish is what I think this particular mod is worth.I would not sell it if I was offered 3000 plat an an Ember Prime.I love it...It is precious to me.


      As far as negative stats and quality of life stats go I would just add and subtract them as base numbers.The 32.2% reload on this mod I would just add to the price bringing it to 641 and I would consider it "wiggle room"in negotiations.

     Again this seems to work for all the mods I have tried it with.

    I am not saying that this is what you should do.

    I am saying this is what I am doing.

    Try it, or, do not try it.


  2. Every time I farm Kuva and play the riven roll lottery I rage quit.

    Seriously this time I think I am done.

    Why am I punished for playing the game?

    Here is the philosophy....Work hard grind grind grind. save up all you kuva and then just toss it away with nothing to show for your efforts other than rage.

    Why? Why can't we just reward people who put time and skill into something....

    I find that it is a reflection of what is wrong with the world today . mankind is dominated by the flaws of capitalism.As the good parts of capitalism are marginalized the worst among us rise to power through the lottery of birth.

    We are headed full speed straight into the jaws of actual Armageddon with full knowledge that that is what we are doing and as the few voices of reason speak out they are drowned out by the puppets of Machiavelli's  ghost with spite and disdain....and as the cliff gets closer and closer the world pretends that it is all just the way that it is and the people who make the rules know what is best and are truly looking out for them.

    This it what kuva is to me. The sickness that resides inside humanities soul that will bring about nothing but the distopian future we all seem to think we deserve.

    bleh I quit....

    for at least a week.....

    well I will be back to see if Baro has anything good.

  3. 4 hours ago, .Zel said:

    This is how it's a special mod i guess, pardon me since i don't use rivens and still run Acolyte builds when i do PvE but from what i have seen, Rivens are supposed to be a mod with stats which is supposed to make a weapon not viable for endgame into a viable one. As such, if the stats are really god tier then you can take pride in knowing that this is something you have and the chances of anyone else having it is close to none. Maybe they will have something which is just as good but different stats but not what you have.

    If you don't use rivens why are you even in this thread.

  4. Just to clarify.... I like the idea of rivens.

    But like so many have said before . they are a lottery.

    They do not reward investment or time or effort or kill.

    They give random rewards I have a few rolled over 30 times that are just as un usable now as they were when I got them.

    Then there is the guy who gets a zero or 1 rolled god teir riven.

    There are guns I would rather use like the acrid or the Stradavar but what rivens were supposed to do was make those weapons more viable.What they do though is create a lottery instead of an avenue for investment.

    You can make the argument that you invest by rolling that one riven until you get something you want. ...but that argument is weak.

    What many of us want is just a way to get predictable rewards from investment.

     A few weeks ago there was a double resource weekend I farmed 250k kuva....I got nothing usable from any of that kuva.

    That is why I am salty....No return on investment. I have nothing to show from that work.

    Riven rolling is gambling....You hear about people who hit it big. but the majority of the time the majority of people loose everything....\

    That is just not fun.

  5. 7 hours ago, kyori said:

    @TenGaugeBoson Just curious, why are you salty about riven n kuva? How do they affect you ended up not supporting DE anymore?

    Because Rivens And Kuva are bad.

    Kuva isn't rewarded in enough volume to warrant the lottery that are riven mods.

    If you aren't aware of the disgust among a lot of people when it comes to this just look around in the forums.

    Though I have had a post or two removed because they got "heated"

    Basically Riven rolling is a lottery designed economically to encourage players to buy more platinum buy increasing the "velocity" of in game currency.

    It is economics 2.21 ....I have no clue how much money DE is making but rivens and kuva are a corporate ro sham bo right in the jimmy of the player.

  6. #1 Warfame in my opinion is the best game ever created.Better than World of Warcraft, better than Dota, better than all of them. "In my opinion that is."

    I started playing this game on PS4 played until mr19, close to 1000 hours." the ps4 community was easier to meet and get together with"

    Then for some reason I started a pc account to see what was in a new patch or something and that was it. I moved to pc.

    The graphics were so much better and everything was just better. "except being able to meet people and make friends"

    On pc I have like 1200 hours and mr 23.

    I made it a point to always spend about $5 a month on the game if I could. I spent more when I could.

    I have bought a couple Prime access packs and all in all between pc and ps4 I have spent a couple hundred bucks supporting this game. "to much really now that I look at it."

    Also I always encourage new players to spend a little every month at least until they have spent around $60 .You know the price of a triple A top of the line game.

    Until you hit MR 12 making plat can be difficult for some people and buying a little plat can make everything less frustrating and more enjoyable.But by no means nessisary. It is just a good way to support a game that is worth spending some money on.

    But I got to be honest. Rivens and kuva have made me salty. Every week now I mouth off in the forums and complain every chance I get.I haven't spent any money on this game sense they came out and I have gotten many 20% of coupons a couple 50% coupons and a big uber 75% of coupon for daily rewards...but I have just been to upset about kuva and rivens to use them.

    I don't know if there is anyone else out there who has stopped buying because of this. But I thought DE should know that is why I stopped spending money. 

    ..."Also I have already spent way to much playing this game. Now that I look back.Like enough to buy at least a new GPU."


  7. On 6/16/2017 at 7:21 PM, DarkFlameZealot said:

    The ducat price is easily visible, just go to a relay and step up to one of two Baro kiosks. Takes about...1min tops unless you load really slow af. The reason why they aren't color coded in the inventory is due to the fact that multiple relics have the same part but in different tiers, especially those that were vaulted or recently changed to a lower rarity (vectis, ash, carrier, etc). Color coding is only necessary for end-of-mission/rotation reward selecting because many people don't know how rare a certain part is at the moment unless they knew exactly what they tried to get out of their radshare/intactshare, though the bronze for common and gold for rare is a bit too close in shade and should probably be tweaked a bit.

    Wasn't looking for an excuse or explanation as to  why.Was looking for someone from DE to say ."Ya that makes sense I have no idea why we didn't do that to begin with."

  8. It would be nice to have my prime parts color coded in my inventory.

    As well as having the ducat price somewhere visible.

    This should be easy to do ya? They are color coded in end mission reward choices. and in the relic menu. Can we just have it the same in inventory as well.


  9. Just something that would be nice.

    Is if in the end mission screen. Below everyone's names was the frame they were using.

    I know you can hit escape and see but it would be nice in that screen just to better be able to see who did what.

    Also a stat that would be nice in that screen would be who got what objective in spy missions and what not.Or who got the blood clouds in kuva missions.

  10. Kuva needs to change.

    Rivens need to change.

    I rage quit every other day because of the crap.

    the DE fan boys will argue with you all day defending a flawed system.

    It is a lottery

    It is a cash grab

    It is bad.

    One day soon I will likely delete the game

    . The greed has seeped into DE and the game is likely going down the cash grab on the way out road so many games go down.

  11. 23 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

    I just looked those up. I don't even think those are real things, unless of course when you say blind market you mean a store that sells accessories for blind people. 

    Look up black box derivatives. That should make you sleepy or mad.

  12. Look Rivens are a cancer on this game.You may be ok with the state of things but I am not. Many many other players also are not.So kicking up a fuss is the only thing option we have and the only thing that will change it.Making a fuss is the only thing that changes anything.Standing up to what is wrong in the world is what is defined as courage.Indifference in the face of injustice is defined as cowardice.This is a minor thing in the scope of the world but if I shut my mouth to this what else in life am I going to shut my mouth up to?

    A blind market is an unfair market.

    Riven mods are a lottery which means they are a tax.

    I will not be silent in the face of taxation without representation.

  13. Just now, StinkyPygmy said:

    Hardly. Individual players have no where near as much control of the market to manipulate it. Its real simple, don't like a price? Seller won't haggle? Then don't buy it and move on. The market will regulate itself regardless of the transparency of data which is too varied and chaotic in this instance to accurately provide.

    Well chances are you're just going to have to suck that one up then because without DE stepping to regulate things (which would be a horrible idea and a waste of resources) then accurate price checks in a market that is so erratic and chaotic is nigh on impossible to provide.


    Yes...you are likely right...but I don't have to like it or be quiet about it.

  14. 2 minutes ago, DarkFlameZealot said:

    Whatever ya say buddy. Just keep scrambling at the bottom cause you don't know how to adapt to it and profit.

    "Note: We do not enforce trades for promises, clan membership, and other favors." is all DE states about the market other than banning those that sell their account for real cash or for things in other games/other profiles/etc. 


    Take a few seconds to look up this calculator or join the discord server that has the riven gauge for checking whether the stats are even good and then make an educated decision on how much you'd want to buy/sell for. The system is 'flawed' to you because you're simply too ignorant to use your head and instead are trying to rely on a massive database that doesn't exist to hold information for thousands upon thousands of riven possibilities per weapon and type. Nothing else to say to someone who won't take advice from those that understand how this works.

    1st of all I am not your buddy.

    2nd of all most people don't have time to do all that 3rd party nonsense.

    3rd. You very clearly are feeling guilty because you have been scamming people at every opportunity.

    4th I am sure this behavior is representative of your real life character

    and #5 this exchange is over..

  15. 4 minutes ago, StinkyPygmy said:

    "Without market data this is anarchy and leads us to the evils of human behavior."  Ok, Now you're just being over dramatic.

    Here's the thing, its not entirely blind. There a tonne of ways to find said data yourself. Ask around, do some digging, watch trade chat go by and as much as I find them a bit dodgy you can check 3rd party sites as well. Will that give you exact statistics of sales? No, but its about as close as you can get and honestly, what need do you have for sales statistics? We have limited options in that regard in the real world as it is for a fair amount of industries. If you want hard data, then you have to go looking. Its the same deal here.

    Not to mention that your primary concern was Rivens and they are a much harder beast to price as EVERY SINGLE ONE IS DIFFERENT and there are too many variables.

    Its really not that big a deal OP. There is nothing secret about it.


    Agree to disagree. To me it is a big deal.Not loose sleep over, but enough to make me not enjoy the game the way I used to.

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