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Posts posted by TenGaugeBoson

  1. Akkad I think its called.=small map infested defense

    Helene = Small map graneer defense.

    People are doing Bere....I am not a fan though....

    But there are a couple ways to cheese out some xp...

    #1 Sorties.....Look for an eximas stronghold... get a group together and don't finish the objective until you kill all the eximas. Rescues and captures are ideal because the just keep spawning enemies.You can easily get over run if you aren't careful.If you take 1 good weapon and 2 level 0 you can easily rank them to 30 in a few minutes. Obviously it is not a constant and you have to wait for a sortie mission that will let you take all 3 weapons and is an exima stronghold.But you can max your weapons and syndicate rep in 1 run if you milk the mission and don't rush the objective.

    #2 fissures...Again captures and rescues enemies just keep spawning.If you just hold back on completing the objective you can get tons of xp.

  2. 46 minutes ago, (PS4)B0XMAN517 said:

    I would love to chase after arcanes, but I hate DE's raids. As much as I'd like to see another way to obtain arcanes, it's clear that DE wants these to be raid rewards. What they need to do is fix the raids, but that's a whole other thread. Arcane helmets just aren't coming back. This leaves you with only Wraith weapons as raid rewards. Do you take them out of Sorties? Would raids have one weapon while sorties had another? Not everyone likes staying in the same mission for a hour and to hold an entire tier of relics for 40+ min/waves would not go over well. I'm not trying to pick your idea apart, I just don't see how this could work.

    I am suggesting that the raids be a place to get things that are in the game ...but currently out of normal reward tables....Like last seasons sortie rewards or old event mods...

    I and many many many other people want to have a reason to do endless missions. Putting the raid rewards into the endless missions seemed like a good idea to me. It seemed like a no brainer....I am amazed that the few people that read this thread were against it....odd really....

    All I am saying is that the prime part system that was in place before could be put back in place only instead of prime parts there would be arcanes....It would work the same way the old system worked. If the old system worked for as long as it did with as many people playing the game that do...why would this not?

    As far as arcane helmets go...The logic is this....If there is something in the game that some people have that they can sell in the market...than there needs to be a way for everyone to attain that thing...Or it needs to be removed completely...IF arcanes were easier to get and more plentiful...then we could be putting them into our fashion helmets ...making the old arcane helmets obsolete enabling them to be deleted from the game.

  3. 41 minutes ago, CortexKiller said:

    You've just flatly ignored the point I'm raising: Arcane Helms were/are poorly executed.  If you replace the reward of what you are talking about but in reference to your OP then all you are doing is reintroducing a broken concept (helms with specific stats forcing you to use such even if the aestethics of such offends you).  Thus NO, old arcane helms are NOT an obvious choice - it would merely return to a poor design choice which has since been abandoned by the Devs themselves.  Find a different reward (old weapons are in Sortie Season reward so pick something else there too). 

    Your initial argument for the idea is fine, it is in determining what such reward should be that needs work.  Furthermore - having arcanes too readily available would turn them into mandatory options for builds rather that of a nice possible bonus.  People talk of power creep meta upon new releases/weaps etc - well this would make it worse.

    I am ignoring the point you are raising ...because it takes from the point I am trying to make...Arcane helmets.and Wraith weapons being put into the raid reward table was a suggestion to replace the arcane being moved into the endless missions.

    The Main thing I was trying to get across is that we need some sort of reward in the endless missions. I am up for anything, cosmetics, boosters, better credits something really ...just anything.

    I don't want to get dragged into a conversation about the validity of arcane helmets and their problems. I want to start a thread where people can brainstorm ideas for endless missions.

    My suggestion for the arcane helmets is based on the logic that if there is something in the game, that some people have, that is part of the market place, that can be sold for plat,...than there needs to be a way to attain that thing...Or it needs to be removed....Excal Prime is Different. He was a founders gift and meant to be special.

  4. 10 hours ago, p3z1 said:

    I'm gonna assume you're just here for the old arcane helmets.

    No, those shouldn't come back. It limits the true end game in warframe. It also limits variety. Imagine being forced to wear that HIDEOUS SUBMARINE Loki Helmet all the time, just for efficiency's sake.

    Also, it further makes players look for specific loadouts in certain squads (imagine players looking for Arcane Swindle Loki Helmet owners, just for the disarm).

    Another thing, drop tables are still diluted, and you want to dilute it some more? You're better off saying remove one of the trash rewards and replace it with a random arcane. Of course, BS RNG would still screw up and put a common, semi-useless arcane most of the time instead of that sweet Arcane Grace.

    Edit: Yes I own an Arcane Essence, but I don't use it. Because ugly af.

    Holy Crap...you have over 2000 posts in the forums?!

    How do you find time to even play the game?....


  5. 5 minutes ago, CortexKiller said:

    Nooooope, do not wish to see the return of Arcane helms. The implications for Fashion Frame are too many.  Seriously however, no they were and are a bad idea. 

    Having an incentive to do endless missions is fine, I just don't agree with any of your suggestions of such. Nor with unavail mods and weapons.  I'd rather see secondary objectives in a similar vein to Payday 2 of going for that extra safe for more loot but risking facing more elites/risk.

    Something has to go into endless missions...Arcanes are the obvious choice.As it stands today they are over priced and not really fun to obtain.

    You can argue that they are the only end game rewards we have...but doing the raid everyday just isn't fun...

    We all like a sense of forward progression....If forward progression is placed behind something that is tedious and un fun....well then...back to WoW.

    Raid rewards  are tedious...Endless missions are dead...

  6. 10 hours ago, p3z1 said:

    I'm gonna assume you're just here for the old arcane helmets.

    No, those shouldn't come back. It limits the true end game in warframe. It also limits variety. Imagine being forced to wear that HIDEOUS SUBMARINE Loki Helmet all the time, just for efficiency's sake.

    Also, it further makes players look for specific loadouts in certain squads (imagine players looking for Arcane Swindle Loki Helmet owners, just for the disarm).

    Another thing, drop tables are still diluted, and you want to dilute it some more? You're better off saying remove one of the trash rewards and replace it with a random arcane. Of course, BS RNG would still screw up and put a common, semi-useless arcane most of the time instead of that sweet Arcane Grace.

    Edit: Yes I own an Arcane Essence, but I don't use it. Because ugly af.

    Nope not here just for the Arcane helmets. I did highlight them though in the post so ....

    I was just here to think of something that would make endless missions a thing again.

    Putting the Helmets wraith weapons and unavailable mods in the raid reward table just seeded easy to me.It is something that could be done without a lot of fussing around and coming up with new S#&$.

  7. So now that the Relic system is in place there seems to be no reason to do the endless missions This has been touched on a lot.

    I have thought about it for 10 minutes and here is my suggestion and what I would like to see.

    I would like to see the raid rewards put into the endless mission reward table.Tiered and scaled of coarse

    Say after the first rotation an "arcane tier" is put into the reward table. After second rotation a "tier two arcane" is put into the reward table and so on.

    This gives us a reason to do endless missions and gives players access to arcane s without having to struggle to get in a raid.


    For the raid rewards I would like to see a return of the old Arcane helmets,wraith weapons and old event mods that currently cannot be obtained.


    I think this would be a reward system that we all could agree would be a welcome change.

    .The question would be how would it effect the economy...That I don't know.



  8. Look Most of you guys are nuts.

    Volt for Melee is better than all other frames at the moment....At least the way I play him.

    Volt is King.

    Volt is Above all.

    15 hours ago, EnderDDT said:

    I understand that he can be used to good effect, but you might understand more about what people are complaining about if you tried to use other warframes and compared what they are capable of with what Volt can actually do.  Let me give you an example by starting with what you wrote were good things to do with him.

    #1= Naramon Mele

    This can literally be done with any warframe, but Volt has an advantage because he has a mele buff. Compare this with any number of others who also have mele buffs, most of which do not require energy to use, or with other secondary buffs, and Volt immediately pales in comparison.  If you want to mele then you are better off with Ash, Excalibur, or Valkir. Ash has a passive damage buff on slash procs (so use a slashing weapon) and his other abilities include a way to jump immediately to enemies, making them vulnerable to mele finishers (which ignores both shields and all armor) and a way to immediately go invisible if his Narimon breaks. Excalibur gets a passive buff to all swords (being a passive buff means it requires no energy and is not badly affected by nulifiers) while he also has a jump, and ability that allows finishers on all enemies nearby, and a exaulted sword that can proc Narimon at range. Even if you feel like you absolutely need the mele buff that Volt has, Valkir is a better alternative. Her speed boost, when she uses her augment, can literally last forever and her exaulted weapon, with its 50% base crit chance that is affected by weapon augments, can immediately get you into the Naramon buff or heal you or give you invincibility to get away from a bad situation, etc. Volt's other abilities don't even help him deal damage in Narimon. What people are asking for that would affect this plan is a duration increase (which would decrease the need for a maximized duration down to just "increase duration somewhat") and a base speed increase. BTW, two of those three alternatives have higher base speed and all three have a way to close the gap, the increases would only serve to make him balanced with what others can do.

    #2= Overshield with map-wide stun.

    Volt actually can't do this. The spread mechanic on his #4 won't go through walls and won't travel far enough to get things on different levels. Furthermore increasing the range causes the stun to disappear very quickly (because of the damage cap). You do get good overshields when you don't get much of a stun. If you are going against armor you get a good stun but greatly reduced overshields. You know who is better at giving you defense and CC? Frost, Loki, Mag, Neza, Nyx, and Rhino. Literally every single frame with a large area CC ability and either an ability or an augment that gives defense. Nyx is the only one on the list that doesn't have hard CC (Hard CC= enemy can do literally nothing.) as her AoE CC causes enemies to attack each other, but her augment makes her completely immune to damage even as she attacks. Every one of the other's AoE CC abilities actually do work through walls, have a similar or higher effective range (after terrain is considered), and are less dependent on enemies in order to boost their own defense. If you are wondering why so many of us are asking for Discharge to be fixed, this is one example.

    #3= Do a halfway job of both of the above.

    Look previous explanations and split the difference. Then apply volt's below average defense, the necessity to be near the enemies to exasorbate that weakness, and he ends up being one of the weaker warframes.

    Lets be honest, he isn't in the Limbo or Zephyr level of bad, but he is definately below average except for a few specific categories (as a Naramon user, for instance), but even then he doesn't measure up with the alternatives. He can also kill enemies quite effectively and feel really good, but he can't kill as well or as safely as a large number of other warframes.



    Everything you said above....

    I stay alive longer

    Do more damage.

    And bring more to a group than any of the frames and scenarios you mentioned.

    Not to mention that running fast is the best thing to bring to any squad.

    In my humble opinion....Volt is King...

    Well the way I play him at least.

    Maybe Ash or Ember can match my damage...but it isn't like it takes any skill to play either of those frames.

    Ash is just watching a mission long finisher moves movie.

    Ember is just an aura that kills as you can stand still till enemies hit level 30 or so.

    Valkire brings nothing to a group she is a solo frame.

    Excalibur isn't really a melee frame he is more a turret.

    Look I don't wanna say to much cause like I said ....at the moment Volt is silly overpowered...I would hate for him to get nerfed.

  9. On 8/28/2016 at 9:38 AM, Bizzaro21 said:

    the only conflict i find with limbo vs nulli is that limbo displaces himself from this plane, why would the nulli field present in this plane affect him?

    Because the Quantum nonlocality Field frequencies cycle.And when those cycles synchronize.... well.... you remember what happened to the first Limbo right?

  10. Nullifiers....We all hate the Bubble Boys. They mess up our flow. Mess up our Rhythm. They make fun missions ....less fun.

    Obviously they aren't going away. Why would the corpus get rid of one of their most effective units.

    But Tenno technology needs to advance....The most obvious place to start to address this problem would be The Tenno's least favorite frame....Limbo.

    From a scientific point of view I would say that the nullifier tech is so similar to the Limbo tech that  that at some point there was some "espionage" Someone stole some data from someone.

    Who stole what from whom is the story though isn't it.

    I would think that from a scientific stand point that If Limbo were to tweak his tech in some way to better match Nullifier Shielding frequencies that a couple different scenarios could possible happen.

    1. Limbo uses his first ability on a null bubble and it pops kind of like the way Frost pops his bubbles.

    2. Limbo uses his first ability on a null bubble and it implodes ..Like a Vauban vortex.

    3.Limbo casts cataclysm and all null bubbles in range either pop or implode.

    All I am saying is that there is a story here that makes Limbo a better frame and nullifiers easier to deal with.

    Maybe a Limbo Prime? Maybe a Limbo Prime quest?...Has there ever been a Prime Quest?

    I could write something up if DE wanted.I have a pretty good vision of In my opinion would play out.



  11. Volt is my main Frame.

    His rework made him so freaking over powered I didn't think they would let us keep him!

    If you are having problems clearing anything with him then I am confused.

    I have 3 load outs for Volt.

    #1 Speed + naramon =Melee.

             Maximize Strength and Duration and use "Shocking Speed" after your first Naramon pop you are basically invisible the rest of the mission I solo 40 minute t4's easy

    #2 Over Shield & CC =Zenuric

            Maximize strength and range and use " Capacitance" Once your first focus pops you have all the enegy you need to cc entire maps through walls and everything.

    #3 Balanced Speed+CC = Zenuric

            Maximize Strength Range and Duration. And use both the Syndicate mods above.And you are just an all around bad &#!.


    Volt is likely the most powerful frame in the game at the moment...Arguably of coarse...but there is no reason what so ever to be even a little upset about his rework.Jeeze man I am afraid he is gonna get nerfed.

  12. I asked this same thing many times.

    Apparently because of contracts you cannot move from ps4 to pc ever at any time or ever in the future.

    They have said that they may do a PC to ps4 move though.

    I moved from Ps4 to pc and just started over.I was Mr 18 on PS4.It took a couple hundred hours and I am Mr 14 on Pc.

    I still have a few hundred plats on Ps4 I would gladly trade for Pc plats. As well as Prime mods and stuff.


  13. Volt with Naramon=to much power!!!!!

    Faster is just better.

    Specifically Volt with Dual Prisma Cleavers.

    Cleavers with 8 formas....

    *8 formas cause I forgot and never put in my potato....so I guess 4 would be good.

    ever forget? Happened to me...

  14. You will get a mod.Then start over at zero. It only takes a couple days to get the standing again.

    Obviously faster the higher your mastery.

    Obviously faster if you do the random missions with your sigil then do the syndicate missions and grab all the medallions.

    Without trying I max out in a week.

    When trying I max out twice a week.

  15. I would LOVE a button that showed built and or rank of weapons in the market.

    I have to go from my profile then to the market to cross check what to buy for mastery.

    It is not a big deal it would just be a nice quality of life thing.

    Also...Love all the new changes DE :)

  16. I am on PS4 ATM. MR 18, And I wanted to see the new update and play Lunaro so I started a pc account.

    I freaking LOVE PC Warframe....However...ug.

    1. There is no account migration so I would loose all my frames and all my plat and all my slots.{which are over a hundred because I buy a slot for every weapon instead of selling them after mastery."}

    2.There seems to be a lot of bugs in the new update. I am currently stuck on Mars because of the Lith fissure no credit issue.

    3.Everyone seems to hate the new update and star chart.

    ......I kinda like it with a couple exceptions...

                 a.In the market they kinda hid the blueprints...You have to click on a weapon with the plat price and then there is a tiny icon up in the right that will show you the credit price.Obvious "Trick" not an oversight but the money guys using basic Capitalism to manipulate consumers...It is the world we live in so.....It bothers me because I often exclaim how Warframe has the most bestest FTP model on the market.That's right I said "most bestest" and then they pull an obvious move like that....I It just reminded me of Wildstar and where that game ended up ...But whatever.

          B.The star map is a little clunky.I do like the look and the progression with the junctions .But I keep trying to click a planet as I am zoomed out and end up choosing a mission.No big deal really.

    All in all I am seeing why PS$ patches take so long....We don't get the bugs...So I am left with quandary...

    I really like PC Warframe.The graphics are better and everything is better.....But PS4 is stable .and the patches and new content take longer....but they don't have the little glitches that have people raging....

    I Wish Sony and Micropeckeheads would get their crap together and just let us have cross platform play.

    If there is ever account migration in the future I will likely move to pc though just because of the proprietary tyranny of consoles.



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