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Posts posted by deothor

  1. @danielteshing took me a while to get what's going on. You kinda added your comment into quote part ;P

    Reason is: red veins (metals) don't reward anywhere near as much as blue veins (gems). So no point wasting time and focus on trying to get perfect vein-cutting-minigame on something that's pretty much useless. The only moment where you want to focus on red vein is when it also has a chance for gem in it. In this case you only make sure that 1 segment with gem is successful.

    And why purposely fail reds? so its quicker. so they dont ping you on your cutting sunpoint drill thingy. Also for a chance of extra gem minigame in them.


    Have in mind its a post from 2 years. Some things might have changed and i haven't played in a while myself to know what's in the game currently.

  2. 1 minute ago, (PSN)Overtkill21 said:

    After you call folks "lazy" for wanting drops that you already had, yep, it was absolutely called for.

    1. havent called anyone lazy (wtf is this strawman?)

    2. After calling? Cause that'd mean I said 'lazy' (which i didnt) before your snarky comment?

    ???? I think I overestimated the "smart" part in "smartass". Anyways, I don't feel like continuing this banter. Bai

  3. 3 hours ago, (PSN)Overtkill21 said:

    LOL - so much hard work you had to do.

    My tiny violin, it plays for thee.

    I just hoped for something that I'd be interested in. that's all.

    No need to be smirky smartass, really.

    1 hour ago, mrgudveseli said:

    Not same drops. Mutagens and antigens for predasites and vulpas are different.

    Ah. Well I already got it all from deimos wildlife. Hopefully we'll get "more intersting" drops next week or so.


  4. 2 hours ago, Serafinia said:

    also don't use the " we " tag because you are saying it in your own name and not represent the whole community.

    oh no no, when I said 'we" i meant to represent everyone and everything in our part of galaxy.


    Jokes aside. OP asked if we'd get more content this month. he didn't ask "Serafinia, please tell me do you need more content, I really need to know if you still have something to do in this game".

    Who the heck cares, really, we don't need updates from your personal life xD

    ah those prom queens.. xD

  5. 8 minutes ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

    Do you even watch devstreams? Don't complain about not knowing you if you don't pay attention to them

    Yeah.. Devstreams, where 90% of it is them making light jokes, laughing at mascots (or whatever there is) or trying out waters with stupid ideas that by no means should be even considered. At least that's how it used to be about 2 years ago. Not watching it since, cause it's a waste of time most of the time. 

    You could however share your knowledge from watching devstream, instead of blaming others for not watching it.


    This should never be an argument, really.

    • Like 2
  6. People were mentioning chroma rework for a long time. Have in mind rework =/= buff.

    His 1 is totally useless

    His 2 and 3 are stupidly strong for engame... untill mobs instakill you with a fart

    His 4 allows for easy semi-afk low-mid level defense, but has little use anywhere else


    Overall I really enjoy chroma, especially his dragon form, but I don't see any reason why I should play him outside maybe eidolons or semi-afk defense.

  7. 11 hours ago, KnossosTNC said:

    like letting you take bounties in the Plains,

    When Fortuna came, I really believed this was good idea.

    Noone used it. Like... EVER.

    If they gonna add it, cool, in theory its usefull, in practice everyone is too stupid/afraid to actually use it. They actually go full balistic if you mention they don't have to return to the base. 

  8. 57 minutes ago, (PS4)gta4biosmka said:

    you should report this in Feedback section

    everyone mentions feedback this, feedback that. Where is it? Cause when I checked forums, then the only place that has feedback in it is about Fortuna and it's pretty much dev-dead, cause they don't even bother to read it, or if they do they just ignore it.



  9. 13 minutes ago, Cicasajt said:

    but how do u know its Sheet if u never encountered a Sheet before?

    I've played my fair share of pvp in many shapes and forms.

    if the game is designed as PVP and it's good then it might work

    but it will not work in PVE game as a forced in feature that cannot be balanced because of tilesets, weapons, frames and few other reasons that will show themselves if this feature is added.

    But you know what will be the worst of it all?

    DE relases it. It turns out to be unbalanced mess (who knew?!). Players are unhappy and after a month of bugfixes and arguable balance decisions DE decides to... forget about the feature and focus on next big thing. And we'll be left with PVP piece of puzzle that doesn't fit into PVE part of the game for god knows how long.


    Concalve and Lunaro are PERFECT "feedback" what playerbase thinks of PVP in WF. 



    • Like 1
  10. Poor fellow, you totally missed the point of this "event".


    You see in games that know how to do events, good events are supposed to add some fresh air for players. Something else to do. Reward players for participating.

    DE however sucks major ass at making events. This thing is platinum-trade-boosting to live up the economy. And that's about all.

    If anything you should focus on farming plat in other ways, like void trader or trading and just buy all rare mods from others. And maybe, maaaaybe try to get yourself maiming strike from the acolyte.

    That, or GL wasting whole week in hopes maybe that 80th acolyte will actually drop something good for once. 

    • Like 3
  11. Oh, so DE decided to ignore playerbase rather unhappy feelings regarding pvp stalker and are pushing it forward?

    On 2019-01-25 at 8:16 PM, Cicasajt said:

    u cant even play it yet u want to rework it...

    I might be a lil bit brash with it but...

    If you see S**t on the ground, do you need to lick it to make sure it's S**t? Or are you really expecting something else like... tasty chocolate?

    Some things are so obviously stupid or bad or unfinished you don't have to try them to know it. Regarding thread: rework is way too heavy of a word. some minor'ish tweaks would do.

    On 2019-01-26 at 12:45 AM, HugintheCrow said:

    There is no reason to believe Stalker mode will EVER be released to the public. In fact, it's more reasonable to think it will never be released at all.

    Untill to playerbase surprise it will be relased because we already know how "good" DE is at listening playerbase. 

    Tbh those threads are pretty important as they show how players feel about the topic... Even if in the end devs will still ignore them :P

    • Like 1
  12. 8 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    I'm not advocating for the removal of the Magus's (I'd rather they were all reworked as part of a fullscale rebalance), I'm just arguing on the side of... making a good game. Shoddy mechanic after shoddy mechanic held together by duct tape is... not how you create a good game.

    If I were to describe how WF feels with everything they added after operator rework, it'd be this. 

    My brain cannot into english today ugh.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, KnossosTNC said:

    Ignis Wraith. Hah, was thinking about buying a BP from trade chat the other day. Glad I waited.

    Dunno if that's a sarcasm or you are serious, but you can buy ignis wraith for less than 5p, while 550 ducats is worth alot more, so you'd be losing quite alot of grind or plat, depending what's your goal :)

    • Like 1
  14. I'm exactly in the same spot as you right now and solution I came up is:

    Leave the game untill I hardly remember the controlls and some combos. This usually takes about 6-8 months. Then I check if any of my friends want to play. If not I wait a bit longer with my break. If they do want to check what's new in WF I play with them.

    And if you feel like "i might miss the event or rare alert"... It's the worst kind of feeling, but in the end if you won't take the break you might just snap and leave WF forever.

    Imo DE made warframe into this type of game that is either your second job and you love it, or it's your second job and you love to hate it. 


    Check other games.

    If you like to min-max strategy/base building maybe check factorio or rimworld?

    Or maybe you like building stuff like spaceships? Then Space engineers got you covered. 

    Or maybe you like to have an adventure and you like 2D games? Then terraria might be your thing.

    Even minecraft with mods is so much fun. 

    It's a risky suggestion here, but Fortnite STW is fun now... Or so people say. It's like warframe but with goofy graphics and zombies.... And it's F2P game that costs 20$....

    Or why not return to old titles like Borderlands 1&2?

    And if you like microtransactions, lootboxes then pretty much any activision game got you covered,


    Plenty of great games. Really no point forcing yourself to play WF :)

  15. Imo having your melee weapon better range than tonkor is kinda fun. Definitely worth upgrading and using, even if you can't max it.


    Weapons with already good reach (atterax/scoliac IIRC) become room-sweepers, while long swords, such as Paracesis/Gram/Pre-Gram HS clear pretty decent areas around the player. After a while you won't be able to live without Primed Reach :P

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