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Posts posted by deothor

  1. 5 hours ago, -Sentient- said:

    DE won't allow this, trust me.

    With that attitude that's more than certain.

    If playerbase (or just forum userbase) as a whole will demand it, then DE will have to do something about it.

    That's why please stop with nay-saying.

    3 hours ago, Zeful said:

    During it's height, the playerbase demanded ever longer runs from each other, and that heavily selected against people who couldn't game a lot, and disproportionally rewarding players that could literally play full time.

    That only applied to rare keys that you'd get maybe 1 per few days.

    Most of the time people were fine with 20-40 minute runs, while 60+ minute runs were just there for min-maxing efficient groups.



    • Like 1
  2. 11 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    it will be attacked.

    tbh anything that's different is attacked here. Hardly if ever people agree with change suggestion.

    kuva? bad

    rivens? bad

    sortie? bad

    mission changes? bad

    frame changes? bad

    new frames? bad

    meta? bad

    open worlds? bad

    good? bad

    bad? bad

    anything? bad

    The thick "don't change anything, new is bad" wall is too dominant here.


    (im not saying I agree with sentient, just mentioning the trend here)

    • Like 1
  3. @mikakor from my understanding your 3 works like this:

    Once there are some mobs in your rift, you cast your 3. That marks them. Now once they die, mobs outside the rift, that are closest to them get dragged into your dimension.


    It supposedly could give you neverending waves of fresh things to kill while you are in your dimension. Problem is: its visuals are lacksing to say the least. Most of the time I have no goddamn clue if the mob is or is not in my dimension.

    If you still have some problems visualizing how 3 works, think of Saryn spores and how she spreads them by attacking infected guys with her 3 on.


    Overall its crappy ability. Not even because of design but crappy visualization.


    Or I might be totally wrong how to use it.

    • Like 4
  4. 26 minutes ago, degrida said:

    I think it's high time for DE to show us something better and grander than what they have now because Bungie has just become independent and there is a good chance that if Warframe doesn't secure its place as THE best sci-fi mmolite game, Destiny will step up to the plate and claim that spot.

    Now? More like in a year+

  5. There are few reasons why BR would fail in WF, such as:

    - no dedicated servers. I simply don't imagine player-host handling 20-30-50 other players.

    - I don't imagine DE spending any dime beyond the minimum they currently are spending.

    - even though FPS / shooter games are always popular, warframes PVP never got any player attention (and pvp events we had were the worst we ever got). 

    - balancing nightmare

    - DE steve is too busy creating yet another boring landscape full of nothing or trying to pretty much copy-paste Guns of Icarus into this game

    - overall players unhappinness regarding any mention of PVP in this heavily PVE oriented game. It's almost as if you were to bring a cactus to baloon party. It doesn't work.

  6. 8 hours ago, (PS4)Lei-Lei_23 said:

    edit: Needs more base duration imho. 10s base is too short.

    With max-duration build, this augment works for about 30s. With "normal" build (200% dur), it's solid 20s.

    Considering how often you gotta recast it (cause it loses its "focus" after a while), I'd say it's pretty balanced, if not actually on the OP side.

  7. Here's the future of Warframe for next year or year and a half:

    1. DE relases more unreplayable content - empty open worlds. 

    2. Players shriek with ecstasy for 1-2 weeks

    3. soon after: "where our content boo-hoo!!!1 content drought!!1 DE do something!11"

    4. 6-8 months of silence from DE

    5. DE relases more unreplayable content - empty open worlds, but this time with a plot twist! It's in spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace (with trice the amount of content gates)

    6. Everyone binge-eats through the content within 2-3 weeks - after that noone bothers to play it

    7. "DE moar content pls?"

    Rinse and repeat untill someone with any "power" in DE will finally tell them that OW, as they currently are being made, fail in this game (not that well made OW would fail, but the way they make it, it sure does)

    Also somewhere in this timeframe we'll get next superb questline. Be it side-quest or main one. Either way it will be amazing.

    In meantime we might get some pseudo-content update with some trinkets that serve some purpose, that actually do nothing more than slow players down with abysmal drop rates, low good-reward chances or time-related gates. Obviously this contentwon't have replayability value and will be treated as "meh addition" within 1-2 weeks.

    Maybe they'll add yet another "platinum bait" "upsie bug" like the last one with staticor for 3-4 months. 

    Some events, that are either no fun grinds, or semi-fun will-shattering triple-the-grinds.



  8. 10 hours ago, Voltage said:

    There is absolutely no way a player knows the optimized Index points bank without doing research outside of the game or asking questions.

    No need for research tbh. You simply see untill when bonus points cap.

    On top of that they usually ignore anything you write in chat.

    It's just low IQ I guess

    10 hours ago, Peter said:

    Why is index so bad designed?

    Because DE dislikes the idea that the first relased content might have to be checked. Most of the time they "relase and forget". And only under heavy player demand do they go back to something they relased. But not even to fix it, but to cover whatever is bad with buffs/freebies. So said bad content is still bad, but at least you get shinies while doing it.

    Also the fact that DE sits in their soundproof chamber and ignores feedback definitely doesn't help making better designed content. Or they listen only to DE defenders (you know those peeps, they disagree with every player suggestions and always say the game is perfect)

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, (NSW)RabidSkag said:

    I have even killed limbs with mote amp only.

    obvious lie detected. Or you really expect whole team wasting 40 minutes with mote amp.

    2 minutes ago, (NSW)RabidSkag said:

    I have soloed terrys and done tridos at MR5.

    My lie detector blew up. You owe me new one.


    Unless your whole comment is a sarcasm targeted towards all those people that spout nonsense.. Tbh I'm not sure anymore :S

  10. 1 minute ago, MagPrime said:

    Ah, so you only read what you wanted to and ran with it. 

    The F?

    No, it means I don't pointlessly quote EVERYTHING you write, because that's stupid. Do you quote WHOLE book to talk about 1 thing it contains? And also, as I said, the first part which I quoted doesn't have changed meaning even if used separately. 

    So aggressive. Jeez.


  11. 1 minute ago, MagPrime said:

    I emphasized the bits you removed from what you quoted. 

    I simply used "quote selected", just highlight the fragment of text you want to quote, then an option to 'quote selection'. No editing.

    Anyways the second part of your first sentence doesn't add much to the first part and can be taken separately without changing its meaning.

    My only fault here was not noticing the S in 'topics". I though you were only talking about this one, which was somewhat suspicious as this thread had been (pointlessly) moved somewhere it shouldn't be (offtopic). That's all

  12. 12 hours ago, (PS4)OccultSif said:

    2 of em were MR8s

    This is the moment you leave the squad and look for another one.

    Noone and I dare repeat it: NOONE will prove me that low MR players know how to hunt eidolons. They either leech doing nothing or they leech while dying all the time and still not contributing.

    Edit: here's my thread about the matter: 


  13. About your vid: you wrongly used like 90% of memes and gifs. They were kind of unrelated/misplaced didn't connect to 'meme' part much, in other words, they were either unfunny or indifferent. On top of that you overused too F$#@% much creeching and lound noises. It isn't funny when your eardrums bleed.

    Also video lags quite badly. It seems your PC can't handle WF + recording software... Or just WF in general :P

    About the content: yeah, that's about right


    Endscore: eidolon run without volt/chroma.

    You might want to check those 2 YTbers: TqLxQuanZ and Zita Wup on how to make meme clips and WF vids entertaining


    Edit: btw, you got some nice skills with editing... Or you had loads of free time to work on the vid.... Or vid editing got alot easier since last time I tried :P

  14. Quote

    Why do so many players refuse to equip health/shield mods?

    Maybe beyond few "caster" frames shield mods are pretty much useless. Or even worse than useless, as they get in the way of getting some energy back with hunters adrenaline/rage.

    Why are they useless? Cause damage on shield doesn't go through damage reduction that armor provides, so those crumble alot faster than HP would. Not to mention slash/gas procs (not that those happen all that often). Totally skippable.

    HP mods though.. Well, people who skip them are usually inexperienced newbies that don't even know what those do, or in worst case scenario, they are noobs that ignore them.

    Armor mods only work on few frames, usually those who don't have shields to begin with (nidus/inaros), maybe atlas.

  15. 19 hours ago, (XB1)RDeschain82 said:


    If only I had twitter.. Oh well.

    What would I want? 

    1. Rework mob scallings (so it ramps up quicker, stays "difficult enough" alot longer

    2. Add scalling rewards. Not even for everything, but things that count (kuva)

    3. Add new type of starchart for experts and veterans. Simply scale mob level x5, rewards x2 or x2,5, item drops x1,5 or x2

    4. Add lots of bounties to POE/Fortuna, Rework eidolon mechanics, especially their damage reduction. Rework 3rd eidolon to be more in line with the first 2 (what I mean so it takes skill rather than countless operator instakill-deaths)

    5. Fight with stupidly added powercreep. Not ALL powercreep, but those weapons that are amazing even though they shouldn't be (zaws,kitguns)

    6. Rework sortie reward system, maybe a'la void with relics.

    7. Rework/change how orokin sculptures are found. So far almost noone bothers to look for them, so maybe add a line "hey teeno, there's sculpture nearby"

    8. Maybe relic farm for pros/veterans? You open 2 of them at once or it adds better chances? Obviously higher level

    9. Change arbitrations abit. Not gonna go into details, those were made plenty by others already


    So in short: Lots of reworks and checking old content than adding new

  16. Tbh defense is already something what I want, the thing is: it's specially pulling players leg and forces them to sit on their bums for far too long and far too often.


    Speed it up. Increase mobs spawns by factor of 2 or 3. It will be more fun and faster. Defense is already the longest of endless missions with probably the biggest difficulty (objective defense).

  17. On 2018-11-21 at 1:10 AM, wtflag said:

    Debts are expansive

    expensive 😉

    Personally I'd go with this:

    1. if you have resource booster or resource chance booster = go mining. About half an hour and you'll have about 20-30k+ standing, depending on luck. How I do it:

    - there are several mineral-rich caves (orokin dig site is most dangerous and bountiful). Find them

    - use AOE-killing machine. Preferably ember or Saryn (so mobs wont get a chance to disturb you)

    - equip your smeeta

    - tryhard blues, purposely fail reds UNLESS those have chance for gem (it doesn't matter if you'll get perfect or worst score tbh)


    2. Pokemons

    - equip ivara (nerfed, she smells bad now), sleep-equinox, or loki (worst of the 3, but beggars can't be choosers) or other frame with sleep.. if there is one.

    - equip helios (for scans and also he won't get in a way. Also-also if you have hard time spotting your pokemons, helios might give you scan-sound warning if there's one nearby)

    - catch pokemons. The higher tier the better. Or something. Double points for mew


    Ignore debts, bounties and fishing. Those are crap. Do those only if you really have to.


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