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Posts posted by KindCollusion

  1. I didn't say that decoy and switch teleport should be used together to be become god tier abilities. Switch teleport is merely a convenient ability and as for decoy? You pretty much said it, hide it. Enemies have aggro drawn to it, and as long as they cannot shoot it and you aren't in front of it, you're safe. That is a god tier #1.

    Hiding the decoy is a bug usually. there were a lot of areas where you could hide the decoy that DE stopped. and that wasnt and isnt godtier. its situational assuming you can find a good hiding spot for it

  2. And honestly, imagine how cool it would be to see like 3 loki clones switch teleporting and disarming all over the place. Heck just for that I'd be okay with radial disarm having some of its range nerfed. Loki would be able to truly create chaos on the battlefield. Then when he went invis his clones would too. it would just be fun

  3. if you Loki players want to go invis and do damage at the same time, why not just use Ash??


    right now its more clear with the difference between the two

    Loki - Disables + distractions

    Ash - High Damage

    true but to be fair Ash could use some changes as well. I'd like to see ashes invis work on allies within the radius lol but everyone would say no its OP so i wont even create a topic for it lol.

  4. Loki isn't the two trick pony that everyone seems to make him out to be, decoy and switch teleport are valuable skills and are balanced as is. Decoy requires some planning and knowledge of the current AI, but I would take it over any other #1 ability in the game. It is god more when used correctly, and does not require a "buff" where it can move or deal damage.

    I can sympathize with your frustrations, but you may just have to deal with the cards you are dealt.


    Okay lol explain to me how decoy and switch teleport are Godtier when used together. Heck most of the spots you can get to with it you can get to without it. Sure you can hide the decoy but thats practically a bug and you cannot do it on every map. Switch teleport has always been finicky by itself. If its useful on a boss like it was on raptor it will be nerfed. I loved it when it moved the pod but that was nerfed too. You can't be serious. Loki was my starter I have 1k+ hours on warframe.

  5. No we don't. Radial Disarm is still useful for higher levels and scales much better than invis. I do agree that Decoy does need to be re-viewed because it's quite underwhelming compared to Hall of Mirrors or Molt. But Decoy still works well if you wanna revive someone. Also, I honestly think Loki is the least useful and shouldn't be bothered to be brought to Infested to begin with. Oh sure you can invis and get kills, but getting kills is something all your teammates can do, honestly any frame beats Loki in an infested mission.

    I just dont think a frame should be boarderline useless vs an entire faction. There are other frames with this problem but i doubt DE means for that to be the case.

  6. Are you guys really opposed to a Decoy change? I mean seriously, radial disarm isnt bad at all but its just useless vs infested. Just as before, invisibility is his only constantly reliable skill. Maybe I went a bit far saying he's impotent but the main skill we all use loki for is much weaker. And think about the way decoy functions, it doesnt even make sense. I dont even get how enemies would be fooled by it. As I said the nerf is logical we just need some buffs to accompany it

  7. So I have been playing loki a long time and I even spent the time to get Loki prime but I was disappointed with the nerf.

    For those of you who dont know, Loki was nerfed so that when he fires non-silent weapons enemies will fire in his direction. Also when invisible if he touches an enemy while going melee he loses the bonus damage temporarily. This makes it impossible to wade into crowds while meleeing. Instead you have to go in and out. 


    I think the nerf is logical but its simply too much alone. It makes since that AI react to shots being fired. It also makes sense that they become alerted when something hits them. The problem is that while logical it makes Loki much less useful.

    See loki is basically reliant on his invisibility. If he is now going to be detectable he at least needs a buff to his speed or his durability. The other issue is that he doesn't do any real damage so he really suffers when his melee bonus becomes unreliable after the first hit.

    Invisibility also gave purpose to his other skills. decoy gets downed at range so its pointless if you don't disarm enemies first. So we often use it after we have disarmed enemies to gather a crowd we can chop down with our melee. Now the melee has no bonus so not only does invisibility suffer so does decoy and to a lesser extent radial disarm. 


    Now I know what your thinking, switch teleport+decoy. Well as the fastest frame in the game you already get around pretty quick and even then using it for positioning is generally unnecessary.


    Radial disarm is an excellent skill but its not reliable because an entire faction laughs when you use it. 

    All of this together makes loki impotent. Invisibility becomes an unreliable tanking skill. Decoy loses its purpose and radial disarm just isnt always useful. 

    Now I'm not against the nerf but a buff needs to accompany it. I think it would be a good idea to have decoy summon 3 specter versions of Loki that each do 1/4th damage and cast switch teleport and radial disarm on enemies. Then as I mentioned before we could buff loki's life, shields or speed. 

  8. I think standardization would give the game some needed balance and variation. In particular I've been thinking about melee weapons and frames. 

    First of all I think that we should have an incentive to use one weapon type over another. In particular 2 handers, duals and one handers. I would like this structured around accessibility. Specifically your weapons shouldn't have to unrealistically disappear for you to go melee. 


    1 handed weapons: I think these should be usable with a secondary. The big advantage would be that not only can you use 1 handed weapons with a secondary you can also use their stance as well. The only reason to switch to them fully is to make use of channeling. 


    Dual weapons: I think just the offhand should be usable with a secondary but with no stance. You would have to switch to it to use both blades and the stance. 


    2 handed weapons: I think they should get a 25 to 50% damage buff and then you're not able to use them unless you fully switch to them. 


    For all weapons, no E spam while using the primary. 


    I think this change would give us various play-style options and give the game some realism in melee. It makes more since then your weapons disappearing when you E spam. It also makes 1 handed weapons more viable without relying on gimmicks (IE crimson dervish). Additionally it gives us more options for customization with our secondary. People might be annoyed not being able to get at their 2 handers immediately but a buff should make that more desirable. Also it allows us to look for something more than blank stats. Weapon type actually becomes a real factor beyond the way a stance looks. 2 handers become extremely powerful but you have to commit to them. Dual weapons reward commitment but are versatile enough to allow the option of a secondary. 1 handers add a special new dimension to using secondaries. 


    On the subject of frames I think the stats are all over the place and could use some consistency. I think we should have heavy frames, medium frames and light frames. 

    Light frames: High speed but low armor, shields and life. Ex: Loki, Volt (why should he be a turtle without energy?), Mirage, Nova, and what Zephyr (Honestly, speed, shields, health and a defensive power???)

    Medium frames: Moderate stats all around. Ex: Excalibur, Ash (absolutely no reason to have so much life),Banchee, etc


    Heavy frames: Lower speed but high armor, shields and life. Valkyr, Rhino, Frost, Vauban?, Oberon, Ember (come on all her powers require short range)

    Alternatively they could be separated into caster, stealth and tank. 

    Caster: High energy, medium speed, medium shields, and low/medium health and armor. These frames rely on their powers a lot and try to stay out of fire. Quick thinking becomes useful again. 


    Stealth: High speed, high shields, medium to low energy, low health and low armor. For these frames the game play becomes dynamic. The frame shields to tank a bit of damage but the lack of health and armor lends itself well to hit and run tactics. You strike, run for cover and wait for your shields to recharge, rinse and repeat,


    Tank: High health and armor, medium shields, low speed and energy. These frames usually have a defensive ability but dont rely on energy a lot.They can wade deep into battle and stay right in the fray for much longer. 


    Either way, the game just becomes more intuitive when organized like this. DE announces that a frame is going to be light or stealth and you know what youre getting. Right now the stats are all over the place and some of them dont even make sense. 



    Thank you for reading :)

  9. The creation of the tenno is flawed and wrong. If you read Excalibur it says a completely different story.

    Woaw i just checked on that. Interesting, I do recall them mentioning in a livestream that hayden tenno was the first though. The OG i think they said lol. Perhaps the void was somehow used to create other tenno? I dunno lol time to start looking through the codexs of the other warframes.

  10. I think your on the right track but from reading stalkers codex I get a different impression. At the end of the war the Tenno defected to the "sentients" side, faked a victory then staged a coup. You mentioned the lotus is basically a machine, that is sentient. See where I'm going with this? Then after the war the sentients (lotus) put the tenno to sleep in cryopods. Why risk the strongest fighting force in existence turning on you just like they turned on their Orokin overlords, might wanna wipe their memory while you're at it so if you do wake them up they are much more malleable. A high functioning AI would likely have nothing to fear from the corpus due to their near worship of technology. But the rise of the Grineer got the lotus worried. They are a faction she cannot control or easily assimilate. Because of the rise of the Grineer empire the lotus was forced to re-awaken her most powerful weapons, us. This would also explain why the Stalker wants you all dead and to "divide your forces". I can't think of anything the last "low guardian" of the Orokin would want to do more than try and finish the war with the sentients by any possible means. As for why we fight the corpus? It's much easier to assimilate a weak culture.


    Just my speculation on the topic.

    I did key in on the idea that the Sentients could be like sentient AIs. The thing is that that the Lotus existed in at least some form as far back as dark sector. The Sentients could be AIs but I dont see any reason to believe they won the conflict. Where are the other Sentients if that is the case? I call the Lotus a cybernetic intelligence on purpose because I think she's like a human mind that was uploaded into a machine or something like that. Maybe a bunch of human minds uploaded into a machine. I think the stalker wants to kill us just because we murdered the other Orokin.  

  11. So I was reading the Stalker's codex entry and combined it with other information and I think i have a vague understanding of Warframe's lore.

    Long before Warframe, the infestation bioweapon was unleashed on earth. It caused massive devastation and most of mankind was wiped out. Many of the surviving humans found they could merge with the infestation and through them a new infestation was born that could be controlled and harnessed. These humans came to be known as the Orokin and the Orokin used their version of the infestation to wipe out the remaining original infested. 

    Few regular humans survived but there were two general groups that did. Various human groups who hated the Orokin for their amazing powers and advanced technology and a few human groups who revered the Orokin and possibly worshiped them. 

    At some point after this there was a golden age for the Orokin and they spread throughout the galaxy. The Tenno were created as a warrior class to keep the balance, for the Orokin themselves as well as all other regular human groups. They were named after one of the early Orokin, Hayden Tenno, who had in common with the other Tenno infestation derived abilities that were useful in a warrior.  


    Then the Sentients appeared and for some reason they went to war with the Orokin. The Tenno being Orokin warriors joined the fight on the side of the Orokin but they never forgot that they agents of balance.The fight was surprisingly difficult for the Orokin and in desperation they unleashed the original infestation on the Sentients. This turned the tide of the battle and eventually the Tenno were able to gain the upper hand and eradicate the Sentients.

    If you have read the codex entry of the Stalker you will know it is implied the Tenno betrayed the Orokin. This likely happened because the Tenno are agents of balance. They saw the brutality of the Orokin at war and found the release of the infestation to be reckless and heinous. For this reason the Tenno set out to eradicate the Orokin.

    Once the Orokin were destroyed the Tenno set about clearing out the infested and rerouting whatever ships they couldn't into deep space. This is why it takes time to locate Lephantis. Once all of this was finished the Tenno went to sleep having brought balance to the system and wanting to take themselves out of the picture so the balance could remain. 

    As time went on the humans that revered the Orokin became the Corpus. Orokin technology became a scarce resource that everyone depended on and the Corpus hoarded it, selling it at very high prices. They became a merchant cult because of this. They both emphasized the Orokin tech market and revered the Orokin as their protectors. 

    The humans that hated the Orokin stayed on the fringes of the system and stayed at war with each other for a long time. One of these space barbarian tribes discovered Orokin cloning secrets and used it to conquer and wipe out the other tribes. They came to be known as the Greneer. Through the use of cloning they used their numbers to spread all across the system and often came into conflict with the Corpus who were able to hold them back due to their superior technology. Eventually a love hate relationship developed between the Corpus and the Greneer as they benefited from trade but fought over territory. 

    At this point the infested returned and this made the Lotus very nervous. The Lotus was the oldest of the corpus, practically an a cybernetic intelligence after so many years. She never bought into the idea of using Warframes and dissecting Tenno but she went along with it for the good of the collective. When the infested returned she knew that the Tenno were the only force that could stop them but the Corpus kept on destroying Tenno in an attempt to gather their secrets. 

    For these reasons the Lotus left the Corpus and started waking the Tenno. 

    A lot of this is just my guess work. Tell me what you think. 

  12. >If it doesn't one-hit-kill, it's useless


    Ever heard of "Use your abilities for CC or damage boosts to assist your higher-DPS weapons?" Because, ya know, even if your abilities won't one-hit-kill, they sure can help your weapons out. Volt has some great stunlocking going on with his infinitely procable ult.

    Sorry lol but 100 energy is too much for a stunlock. 25 is alright for a stunlock but not at its current radius. 

  13. I'm okay with there being a point where he cant oneshot corpus but wave one on outer terminus is a bit early. His shields are decent but not enough for him to take advantage of his melee attack speed. I'd be happy if his speed also increased his weapon fire rate. Some of you may think this is too much but this makes speed comparable to Rhino's roar. Shock and Overload need to be distinguished from each other somehow and the damage needs to be increased.

  14. Want to turn a lvl 50+ grineer alert in a thriller video? -Volt


    The damage on his abilities is mediocre but his cc abilities are superb. I use a maximised power efficiency build and it's quite fun.

    i mean the stun is okay llol but killing would be more efficient for the energy cost...

  15. Looks like they renerfed volt. His ulti wont one shot outer terminous corpus on the first wave even with focus and a halfway upgraded blindrage. Kind of sick of him getting the short end of the stick. shock and his ulti do no damage. Speed is good but volt has no defense so theres no reason to use it for melee. This leaves shield to be the only viable option. So much for being a potent alternative to gunplay 

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