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Posts posted by KindCollusion

  1. The red text just said "Now go buy some platinum"

    I find that disconcerting since the game is already a pay to win mess when its advertised explicitly as free to play...

  2. Pray to the RNGod, that's what farmers did in medieval times, that's what they should do now.

    I pray daily!!! I can make sacrifices! I'll give them my first born! He's a bit scrawny but he's a hard worker! What about my daughter, shes unknown to man and a very good cook! 

  3. And this device should be one use only, buyable only for Pt, around 100 probably.

    Because if it'll be unlimited use, and BP for 25.000 cr, then what sense in obtaining potatoes and forma? I can have 3 potatoes for weapons, and 1 for my warframe, and just switch between them.

    Honestly? No.

    Just no.

    I was thinking 1 use, and the blueprint would be rare but also available for platinum. Considering how hard it is to get potatoes I think this is logical. In 300 hours of gameplay I've only come across 2 catalysts and no reactors. I've gotten Forma but its very rare and it takes time to work it into a weapon. 

  4. I have been having this issue for a while now and I hear I am not the only one. 

    I keep planting PoTatO seeds but my potatoes won't grow! Is there something wrong with my farming technique or is the soil of the game barren and lifeless? 

    Please help! I work so hard, as a poor farmer I don't have the money to go to the market and just buy potatoes. My family is starving!

  5.  I think there should be an Orokin Transference Device. This piece off equipment would transfer all polarities and/or potatoes from one frame or weapon to another frame or weapon. Not sure if this should unrank whatever items it is used on but i'll leave that to ya'll for discussion.

     I think this would motivate players who have put a lot of work into one weapon to go out and buy new weapons. I mean who wants to get a new weapon when you used your precious potatoes and ferma on old faithful?

  6. Recently saw the new warframe trailer... Felt so silly watching it knowing that the little bit of lore in that vid was totally undeveloped... Also I really wish Ash's animations were that cool in the game lol.

  7. Was news to me too but then I soloed a T3 and I noticed the monsters were lower level and in smaller groups

    This is news to me.

  8. A cooperative game doesn't need to "force" the cooperation.


    If you enjoy rushing, do it in solo

    If cooperative game cannot force cooperation then what game can? The difficulty already scales up with party size, why not let that include ways of encouraging cooperation. A good example is the greneer Scorpion. With a few tweeks to its ai and accuracy this unit could make it really hard to rush through areas. 

  9. its almost like you didnt enjoy having your amphis.

    there could always be new weps with more features that suit your playstyle better. so then just dont play and wait. forever.

    it just came out, literally. nobody is going to have a good grasp of what it can do at high level with the right mods in teh right situation. people were badmouthing weps before anybody ever had them. the opposite doesnt help either.

    according to some every should be viable all the time and id rather not. i like the idea of switch weps to fit a situation. the amphis is fun in its own way. id want the orthos to do the same.

    Listen, all I'm saying is that all weapons should have a purpose. Let one weapon be good at one thing and let another be good at another. I'm fine with that. I don't like it when one weapon is good at one thing and another is almost exactly the same but is better in every way but one. I also have a problem with is weapons that are just better in every way. Compare hate to the reaper prime for example. Why would I ever use the reaper prime when you look at hates stats? One has a clear and unbalanced advantage over the other. Or the kunai vs despair. Kunai is slightly better vs light infested but Despair is better in every other way. The advantage that Kunai has doesnt balance out the advantages Despair has. If I'm going to supercharge something it should at least be comparable to things coming down the line.

    Now I'm cool with this being a work in progress thats why I am asking: "Does anyone know if they will be updating the old items to match the new weapons that come out?"

  10. I just saw the Orthos and it makes me feel utterly stupid for supercharging my Amphis a while back. Amphis is .1 faster and has 1 polarity but in everything else the Orthos is far superior. Not to mention the fact that all it takes is forma to remove the polarity disadvantage. 

    This is just an example from my experience though. I think its kind of unfair to players who have been around longer and put a lot into old weapons to be forced to build up a new weapon and trash their old weapon. My amphis is Formaed twice and supercharged. Potatoes don't grow on trees and that Forma building took time...

    Does anyone know if they will be updating the old items to match the new weapons that come out? 

  11. no thanks. not in a game where you are affecting 3 other people.

    if its your friends then sure. have at it party up and smash the content. but if you or one other dude want to not fire a single bullet at anything while the other guys are trying to level there gear or get resources, guess what, that makes you a douchebag.

    its a co-op game. co-operate.

    Thats cool, but the content should be so challenging that it forces cooperation

  12. I remember during the last livestream one of the devs commenting that it rubs him the wrong way when people speed through the content with mobs behind them. 

    Personally I think its fair and people will naturally do that. It reminds me of the original Guild Wars in which people would run from zone to zone.

    I don't like impassable things like bypass doors which don't really make sense. If the devs are unhappy with people rushing they should make it more difficult. Improve the AI, set up traps, nets, pits etc. Why not have threatened ships vent the atmosphere in compartments and force the tenno in that area to hack or die? Why not give each race special elite assassins that attack only when a player is alone? 

    If rushing is so bad, don't make silly bypass doors or deny the rushers loot. Don't even reward exploration more. Just make rushing an endeavor and challenge of its own. 

  13. TL:DNR: The premise of Warframe is great but with a little bit of secondary character development (Lotis/bosses) and tertiary character development (races) this game could be much more fun.


    I like what the Warframe crew is trying to do with the Warframe's being silent protagonists but I'd really like the secondary characters to develop and change. The Lotus girl is a cute voice, why can't we know or get clues to her motivations. Why can't the bosses have like real dialog with the Warframes. I know you're working on getting the voice acting done and translating what they already say but I think the focus should be put on what they say not putting a voice to it. This addition of lore would really give depth and justification to the farming. 

    Maybe do some things for the warframes too. They can be silent protagonists and still have dream cinematics. Maybe flashbacks to the old war? 

    I think the greneer are interesting, theres real conflict struggling against mistakes from the past. Lets have some greneer trying to change things for the better. Maybe some civil wars?

    The corpus are really cool, I'd like to learn more about their business activities and their civilians. 

    And we cant forget the infested, I think it would be cool to learn about their hierarchy and how it was for them to struggle as a discarded creation of the Orokin.

    Why can't we see the races interacting? It would be neat to have missions where we infiltrate and hamper negotiations between the races. It would be nice to have system wide goals that would shape this lore as we go along.


  14. Just going to add in my two cents I don't know if anyone has made my point so if they have feel free to ignore me.

    I have no problem with an RNG or lottery system per se, its simple random interval reinforcement, the same principal behind slot machines. It keeps people motivated and keeps people playing, however the issue becomes a lot more complicated when you can circumvent the system. In this case the problem is platinum.

    You see when someone goes and wins nothing from a lottery they usually have no complaint. Why? Because almost no one wins the lottery. So everyone who paid to enter into it is usually okay with a less than optimal outcome because everyone had a fair chance. Now here's where the problem comes in: what if one group of people had the privilege of winning whenever they wanted to? This makes the game seem unfair.

    Now some of you will argue that anyone can pay however that simply is not true. Think of it this way, time is money. We already spend a lot of time on the game. For some of us that is cost enough. Furthermore, some of us have expenses outside of the game that our money is better saved for. 

    This is a conflict almost all free to play games and a few MMOs. Heck it's even a problem in real life, and thats why we have the rich always against the poor or some group of people always fed up with the system. I digress, the problem is Warframe so i'll try to stay on topic. 

    I guess my issue is that there are better ways of handling this. Some of the items of the RNG are simply too hard to get, but they are very easy to get for people with platinum. That would be okay, but these items give a HUGE advantage in some cases. I mean come on, if you buy a potato you are doubling your potential power in game but if you wait on the RNG it could be years before you get one. That is the definition of B2W (buy 2 win). It's interesting that they made the win items possible to get for non buyers but let us be honest, almost impossible is for all intents and purposes impossible. Case in point, how many of you can plan on winning the lottery?

    So how do we solve this problem? Well games like LoL and a number of MMOs make all the stuff that's paid for cosmetic or they make them a matter of convenience. In LoL there are skins which make your character look different. That game also lets you buy rune sheet pages which are convenient but have no bearing in the middle of a game. Everything else can be bought with real money but it's doing so only speeds you along and pretty much anything you want aside from runepages and skins can be earned in a timely fashion. The only problem with this strategy as it relates to Warframes is that the balance of items would have to change quite significantly.


    Now another game that I think bears mentioning is Blacklight Retribution. Like LoL they have a variety of cosmetics you can pay for but they also have a number of things you can customize with a fee. The thing is that if you want an item to customize your in game abilities you have to either pay for it or grind to it. There is no randomness, everything is earned. It should also be noted that the ability to customize does not unbalance you. Any advantage you earn comes at the cost of some disadvantage so what your really earning or buying is options. (I'm leaving out elemental ammo because this is a part of the game most people this is unfair, but even it you can get with in game credit.)

    Now the above examples are competitive games but lets think of a game with unbalanced Items and little to no competition. The first game that comes to mind for me is Mass Effect 3's multi-player. It is at a different extreme, unlike Warframe it's easier to get the items but EVERYTHING is randomized. So you can never grind to get exactly what you want, all you can do is grind to unpredictably get a pack of something. At the same time you can pay cash to unpredictably get a pack of something. This is often considered fair to the gamers but many still consider it frustrating because it is time consuming and the system makes it very hard to form goals. 

    So now that we have looked at models in the broad genre of gaming lets look at a possible solution for Warframe.

    Well for starters, all we can customized on a cosmetic level is color. Why not gender, size and shape? These things would be a good way to earn revenue without damaging game-play. 

    If Warframe is trying not to be B2W the game-changing items should not be next to impossible to get. For this reason I think Potatoes and items that are a cut above everything else (eg hate, dread, despair)  should be easier to find and instead we should just put more emphasis on the cost to make them in the foundry and the time it takes for them to build. As an alternative we could make them level dependent like the Hek or some mix of the two. 

    Here's a novel idea, why not give pay to players the option to pay a platinum to level (1 plat per level, 30 plat to max). Leveling doesn't take forever so this isn't totally game changing. As we have seen with games like Blacklight, most players have no problem with people paying to speed progress in game. 

    You see it's all an issue of balance. I really love what the devs have achieved with this game but the reward system is a little extreme when you either have to farm endlessly or open your wallet for the endgame to be fair. 

    PS: A trading system that makes our in game credits actually have value could fix all of this. I'm just discussing the system we have going right now. 

    PPS: I haven't edited this, sorry for any mistakes. Lol frankly I'm surprised I'm passionate enough about this game to post on the forums. I seldom do so with the games I play. 

  15. I found another way of fixing the problem. What I do is ALT+TAB out the moment the screen goes black then wait until i hear drums and go back to it.

    This allows me to keep it in DX11 and 64 bit mode.

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