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Posts posted by KindCollusion

  1. honestly he is fine as is.i wouldn't change anything.


    however what you did to switch tele is just a terrible idea. think about it a bit more and you may see why i say this.


    Mind elaborating on why this is such a bad idea?


  2. I find near-perma invisible op enough.

    Enemies cannot hurt what they cannot see.

    I would say to nerf that but considering ash can stay invis just as long and is so tanky I'm okay leaving that alone.

  3. So I have a few ideas about changing Loki.


    Decoy: Wouldn't it be cool to turn this into a sort of Mirror Image power from DnD. It would also make a lot more sense than enemies being fooled by a stationary fake loki with a standard stock lato. I would like to it to work like this, a moving clone armed and colored to look just like your own loki. It immediately moves to cover when summoned and fires with your primary weapon but attacks with melee weapon when enemies close the distance. Each level creates another clone to a maximum of 4. The clones do no damage, die very fast and pull agro.


    Switch Teleport: I would like this to be non target spell used for quick evasion. Casting randomly selects a nearby clone, enemy or teammate to switch with. This lets loki bounce around the battlefield. Stretch would allow you to switch with further away subjects. Think about it, it just feels counterintuitive to find an enemy in the chaos of battle to teleport to. This time u don't have to aim, u just cast when your in trouble and pop away. I know some people like using switch teleport to get around  to places other frames can reach but be honest how often do u use this power for that?


    Invisibility: Perfect, just remove the yellow lighting affect for when you turn invisible or at least lessen it. I find it distracting especially since some builds have you constantly invisible.


    Radial Disarm: Works fine vs greneer and corpus but since its not for killing I think it could benefit from a range boost. vs infested I would like to see it reduce the damage of walkers and chargers by 50% and remove healing, toxic clouds and disruption abilities from ancients.

    Some of you may think all of this is OP but consider what other frames are able to do. Also consider loki's base stats. He's fun to play as is but sometimes I wish his powers were more continually useful, as it stands I find myself spamming invisibility and just whacking stuff. These changes would allow more varied gameplay




  4. So yesterday or day before yesterday I logged in and the Global Chat option was gone. Currently I can only speak in squad and clan. I haven't been on that much lately so there cant have been any reason I was banned. I've relogged many times. How do I get this fixed?

  5. The Clan and Squad chats are still there for me. Its not saying I cannot connect its just that global chat option isn't even there.


    What sounds like the problem to you guys?


    Is there any way to check if I have been banned? Don't see why I would have been.


  6. Most important question... why? Weapon balance is easy if all you do is &*$$genize weapons as much as possible; nothing is overpowered or underpowered if there is no real difference. But that also means that hardly anything is interesting. The trick for making the game balanced right now is not a bunch of preference based tweaks (that's honestly what your suggestions look like to me,) but to give weapon archetypes adjustments so that one damage type is not hands down statistically preferable to another, and that weapon strengths are more properly dragged down by shortcomings.

    For example, making shock damage less exclusively effective against Corpus, whereas Fire, Ice and Armor Piercing are decently effective against most enemy types. Or adjusting melee weapons so that charge attacks aren't indisputably superior to normal attacks in terms of DPS. Or making the critical hit system less weapon-specific.

    Thats okay but the problem is that some weapons right now are simply just overpowered/underpowered within their archetypes. If the weapons are continually unbalanced in this way we will see people only using a few of the weapons in each category. Correctly balanced weapons within each archetype allows us to see variety in weapon use. For example aren't you tired of seeing everyone use Kunai as their secondary? Also these changes aren't "preference based". The Bo is pretty much a useless weapon compared to other weapons on a statistical basis. When was the last time you saw someone using it? Global changes are fine but they can only do so much. 

  7. So I saw the last livestream and the prospect of this game being balanced and refined really gave me hope! For this reason I would like to post my thoughts on some weapon balances. 


    Boltor: Reduce damage just slightly and increase max ammo.


    Latron: Reduce damage slightly and reduce attack speed. Increase magazine size by 50% and decrease reload time by 50%. 


    MK1 Braton: Increase a damage


    Braton: Increase clip size, decrease damage. 


    Lex: Increase attack speed and reload speed, decrease damage slightly


    Viper/Twin Vipers: Increase clip size, increase recoil.


    Despair/Kunai: Remove polarities, decrease magazine size, decrease attack speed slightly. 


    Glaive: Allow the glave to pass through enemies it kills and hit those behind initial target. 


    Amphis: Increase damage and charge damage significantly! Remove armor ignore. Add a polarity. 


    Bo: Increase attack speed significantly. 

    Please share your thoughts and mention anything you would like changed.



  8. So I saw the last livestream and the prospect of this game being balanced and refined really gave me hope! For this reason I would like to post my thoughts on some warframe balances. 




    Up armor and health just slightly.


    Change switch teleport into a teleport into target area.


    Up the range of Radial disarm. Make melee damage while invisible 150%/150% 




    Turn shock into a small aoe channeling spell that does superior damage per point of mana as long as the spell is channeled. This shouldn't replace his ulti, instead I want it to be a cost effective alternative for situations with closely clustered groups of enemies. Leveling this should increase the area and damage per point of energy channeled.


    I want speed to increase both movespeed and attackspeed.This will make volt at least a bit effective against infested but certainly not as effective as other frames.


    Electric Shield is a useful skill but pretty silly when compared to Frosts snow globe. I would like to see it made more offensive. Bullets fired though the shield should to 20% extra electrical damage and the shield should last longer. 




    Lower heath and armor slightly


    Add an aoe stagger to teleport and increase its range. 




    Lower armor


    Make freeze last more than 1 shot


    increase Icewave's distance range


    I've only played these few frames so I cannot give feedback on many others feel free to give your thoughts on my proposed changes. Also mention whatever other warframes you would like to see changed. 



  9. because your long post is $&*&*#(%&.

    it does not say how warframe RNG is bad or how should it be rebalanced.

    it's just whining and more whining,whining for the sake of whining and BLOGGING.Whine less and you might get a job.

    Your short fragment sentences are $&*&*#(%&. Is it too long to read or do you just lack the attention to do anything but skim for the parts you feel like trolling?

  10. This game is "Pay for Impatience", Not Pay to Win. Everything, save for weapon and warframe slots (which devs are still discussing on), can be gotten free with effort and time. Having no motivation to work for your items and not having the time to wait with items accessible by supporting the game does not a P2W game make.

    Potatoes and ferma take arguably too much time to obtain ive played 300 hours and not gotten 1 reactor. If getting something is nearly impossible and that something is so important the game is in effect p2w. again though... please read beyond that particular complaint theres a lot more to my post...

  11. tl;dr you hate RNG

    Then this game is not for you.

    This game isn't pay to win, it's pay to have fun.

    Also paying to have fun? That's ridiculous! Nobody should charge someone for having fun!

    A game that is truly free to have fun is dota 2, you should try that.

    Dude, ive been working with RNGs since Diablo 1 so enough of that nonsense. Their RNG needs to be rebalanced but this is more about the trade and economy dynamics of the game. If its too long and you can't read don't bother replying to the post. 

  12. Pay2Win in a coop game ? What and how do you win then ? Jeez ... people these days.


    Edit: Lets all pay so we all win then. Goddammit ...

    First of all pay to win was never exclusive to competitive games. It simply means paying to have an advantage over other players that is nearly impossible if not impossible for free to play players to obtain. If not paying limits your power (potatoes) or non-cosmetic options (forma) then a game is P2W. P2W actually became a problem first in MMOs that were largely cooperative.

    Second of all that's very little of what my OP was about...

  13. Yesterday I found my self very unhappy about the state of fairness in the P2W dynamics of the game which is try to ignore simply because the game is in beta.

    Still, after I got so frustrated with the RNG yesterday that I stopped playing I gave some thought to the game's economy. Lol now I know it's possible I'm over-thinking this but I asked myself: What if the games economy is intentionally set up this way. Then I thought about the economies of other games. The most extreme version I could come up with was Diablo 3, with its focus on free trade and monetization it seemed like capitalism. Then I looked back at Warframe, there is no trade and everything is based upon computerized fairness. Key features of Warframe's economy are surplus (resources/credits) and shortage (prime items, potatoes, forma etc). There is no trade, so theres no market for us to handle scarce resources. Everything is centrally planned by a computer randomizing everything to varying degrees in an attempt to approach fairness. My first thought was that Warframe has a communist/socialist economy.

    Still I decided to dig deeper though simply because here in America we often make a false dichotomy out of socialism and capitalism considering every economic policy to be on that continuum. So I remembered one of the devs mentioning that he was reading papers on economics. As I considered this the name Vauban rang a bell to me but I couldn't quite figure out where from.


     Last year I graduated college with a triple major degree in Finance, Management and Economics a bunch of degrees I've found won't let me get hired without experience... but that is another ongoing story..


    Still from my studies I figured I must have recognized that name Vauban. So I started googling stuff and it turns out Vauban the French military engineer was a Colbertist with very strong beliefs in flat taxation and populationism. 

    For the sake of simplification he was mercantilist though he had some primordial free market ideals. So I thought about Warframe in terms of mercantilism and well it sort of fits. Below are some features of mercantilism according to wikipedia:

    Building a network of overseas colonies; (N/A)
    Forbidding colonies to trade with other nations; (Devs have talked about keeping trade within clans)
    Monopolizing markets with staple ports; (One market, all prices are determined by the devs)
    Banning the export of gold and silver, even for payments; (No trade to use credits on, platinum cannot be traded)
    Forbidding trade to be carried in foreign ships; (Again, trade only among other clans-members) 
    Export subsidies; (N/A but it's not unheard of for games to charge money for trade eg Blacklight: Retribution)
    Promoting manufacturing with research or direct subsidies;  (Blueprints!)
    Limiting wages; (N/A)
    Maximizing the use of domestic resources; (Domestic as to the clan)
    Restricting domestic consumption with non-tariff barriers to trade. (Huge barriers to trade outside of clans) 


    Here is what I think happened. I believe one of the devs has some knowledge of history or economics and likes the ideas behind mercantilist or modern day centrally planned protectionist economies. I always figured DE should have economists on staff that should be able to form a better system for the game but what if this was the decision of a dev who didn't know any better?







  14. You make a very good point, it might even cost less at the end of the day. the problem is they will have to give up control and i doubt they are willing to do that. So years down the line this game might end up like MW2 or ME3 with no one willing to play and match making usless

  15. Yeah lol I'm sorry guys. I'm still a bit frustrated over the potato thing but I did sort of over react... Lol thats what happens when you stay up all night trying to get the stalker to appear. 

    my bad guys

  16. Funny, because I got also around 111h in game, and I got 4 Reactors and about 12 Catalysts, so they're not that rare...

    You must be the luckiest player ever if you didn't spend platinum... 

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