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Posts posted by CaelThunderwing

  1. keep mostly suggestions, Complaints and bugreports to here/ZenDesk, DE and Support as well as PanicButton will not likely ever go *NEAR* the Temp.

    and play w/ a modded switch at your Own risk,  you have no one to blame but yourselves if your modded switch leads to a Ingame Ban. (they dont support and its against thier console ToS for the PS4 and Xbox One, its no different w/ the switch.

    Other than that those new to Warframe from the temp/Switch or that migrate dto Switch from a long PC hiatus, Welcome (or welcome back) NinTenno, be safe, always have a early Lunch for Konzu ready and out of the old times as the grineer would say )before the new languages) "Stay close to the Walls"


    Edit: No before people here ask and if your on the Temp dont bother, "Can i play this if im banned?"  No if you circumvent this DE will only swiftly ban you ingame as well, if you want to play the Switch port and still have your mods, get a untouched vanilla System, keep it legit for online play and leave the modded unit for offline play games.

  2. i think more a system in place like the idle timer nullifies rewards shoudl be addressed to a vote system, a vote system could easily get abused by Toxic "Elites" not doing XX 500k+ dmg? *vote to kick* , chose to use your KDrive instead of the archwing for a short distance? "*vote to kick*" *insert really dumb reason here and well you see where that goes it runs rampant in some games like FFXIV for example people will monitor your DPS there and if your even 1 point under thier unreasonably high expectations and you get voted out.

    a "didnt do / work towards mission objectives X# of mins" and teh system should reward you w/ Rep/Items (that way leechers get what they deserve)

  3. i'm out w/ friends while they're mining atm im going off to gather virmink/pobblers. i track right upto the call point and .. Nothing, Nada. thinking maybe it spawned outta sight i try making sure by causing alot of rukus, to spook it... still nothing. i havent been able to gather Virminks 😕 . 😕 i just want a Virmink Floof for my Operator ! ;-;

    (fixed Since Hotfix 24.0.2)

  4. 3 minutes ago, Accaliah said:

    a public test server would really be a blessing for DE considering how buggy some of the major releases can be, and i think that is the difference between them and other dev groups, the lack of a test server basically makes the pc verson the testing grounds for bug stomping

    considering how often we see upgrades being purchased and deployed before big updates atm seems oonly atm they dont really have the hardware for such a testing server. while it'd be nice would haveto require people to willing basicly do what they do on the production servers Twice and theres a good deal who wouldnt be willing to re-grind.  it's a good idea on paper but how DE could execute it , it could be wasted time and resources. (edit: i have no idea WHY my forum-Profile glyph/icon keeps changing X_X)

  5. Just now, S.Faiz said:

    No matter how much time they will take, there will always be bugs. PERIOD. Bugs are the part of the product. Delaying the release by saying "we don't want to have any bugs" is plainly stupid. It will have bugs no matter what. The better strategy would be to release good enough and then fix it while players play it.

    let me rephrase that "Have time to fix showstopping bugs as they come up"  instead of releasing potentially a seriously broken mess leaving us w/ a unplayable product over the weekend.

  6. 16 hours ago, DarkXenocide said:

    So that would mean friday probably

    after the horrible mess PoE Released on a *LATE* Friday? i Sincerely hope not. Fortuna has teh same potential to break just as horribly on launch. its best they do tomorrow/thursday. so they have time to fix showstopping bugs

    and console people begging for fortuna... Hold yer horses, i'm sounding like a broken record, but they use us PC Players as a big "Free bugtesting" audience to find bugs fix and optimize content released to Console, then ontop of that you haveto wait for Patches to pass thru Cert. which who knows how further will be impacted w/ the Switch Edition Nov 20th. Best case scenario you guys are looking *LATE* December/early Jan 2019, Worst case not untill mid to late feb. 

    Steam/PC Independent of steam, thers No Super strict regulations on functionality of thier code so it can be "Rush it out allready it maybe buggy but they can always fix it"  Consoles.. .Microsoft Sony & Nintendo have a long and super strict Testing *THEN* cert process to ensure a content Update (CU)/Patch[Hotfix] cant lead to either Exploitation of the Console, or lead to inadvertently Bricking the system. your "Wait" is mostly out of DE's hands. you want fortuna to come faster to you? yelling at DE? your barking up the wrong tree.. that'd be your Platform's own QA Divisions you'd be screaming at! (Switch version has the potential to be quite behind or, with how DE tries to keep things in line, cause Console updates to lag even more so )

  7. if you want to shut people up on the energy drain Undo this stupid Idea of a nerf, and look at how to Scale that drain, ya've done it with a few frames allready! (Banshee's Quake, Embers World on Fire, Valkyr's Hysteria! )  so why couldn't you do this to Revenant ?  if your GOING to make it cost 20/s make it ramp up slowly then crease per a preset milestone, , alow it to be more affected by efficiency, forcing us to mix up builds for damage, CC or Usability,

    forcing us to change the loadout more by mods to deal w/ teh drain may still leave a "Set n forget"  but not to the same damned level the teabag that caused this to happen!  as mentioned previously by someone, by the frames verry nature and how channeled abilities work, a set n forget is going to happen even if its a few moments.

    Slow rampups, this gives us to use it at full strength upto a certain time before we haveto start being mindful of our energy,  consider if we need to focus on other abilities,

    but this 20/s w/o too much to do w/o making him more useless, has only done to chase people from plat buying it, people from farming it. some allready in the update thread saying they've airlocked it. and some from not even wanting to touch it in teh first place.  i can bet theres people even on the console platforms right now in chat cursing us PC Players out for this. hell i'd be joining that Singalong of "Blame the PC's"  (as now im juggling a PS4 account since i have the system )  and given i've only started teh quest here on pc, after this nerf? i dont want to bother with the frame and going to ignore it when it comes to consoles.

    (ohh how cute having my glyph forcibly changed after that rant here and in update thread! Reaal... cute... >_> + now i cant change it and get it to stick. thats real *fin adorable too. )

  8. 13 minutes ago, Oreades said:

    I will say the number of times I've ended up dead because I've been firing my Zarr and SURPRISE a frost bubble has materialized directly in front of me...... is larger than I would like it to be. 

    Extra bonus points when it's actually a Nekros that rezes an Arctic Eximus that bubbles right in your face 😕 

    or many times a frost Troll has Riiiped me when i'm using the Lenz unless i'm limbo (and i react fast enough to rift. ) hydroid (spam the #*!% outta into going to the puddle) or nyx (Absorb or Rip X_X) theres no escaping that death... and that was nastier before the crit nerf on the lenz, (when it was double critting and you got a Harrow buff.. i could reach millions of crit dmg. nothing really survives that .. ) (there's a reason i wind up saying in chat when i got KO'd by surprise Frost troll or arctic eximi , "Lenz, Working as intended...")

  9. it's a known bug most you can do  (i think what is it F6 that take a screenshot and sends w/ add. Data?) and or /unstuck while falling to the void so that it sends a report to the servers after you relog,  there isnt much else you can do about it.  but when reporting it try to remember what region your game is set to, (Settings--> Gameplay) and what Cetus Node you originally entered, if you send a support ticket, befor relaunching the game durring a relog, you want to save 2 files that'll help whoever responds to the ticket.

    in C:\Users\YourWindowsLoginNameHere\AppData\Local\Warframe (or Simplly type %AppData% into an explorer bar then go up 1 folder because warframe's data thats needed is in Local, and this method defaults to Roaming. ) Backup the 2 files "EE.Log" and "Launcher.Log" (because if you start the game back up as you relog when this happens again and you submit a support ticket, upon launcher load, launcher.log is overwritten w/ a blank file and so is ee.log when the game engine begins to run. (just before you see title-login screen)


    i had the same bug myself happen lastnight but likely because i was set to a non-local Region. (i often play w/ a friend in the UK and to avoid cetus to plain transition bugs, i set my region to match.)

  10. kPZT37F.jpg

    i know that generally you cant use powers in the transition hall (and for this sort of reason. ) but its almost 100% Repeatable on demand glitchable if your flying at top speed on an itzal/blinking right into the door before it has a chance to start opening/melee slam and it doesnt apply the :Nully" effect to frame powers.

    its harmless to others ... if your not in the person's Squad. i've had one person say they went down when i ended up doing this w/ Ember's 3rd. as it persisted long enough of loding from plains into cetus and it downed him as if he only had 1 HP. must of been a Client thing as on my end it look like he just jerked back an dfor for a few seconds but i never saw him go down or get the a tenno is down message. w/ ember that dissipated properly at duration end. these however w/ Zephyr?  i've been in and out doing bounties trying to get Lith G2's for a glaive Prime BP about 3 to 4 times since i wound up doing that. *and they're Still there.* granted this could be used to cause chaos its not exactly easy and hopefully just a visual glitch on my end w/ Zephyr atleast.

    EDIT 2/21: w/ todays hotfixes somehow seems to be fixed have tried to consistently try to glitch into the Hallway w/ powers and been unsuccessful.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Legion216 said:

    So is the update coming today?

    if its not deployed by 7PM EST dont count on it.  (and they keep a verry minimal support staff on the weekend no real developer team.) so if not today the soonest we'd see it would be monday. only extreme cases were during TWW and PoE's introductions, where they took time away from families to come in and stablize the game to a "Usable" State so that they could later on then get a real hotfix going.

  12. Just now, BornWithTeeth said:

    Hmmm. I don’t want to cut her power strength in exchange for range because I actually build around Flash Accelerant for her damage output and that needs Strength but we’ll see. I don’t for a moment think that this will ‘ruin’ Ember, but I do think it’s a disproportionate nerf.

    well you can always do a slight exchange in strength for range (and visa versa) via drifts its not Much but its still something

  13. 1 minute ago, schilds said:

    Are they really going to ship an update Friday afternoon so that it can be buggy all weekend again? (Rhetorical question)

    unless something showstoppingly broken is found in the last moments, Yes. we got PoE on a Weekend like this and when they found so many bad bugs aftrewards they cam einto the office on a weekend and stayed w/o sleep and worked nonstop to patch it to atleast stable enough they could get some rest and a few days off.

  14. 21 minutes ago, SilentCircle said:

    Name one instance where this happened.

    And also, if DE listens to community feedback and makes changes you call it "backpedal" but I bet you'd be the first to complain if they don't listen. You can't have it both ways.

    the changes they made to Nyx's Absorb has been such a case. *Over time*  where on paper it sounded like a good idea. shoot at your teammate nyx's Absorb bubble to charge up its damage help them out to make it explode in alot of damage yes? No. it turned out to almost every-single-pub would troll any nyx they saw to drain thier energy pool in a near instant the Moment it went up regardless the reason they put it up(which was a real d*** move when reviving someone.) the change got reverted after enough outcries.  there's actually been a few times if you peer thru all the verion changes since U13 where they really started listening to Community outcries or "Complaints" w/ slow to quick turnaround Revert on changes.  i get the feeling there likely will be enough people that will complain en-masse  about nyx and ember changes (cause god lord nooo cant take away from the lazy ***s their press 4 to snore! *insert sarcasm here*) i hope the ember & Banshee changes will be ones DE will stick to thier guns and refuse to revert it. they've shown us time and time again they hate the "Press # set n forget it" mentality a sizable portion of the community shows time and time again.  (and ya know forcing these lazy players to you know be a lil more ACTIVE.)

  15. your forgetting one thing "Longevity of Storage" Yes Flash Storage these days are getting to the point it can withstand more and more Write and erase cycles but the amount of write/erase cycles of the average years Updates n hot fixes we see will be Murder on the average cheap to mid-range SD card (Storage life/longjevity is and feel free to correct me if im wrong!, pretty much this in order of shortest to longest, FLASH(media cards) >, SSD (standard NAND > M.2/NVME) >Mechanical (HDD/SSHD[Hybrid Drives])  and as far as im aware, you cant use USB Storage on the switch, yes USB Keyboards Work but they only work in very Specific circumstances (entering in text in the Social Media Linking Applets and within that verry heavly neutered hidden browser it has,)

    there's also this to consider, DE wouldn't Support Tabletop/Portable Mode. the Switch Downclocks the frequency of the Ram & GPU when it's undocked (otherwise you know that maximum 3hrs you get on Breath of teh wild  from a full charge would likley turn into 2hrs or Less, the switch is a Console First, a handheld Second. )

    the Heat generated at almost an hour of gameplay while docked is another matter your going to need a Fan pointed at it otherwise once its too hot it will close the game in an attempt to stop the cause of the overheating and save itself. failing that it Shuts off.

    Considering Nintendo is really Squeamish after games, Bugs they themselves introduced and the Web Browser they used (WebKit i think it was?) Riping the 3DS a new Bunghole and then some. If warframe came to the Switch Testing and certification would be alot longer and further behind PC PS4/XBONE than De would care for to make SURE that no way in any capacity any update or part of Warframe could be used to Exploit the system. , it Just wouldn't Happen

    Maybe if Rainway officially gets cleared for thier app and not haveto go behind Nintendo's backs and try to bruteforce it w/ that crippled web browser, and depending on the input latency? then you can technically have Warframe on the "Switch"


    The Closest to Warframe on the go is going to be that GPD Win2 when it's out. but Deffo not the Switch you'd sooner see Sony partner up with Nintendo again before it comes to the switch (to put it bluntly how far off it has a chance of happening.)

  16. Since Update 22.8, PC Players were given a new how shall we call this, "Auto-start UI and Mode" for those who play by Gamepad and make it easier and Convenient. for them to navigate and use the Menus. This became a QoL for PC - Gamepad Players but a Hindrance for Keyboard & Mouse Players.


    When PC Players w/ Any gamepad connected "Or disconnected" (Wireless ones) after clicking Play in the launcher  for teh first time the Resolution switches to 720p and goes full screen and greeted w/ a new Screen. ]cdZSOfD.jpg

    (i edited out my email for annon sake.)(i have the Framerate information displayed so i can see Pingtimes it also Displays once in a squad)

    Now anytime you you'll see an certain options you'd see an X Y B A Start SELECT icons near them, and limited Keyboard and Mouse functions (similar to just interfacing any old application, the game wont respond to WSAD Shift ctrl  z x c q e r f for game movement and actions.  or the mouse to Fire/Aim  etc. again, another QoL for Gamepad players this stopped accidentals if you brushed against your Mouse or Keyboard.

    Why this is Also a Problem:

    Not every PC Player who Has a Gamepad connected plays the game by such. (i have for instance .hack//GU Last Recode and Okami HD, and i have many emulators and various games that use a gamepad)and tend to either load up Warframe while playing saifd games or visa versa when waiting out something in WF and in this Current state Bluetooth controllers nee dto be Disabled (or bluetooth turned off.) or Wired Controllers Disconnected (this is essentially a pain for those that connect their Wired ones in the back than the front ) before even starting the Launcher as it doesnt matter if you remove your controller before pressing play by this point.  Honestly this gets bothersome Every Single Time i start Warframe, and i'm certain there are others in the similar situation


    to DE:

    Please in light of this what me and all other K&M User would  request is NOT removal of this mode but an Option to Disable this

  17. On 12/13/2017 at 7:57 AM, tetrach21 said:

    Steam controller user here.  Biggest gripe is that I can not fully make use of the power of steam config due to the fact the game only recognizes it as a gamepad.  I really would like them to add a do not use gamepad mode.  I understand they want a set up that any non power user can jump into that is universal but it really limits those of us that want to really customize the controls.  Example I know that the left stick has a analog move, which I moved to my left pad.  It works but the sprint toggle crap really bugs the crap out of me when I put it on outer ring binding. So I tried using standard WASD for movement and it just didn't work. Can't move at all.  I think its a great gesture on their part to add all the custom presets but it really is kinda fiddly in my opinion. 

    Please add a Do Not Use Gamepad Mode check box DE. 

    would love to see this as well, as since the last update  Any controller connected it runs in Gamepad Mode theres many games i play on PC w/ and w/o one, for me WF isnt one i play with.. u started with K&M and i got used to it as such.. i play emulators alot of JRPGs or MMOS w/ a Gamepad but i dont want to haveto re-lean WF just to haveto deal w/ "Whoops forgot to unplug my bluetooth adapter/Disable it !"(because otherwise it detects my 8Bitdo SN30 Pro regardless if the controller's connected or not. )

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