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Posts posted by xGryphus

  1. I can understand that someone don't have sufficient income to buy Pt but what I do not understand is why this very same person want to take away source of income from game devs... That's a lot of hypocrisy and egoism.
    Especially that DE hands you all frames, weapons, mods, heck even cosmetics like weapon skins and alt helmets for free. They don't force you to buy slots - you can always sell old staff to make room OR buy more slots. You have a choice and life is about choices.

    On the other hand unlocking a few additional slots as ranks rewards seems absolutely fair and logical. It's a limited way to reward time and effort we invest in game with opportunity to invest even more time and effort. Any unlimited option like credits or alert rewards could quickly slip out of control.

  2. With all due respect, sir - this topic, as all similar ones, is just pathetic.

    First of all DE gives all new players 50 free Pt to start with so not only you didn't paid them but they atcually paid you (~ $3,3). Closed beta players gained additional 100 Pt. Is it so hard to return the favor?

    Secondly for $5 you get enough Pt to buy 2 frame slots and 2 weapon slots. Thats really player friendly and kind marketing model. In most cases fore lowest charge you get ALMOST enough premium currency to buy anything worthy.

  3. I actually started a similar topic some time ago:
    Feel free to use my ideas, just give me credits :)

    Some additional ideas:
    - A Song of Ice and Fire - acquire FROST and EMBER [Game of Thrones reference]
    - Can i keep him? - acquire sentinel
    - The Art of Deception - succesfully hack <number> of access terminals [Kevin Mitnick reference]
    - Lightbringer - slay Stalker
    - Enemy at the Gates - score <number> headshots [movie of the same name reference]

    Rename suggestions:
    - Gunsmith -> Guns. Lots of guns. [The Matrix reference]
    - Steady Hands -> Marksman

    Numbers desperately need tweaking as some of theme are surreal (ATM there are 13 primary weapons, 14 sidearms and 26 melee counting primes leaving some ideas impossible). Also I think that some of the "in one game" achievements should be replaced with profile total as they impel a lot of tedious farming in one session thus needlessly overextending it (while the game is designed to be fast and dynamic). IMHO a higher number that can be aquired by hard work in many small steps is more player friendly.

  4. Currently sentinels offer 10 slots but only 8 of them can be occupied due to lack of proper mods. We also have Enemy Sense or Thief's Wit mods that are, lets face the facts, used by almost nobody. So why not make those two sentinel mods?
    Also I recently came up with idea for new mod: Weak Spot - it would increase damage (possibly by percent rather then flat) recived by any enemy in fixed radius around sentinel. Each rank would increase radius (and possibly damage boost).

    Another option is to add (lets call it) Sensor as an utility alternative for sentinel weapon. It would lack offensive capabilities but support such mods like Enemy Sense, Thief's Wit, Weak Spot and maybe mod substitutes for scavenger artifacts.

  5. Currently sentinels have 10 mod slots but it is possible only to fill 8 of them (there are simply not enough mod types). It would be a nice idea to use Enemy Sense, Thief's Wit and mods you came up with as Sentinel mods. Using Sentinels as search probes seems pretty fine to me.

  6. First of all: "While the memories of the Tenno have faded over time, their mastery of guns, blades, and Warframe exo-armor has not." (official Tenno description). I belive that ends argument about nature of Warframes.

    Now since Warframes ARE suits of armor a Tenno needs space to store them and in what universe you get storage space for free?

    Warframe slot costs 20 Pt, weapon 12 Pt. 75 Pt costs 5 bucks - thats for example 3 Warframe slots and 1 weapon slot. For 5 freakin bucks! If you are going to argue about that amount of money then man you are cheap... Expecially considering that many other games gives you 1-3 character slots and reqires monthly fee to unlock more.


    - Warframes are not the only content the game have for us: new areas for instance,

    - devs are considering male and female versions of each Warframe,

    - PvP will probably be implemented.

  7. Greetings community!

    So actually I dallied a bit with introduction sine I'm about to hit Gold Initiate very soon.

    Anyway - I'm quite seasoned MMO player from Poland. Got my beta-key from Alienware Arena (man I love that site) and instantly felt in love with Warframe so much I even found another key for my brother :)

    See you in the field!

  8. Sraight from intro and tutorial:

    They were called TENNO. Warriors of blade and gun - masters of the WARFRAME armor. Those that survived Old War were left drifting among the ruins.

    Now they are needed once more. The GRINEER, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system.

    A call echoes acros the stars - summoning the Tenno to an ancient place...

    This place is Orokin Tower on Mercury (Terminus) therefore it may be considered main operation base of Tenno.

    I will show you the Tenno fighting system. It has three forms: first is your pistol.[...] The second form is your long gun.[...] Your tird and final form is the blade.

    Tenno fighting system consist of three forms (quite a no-brainer but should be mentioned in terms of lore).

    You must earn your rank among the Tenno. You will complite missions and destroy our enemies. When you are ready to increase your rank I will summon you here again. I will test you.

    Prove your worth to join us - detroy the targets before time runs out.


    Excellent. You have attaint your rank of Initiate.

    The Tenno are divided into ranks. Every member of Tenno community must prove its worth by contributing to common cause. When ready, Tenno will undergo a trial by combat at Orokin Tower in order to obtain higher rank.

    The ranks are: Initiate (Normal, Silver, Gold), Novice (Normal, Silver, Gold), Disciple (Normal, Silver, Gold), Hunter (Normal, Silver, Gold).

    Also I think that it should be mentioned that Tenno gain affinity with their weapons.

  9. First of all - good job, realy useful guide.

    Also I don't belive it's something new but death from above special effects:

    GRAM - knocks nearby enemies on the ground (even works on some bosses)

    DUAL HEAT SWORDS - sets nearby enemies on fire (works great on infestated - just get on some crate and spam it while those ugly bastards wander where did you go)

  10. Zmiany kursywą:

    - Stay Frosty Pack name - Pakiet Wiecznego Mrozu [wierniesze orginałowi]

    - Stay Frosty Pack description - Zdobądź Warframe MRÓZ wraz z jego ulubionym ekwipunkiem. [czysto kosmetyczna zmiana]

    - Frost description - Po przez kontrolowanie wilgoci i pary wodnej w otoczeniu, MRÓZ jest w stanie tworzyć potężne umocnienia i śmiertelne ataki w warunkach poniżej zera.

    - Frost skills - (Freeze) Zamrożenie [tryb dokonany]

    - Mag description - Z pełną władzą nad otaczającym polem magnetycznym, MAG jest ekspertem w kontrolowaniu przeciwników. Jest idealnym wyborem dla graczy którzy chcą zadawać duże obrażenia w nietypowy sposób.

    - Mag skills - (Pull) Przyciągnięcie [tryb dokonany]

    - GRAM description - Cieżki dwuręczny miecz zwany jako GRAM wymaga wielkiej siły aby nim władać, ale jest powszechnie znany z rozdwajających wrogów ciosów.

    Również tłumaczenie 'bolt' jako śruba brzmi cokolwiek... dziwnie. Śruby z natury są tępe więc już lepiej byloby swożeń, bełt albo (puszczając nieco wodzę tłumaczej fantazji) gwóźdź.


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