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Posts posted by xGryphus

  1. Well it's going to be kind of "universal mobility power" (if I remember correctly from stream) so it's highly that it will use energy and probably we'll have to trade one of basic abilities for it.

  2. Trading is already announced (in fact it was planned to be part of U8) although it will be "very limited and probably in-clan only". Don't expect any Pt exchange - this would be easily exploited considering that all new accounts 50 Pt for free.

  3. I farmed Banshee for two weeks. Literally. The very same week I get last part I found about 3 full sets of Banshee blueprints, one of them in one day. The funny part is that I was farming for Void Keys - got none. It' curious how the game never gives you what you want but when you don't need it anymore you suddently got tons of it.

  4. because getting one is mostly hard due to how rarely it happens.

    so if you get one, then reuse it forever at little to not cost. it makes things like selling them on the market pointless.

    which is why this will never happen regardless. its a way for DE to make money. and too many people fight too hard to have less ways to spend money and more ways to guarantee that warframe is a financial failure.

    You clearly misunderstood the whole aim of this idea. Salvage is designed to be a last resort that would still left player with closed pool of Reactors/Catalysts. The more I think about it the more I'm convinced that including Forma in cost would be good idea. Also increasing build time to let's say 7 days.

  5. That's a decent idea, but I believe it should be... a lot more expensive.

    Like, 250k credits, not 25k. Or 50 morphics. Something like that.

    Best suggestion I've seen about reclaiming orokin artifacts though.

    Well these are only numbers - this could be changed back and forth (even cost one Forma considering its "shape altering propeties" and since it's a bit easier to aquire) although I think that keeping time/cr cost rather close to the one of Reactor/Catalyst itsefl would be most balanced.

  6. There could be an option in Foundry called Salvage - it would work kind of a permament blueprint that costs 25k cr, takes 24h and uses any piece of equipment with Reactor/Catalyst in it. In return it would give a fresh BLUEPRINT of Reactor/Catalyst (depending on what have been used as a component - frame/sentinel or weapon). Item used for this process would be obviously consumed. Why this way?

    - player could be able to perform only one slavage process at a time,

    - would allow to free a slot of a recklessly boosted weapon/frame or one that player doesn't enjoy anymore,
    - would be kind of last resort (player would not risk loss of unique, hard to get or expensive weapon),
    - (by giving bluepring) would require addition effort to get actuall item.
    Altogether it would make rather costly and time-consuming way to reclaim badly used Reactor/Catalyst.

  7. I do agree with you on the lack of customization for frames. What I suggested in a much earlier thread, which didn't get much attention at all, is that war frames have 8 mod slots instead of 10, but change it so that abilities are NOT mods. Abilities can get unlocked and rank up with your warframes level like health, shields and energy, instead of being mods and ranking up via fusion. This way, a warframe has the same customization options as a weapon, and you can take ALL abilities into battle at once. I don't think this is OP at all.


    Thoughts on this?

    I don't think this is a good idea since there could be additional (both frame-specific or general use) abilities (if I recall correctly even DE Steve mentioned in livestream that this is an option).

  8. I think it's a great idea. I don't know why some people try to deny others people right to customize as the latter please. I mean if you don't like pink lasers then just don't pick that color (or is it you can't resist the temptation?) but don't try to dictate others they rights. Hell, I even did run with white&pink Dread for few missions - that was fun...


    Do you believe in magic, in a young girl's heart...

  9. People are bragging like crazy about how unfair is that dojo weapons requires forma to build. Personally - I don't give a damn but there is one thing that seems a bit illogical: Forma is used for polarization however none of dojo weapons come with preset polarity slot. For comparison a lot of market weapons comes with polarity (Kunai even with two) which is basically like free Forma. This puts dojo weapons at a disadvantage.


    IMHO preset polarities should come like this:

    - (at least) one polarized slot,

    - market weapons 0-1 polarized slots (depending on required rank),

    - alert exclusive weapons 1-2 polarized slots,

    - prime weapons always 2 polarized slots.


    While I see first point as obligatory considering it would make investing Forma into dojo weapon at least a bit more worth it (thus cutting some whining on forum) next three are just for sake of balance.


    As always feel free to share your thoughts.

  10. #1 Quote from FAQ: Will there be more information on the Lore of the game? (What are Infested? How many Daggers are there?)
    Yes, a codex system is in the works as I type this. We are planning on seeding lore fragments through the Solar Chart you can collect and learn about Warframe's history, items, enemies and possible future. Our goal is a slot-style system for this so that new players can understand how much there is to collect in the game as well.

    My question is - any progress on this aspect of game?


    #2 Any ETA for:

    - second alternative helmets set (foreshadowed in livestream #5 I belive),

    - new infested ancients models (from livestream #6),

    - resources alerts?

  11. Thank you all for positive feedback.


    A pity you don't have a founders account, as there was a thread in the creativity council asking for founders to design warframes that are going to be voted on this monday for future update ideas.

    hobolyra as long as you leave credits feel free to post those ideas in council section of forum.

  12. Yeah how fair,only player targeted by stalker gets loot,other get slapped in face for helping.

    Another one of those "give us your money for op items" update.

    Actually all palyers get loot from Stalker. First mission I paled after u8: he targeted one of sqad members and all got Dread bp guess it's not that hard to get it or I'm just super lucky.

  13. In this thread I will place all my ideas for new warframes. I will always try to make them well-thought and original however - I'm terrible at balancing numbers that's why I will leave them blank.
    As always feel free to share your thoughts and maybe together we will be able to create some new addition to our arsenals.



    THEME: sun/light

    ROLE: support

    Inspired by power of the Sun, PHOTON is designed mainly for supportive role, although he possess a devastating attack in his arsenal.



    1) SHACKLE - binds single enemy in a prismatic cage, leaving him unable to move but not to attack.

    DETAILS: instant, targeted; designed to keep ancients at distance or make boss easier to target or unable to use melee attack.


    2) HALO - Photon radiates an aura of soothing light that will steadily regenerate health of every friendly target in area of effect.

    DETAILS: channelled, point blank aoe; affects user, team mates, sentinels, cryopods and captives.


    3) SPEED OF LIGHT - greatly increase attack rate of all nearby squad members for short amount of time.

    DETAILS: instant, point blank aoe; increase fire rate, reload speed, attack speed and charge speed of user and all affected team mates.


    4) SOLAR FLARE - Photon fires a wide ray of solar energy that damages and blinds every enemy in its path.

    DETAILS: skillshot




    THEME: wind, air

    ROLE: glass cannon

    Swift and agile, GALE influence air flows to archive extraordinary mobility and manipulate enemies.



    1) WIND BLAST - creates a rapid buffet that violently knocks back first enemy in its path.

    DETAILS: collision skillshot; if affected enemy collides with wall he will receive bonus damage, if he collides with other enemy unit - both will receive damage.


    2) GLIDE - Gale glides swiftly through the air.

    DETAILS: user moves in direction of cross-hair, can traverse gaps or rise into air that way.


    3) AERIAL SHIFT - Gale recives reduced damage and ignores unit collision for a short time.


    4) HURRICANE - creates whirling tornado that travels in straight line and lifts any enemy close enough. At the end of its path whirlwind bursts, sending trapped enemies in random directions.

    DETAILS: path ends at fixed distance or in collision with wall; any enemy that hits wall or celling at end of effect will receive additional damage.




    THEME: death, decay

    ROLE: debuff

    Terrifying and powerful, LICH shreds molecular structure of his enemies and strikes fear into their hearts.

    1) CORPSE EXPLOSION - marks single enemy. If target is killed while effect is active, it will explode damaging surrounding enemies.

    DETAILS: targeted; damage can be calculated in one of three ways:
    - fixed flat (a bit illogic while comparing size of crewman and ancient)

    - percentage of targets maximum health (easily exploitable on ancients)

    - based on health loss while effect is active (best one IMHO)


    2) WITHER - reduces movement speed, melee damage and fire rate of single enemy for a shot amount of time.


    3) PHOBIA - creates a blast of psychic energy that force all affected enemies to wonder aimlessly in fright.

    DETAILS: point blank aoe


    4) DEATH AND DECAY - Lich taints a patch of surface beneath him. Every enemy in that zone will have his armor and elemental resistances lowered and will loose a percentage of maximum health each second.

    DETAILS: point blank aoe; armor/resistance debuff can be either flat or percentage; health loss would be caped on bosses.

  14. Interesting concept however i belive that DE already have it's own idea on weapon improvement. If you hadn't seen last steam, DESteve state that:
    - we will be able to reset progress on any pice of eq to gain or change polarity slot (coming in U8)

    - weapons will be divided in to 'tiers' - we will be able to access upgrades via dojo research system (possibly even 'vandalize' our weapon); BTW: dojo research will probably also offer access to corpus lazer gun

    The second concept is to add an alternative way to extend content without leaving new players confused with 300 weapons to choose from

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