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Everything posted by DemetriusJr

  1. He spent $70 and got a whole friggin' GAME he can download and play anytime he wants. You're seriously arguing a couple of skins (for even more money) are better value than that? No wonder the games industry gets away with so much bullS#&$ these days.
  2. Seems like no lessons were actually learned. Instead of basically repeating what others said, I'll make the words of the user above my own. Revert the decisions that led to such a negative feedback and do the right thing (a.k.a. the opposite of what you did). Unless you do that, you can't say you learned. You could've put just the skins and signas up for sale for ridiculously cheap (say $20 for the four items) with no time-exclusivity and everyone (and I firmly believe that) of us 26+ million registered losers would buy it. I know I would, and I'm extremely stingy when it comes to spending money. Especially in games. Even more so in F2P titles. Also, don't use the bad financial decisions of a few as a shield to protect yourselves from criticism. People who bought the packs in their current state shouldn't have done so and have no right to prevent a change for the better for the rest of us (Hema flashbacks). Plus, a pet peeve of mine: a "10 year supporter" accolade should't be put up for sale at all. You got people who have actually played for 10 years and now they have to buy recognition?
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