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Posts posted by GreyDeath789

  1. 4 hours ago, ECACA said:

    There are better ways to Slow players down, then all your restrictions.

    Better ways? Probably not...adding more "grind" to Warframe would be bad IMO.

    Looking at your profile it shows the account has been around since closed beta yet under 1000 hours played. I would have figured an account that old would have more hours played but perhaps you didn't / couldn't play all that often and thus didn't get the catalyst and/or reactors through playing like others with more hours.

    Is it reasonable to expect a player with under 1000 hours would have "excess" or plenty of catalyst and/or reactors? For myself, only 2500 hours played but I have 30+ of both catalyst and reactors since I don't put them in every weapon...but I think all (Prime) warframes have one because the number of (Prime) warframes is lower.

    Always seems like time played in Warframe helps overcome some of these drop related issues or at least many of the drop related issues.

    But as others have suggested...nightwave is one way to get more of them...

    • Like 1
  2. On 2020-06-22 at 1:22 PM, Ikusi_Prime said:

    People hate Limbo.

    Limbo deserves better.

    The real Limbo rework is to give back the warframe slots lost by removing Limbo from the game!




    BTW, I am joking (not really) about removing Limbo... 😛


  3. 13 minutes ago, TheKazz91 said:

    @hippokrene average concurrent players have dropped significantly since Rail Jack. In fact all of the last 3 major updates have resulted in very similar results as far as numbers go. There is a big spike of concurrent players over the first week after the update and then after that first week there is an even larger drop in concurrent players because the stuff that is broken is not only not being fixed its getting buried by some other unrelated game system that is also broken.

    Funny you should say that...since Steam is the only place we can get player number from...

    According to Steamcharts...

    Jan 2020 - May 2020 has had an increase in players with a percentage change of 2.74%

    IMO, the numbers in the first half of 2020 have been supported by the pandemic and people following stay at home orders for the pandemic...but the actual numbers (according to Steamcharts) have has a slight upward trend...not a "significant" drop since Railjack.

    Now, if you look at Jan 2019 to May 2020 the average percentage player change is 1.32% and has a downward trend line.

    Also, from Jan 2018 to May 2020 the average percentage player change is 1.60% and has a downward trend line.

    Finally, the period Jan 2019 to Dec 2019 has an average percentage player change of 0.73% and has a downward trend line.

    So, no...there is not a significant drop in players since  Rail jack...but there is a trend of less and less players over the last one or two years.

    Also, the drop in player numbers after the content release typically takes three months to be larger than the increase when the content was released, at least for 2019. The year 2020 is abnormal given the pandemic and stay at home orders so the numbers should be considered unreliable.

    But to your point...yes...there is a gradual decline in players and only the release of new content keeps the numbers from dropping more quickly.


  4. 24 minutes ago, MIS5IGNO said:

    why is it back? i thought it was removed...

    This challenge is on the same cycle as Mars...689ish days...which is just a little longer than the last Intermission so it is just time for it to return...

  5. Why didn't the people on the public (or private) test server provide the necessary feedback on Protea before it was made available in game?

    Good DE is once again fast patching issues with content but just confused on how/why the test server failed in this case...


  6. On 2020-06-15 at 10:58 AM, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    if people are afk  past x time (5 min iirc?) they dont receive drop rewards and after x time can be kicked 

    Sadly, this is DE's flawed system. A Hildryn (or old Ember World on Fire) can stand in one spot in something like Hydron and not move at all yet be killing things...and is tagged as AFK by DE's brain dead system. It doesn't take into account the fact you are killing things as being "present" in the game because you didn't move around...and this is the fault of DE in designing abilities that 'passively' kill things. Nerfing these abilities is the 'fix' in DE's mind.

    This 'stand and kill' is really different than an 'afk' player that isn't helping at all on the mission but it makes me wonder if I bring a Trinity and energy vampire and bless the entire time and not move if the game marks me as 'afk'...seems like a test is needed....

    But to OP point...if someone is leeching (which isn't really 'afk' imo) who cares? You are there for some reason..resources, affinity, something...do the mission and stop worrying that someone else isn't "working" to "help" the mission. People that worry about leeching players often times are the same people that typically insult and complain about 'noobs' that are in need of revivals all the time on some missions.

    To me...if a player is "afk" and needs a revive...I do it once...if they drop again and haven't moved at all or said something in chat...I just let them die...if they come back they come back otherwise I just focus on the mission. Sometimes people have IRL issues mid-mission ("My goldfish is drowning...brb" or "Kid spilled milk...brb") and it is real other times it is just cover for 'leeching'...if it takes too long let them die...but in the end just do the mission and move on IMO.


  7. 2 hours ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing said:

    To me, I feel like Warframe peaked with the release of its first open world. It was a highly ambitious concept that changed how Warframe would work for a good amount of time.

    I'm just curious as to what other people think.

    This game peaked the day I started playing it...cuz...me playing...and has been on a downward slope ever since I stopped really caring to play after the RJ mess and has continued into pandemic world...

    In fact, I have a list of rules about Warframe now...

    1. Bullet jump everywhere
    2. Double Tap all enemy
    3. Beware of elevators
    4. Never wear a syandana
    5. No attachment to weapons you have rivens for...ever
    6. The "Grind" is real
    7. Travel light
    8. Get a kick ass Clan
    9. Use your melee weapon to save ammo
    10. Don't jump out of the world
    11. Sprint everywhere
    12. Bring plenty of energy pies
    13. Stand up after being stun locked to the ground
    14. Always carry extra health pies
    15. Learn to rolls
    16. Opportunity knocks (i.e. when you get a 75% coupon use it)
    17. Don't carry your squad
    18. Practice parkour...a lot
    19. Break reinforced glass whenever you can
    20. It's a marathon, not a sprint, unless it is a capture mission then it is a sprint
    21. Avoid strip clubs (oops sorry wrong list)
    22. When in doubt, kill everything
    23. Bring ciphers...lots of ciphers
    24. Use your abilities
    25. Shoot anything that moves...even your squadmates
    26. Avoid fashion frame unless it is so blindingly ugly it will blind your enemies and/or your squadmates
    27. Take your time getting to extraction
    28. Double tap the enemies (again...in case the first double tap didn't finish them off)
    29. Use the buddy system...meaning let others kill things for you (related to never carry a squad)
    30. Pack your pain stick (melee weapon) that one shots anything
    31. Check if you have a dragon key loaded before doing a mission that isn't a vault run
    32. Enjoy the little amount of content DE gives you every few months...it is all you gonna get
    33. Be a Swiss army knife squadmate...you know...no dps, no cc, no loot boost...but have lots of fancy looking attachments on your frame to look cool.

    There are more but this is all I have time to list...



  8. On 2020-06-12 at 10:29 PM, _R_o_g_u_e_ said:

    This is the most disgusted I have ever been with warframe. I did the quest, I sat through the grind. All god damn night. When I finally had her pierces I tried to build her.

    Thousands of Carbides and Copernics. Weeks of god damn grind. Across both of my accounts I’ve been playing for nearly three years in total. I’ve seen you guys do some back handed stuff but this is a whole new level. 

    To think that I was done, only to realise I have literally weeks of farming ahead of me has really got a chip on my shoulder.

    No material cost for a build should ever take weeks to get, I am so disappointed in you.

    I just checked the requirements and I have no cryotic cuz I used it all for kit guns, etc. and haven't done an excavation in probably a year...so time to "grind" that 1000 cryotic for the frame I have zero parts for...

    As for the rest of the resources...it might just be the length of time of playing the game but I have many times the amount needed for everything but cryotic...even copernics (93k) aren't an issue. But I do feel the OPs pain cuz I am in need of titanium for RJ parts and that grind is boring as hell too...

    Hope it doesn't take you weeks tho...

  9. 3 hours ago, [DE]George said:

    Please make sure that all the audio sliders in the Audio Options menu are set to 100%.  That is the only way to get the best balance of game sound as we intended it to be.

    As mentioned in other thread...just checked and I turned down both voice and Ordis (cuz Ordiz annoys me)...moving voice back up helped tremendously...but I also reduced "Sound effects".

    Thanks for the prod to double check the values...thought voice was untouched but it wasn't.


  10. 3 hours ago, [DE]George said:

    Please make sure that all the audio sliders in the Audio Options menu are set to 100%.  That is the only way to get the best balance of game sound as we intended it to be.

    Crap...just checked and I turned down both voice and Ordis (cuz Ordiz annoys me)...moving voice back up helped tremendously...but I also reduced "Sound effects".

    Thanks for the prod to double check the values...thought voice was untouched but it wasn't.

    Now two things...

    1 - Does sound effects relate to the sounds for things like caches and special containers? (So I know if I should increase that more now)

    2 - Visual bug...when clicking on 3rd chapter the new war...and clicking "Exit" when Lotus says "So quiet. So dark." the text (subtitles) stay on the screen all the way back to the main menu...but the subtile text goes away when you travel to a node (like a relay). Minor but figure something to add to the list of fixes.

  11. Clicking on the 3rd 'chapter' in The New War plays a scene where the music is far too loud and drowns out the audio of the characters making it necessary to read the "subtitles" to even have any idea what is being said...how is it possible all the effort in the game for sound having meaning (rare crates, etc.) yet something as simple as this scene failing to work properly?

    Feels bad man.


  12. As Ordel mentioned...5 now instead of 10...and now you just warp back to start inf you fall off...all available for 4 hours+ before your post.

    And for someone with 370 hours in the game...only doing sorties seems like you are simply not interested in playing the game.

    Which quests lines give you that fast movement?

    I mean...Glassmaker is kind of annoying and was very annoying with the loss of 10 resources if you fall off...but movement? Other than know realizing jumping didn't work like a Warframe the movement speed is about the same as most quests...so shouldn't be too much of a shock.

    And I disagree with 3/10 lame troll...the OP is much closer to a 8/10 lame troll post in my book.


  13. 16 hours ago, 2ndPersonPlural said:

    You want a 16 hour tutorial that answers every possible question in Warframe?

    So you are saying the tutorial didn't answer this question for you already?


    But to your question...adding something in game that provides more 'help' would be nice...instead of having to go off to the wiki for some of the more basic information. However, providing more 'help' means adding it in the game and that would take away from the 'new content' and its buggy state....so it is a balance...do we want more content with bugs or a better 'help' system with bugs? I vote new content with bugs because those threads are much more exciting. Having a thread complain that the lore is wrong about the Jordas Golem isn't nearly as exciting as a thread complaining about not receiving kill codes for example.


    • Like 1
  14. 9 hours ago, Kylo. said:

    If they ask a better question, they will get a better answer. 

    Hope this new chat system gives rankings based on more than say....answering 2,133 questions and getting a rank of "Eagle" for example.

    Maybe something related to the education structure...where answers that are single words earn a rank of whatever school system has children up to age 5 but answers that are on the level of a masters thesis get a rank for whatever that type of school system is...

    Noob question: Why am I Tenno?

    age 5 answer: Because you are a space ninja

    masters thesis answer: *explains the entire history of Warframe lore in about 30 pages, with charts, graphs, and cited references*


    • Like 2
  15. Hope DE puts this "guide" in game somewhere so people can access it to help understand why kickbot keeps booting them from the channel. Maybe add the guides right next to the Lore section in game.

    3 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:
    • The Q&A Channel is not for casual conversations. Region Chat is better suited for more off-topic discussions. 

    ROFLMAO....oh man...that is a good one...Region Chat...we know who wins DE stand up comedy nights...

    Hope this new Q&A channel works even with the incoming chat changes...

    New player asking about fashion frame...

    Noob Tenno: Is this a good look for my frame? [LOOKLINK]

    New Chat OverLord: You have been kicked from Q&A Channel for improper questions.

    A new player wants to learn about a Kinetic Siphon Trap...

    Noob Tenno: How do I use a trap?

    New Chat OverLord: You have been banned from chat until 2035...thank you for playing!

    A new player wants to build Nyx...

    Noob Tenno: How do I build to use Assimilate?

    New Chat OverLord: You have been banned from chat until 2035...thank you for playing!


    • Like 12
  16. There is a reason I bought so many Stance forma during the garbage event....so I can fix what DE broke for melee.

    Eventually, DE will change stances so players can "Valence Fusion" to build stances that suit the play styled enjoyed at the cost of only 5 forma and 3 riven mods for each change.


  17. Saryn is really a damage over time frame. Spores is its real 'killing power' ability.

    On my Saryn Prime (2 forma) these are a couple builds...

    A build I have for ESO is:

    • Duration: 68%
    • Efficiency: 160% (because ESO)
    • Range: 190%
    • Strength: 194%

    Another build for general usage is:

    • Duration: 128% (for toxic lash)
    • Efficiency: 90%
    • Range: 280%
    • Strength: 167%

    At 200% strength Spores gets 100% status chance but I haven't tested how much that matters given the builds I run and the weapons I bring work fine.



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