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Posts posted by GreyDeath789

  1. 1 hour ago, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

    literally just slip of the tounge nothing else making a mountain out of grain of sand.

    no it's not Karen. Only extremely entitled people use that saying.


    1 hour ago, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

    Okay Karen this may be hard for you understand, sometimes people feel nervous and sometimes completely different than what they are saying nitebthat slip up was at live event being viewed by thousand of people and DE don't really do big events like that, so rebecca is going to be nervous and fib something 

     Only the most entitled stuck up people use that phrase and they usually use that when they are in the wrong and don't want to admit it.

    The use of the term "Karen" destroys any meaningful consideration of these posts IMO.

    Apparently the use of the term in this instance isn't about a member of a group of peoples of eastern and southern Myanmar

    Link to definition term Karen in Merriam-Webster


    Karen is a slang term that is used to typify a person perceived to be entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is considered appropriate or necessary.

    Link to wiki defining term Karen (slang)

    It would seem clear that the user of the term "Karen" in response to someone using the phrase "The customer is always right" exposes the lack of understanding of the phrase for what it was intended for originally. History has not been kind to the phrase much like the term sly, fun, meat, cute, nice, girl, wench, clue, naughty, and so on have all changed over the years.


    "The customer is always right" is a motto or slogan which exhorts service staff to give a high priority to customer satisfaction. It was popularised by pioneering and successful retailers such as Harry Gordon Selfridge, John Wanamaker and Marshall Field. They advocated that customer complaints should be treated seriously so that customers do not feel cheated or deceived. This attitude was novel and influential when misrepresentation was rife and caveat emptor (let the buyer beware) was a common legal maxim.[1]

    Link to wiki about the phrase "The customer is always right"


    Of course, these entrepreneurs didn't intend to be taken literally. What they were attempting to do was to make the customer feel special by inculcating into their staff the disposition to behave as if the customer was right, even when they weren't.

    Link to article discussing the phrase "the customer is always right"

    In current times, and clearly in the gaming industry, this phrase has lost its original meaning and is even viewed at a "bad" phrase.


    However, I think businesses should abandon this phrase once and for all — ironically, because it leads to worse customer service.

    Link to article discussing how bad the phrase "the customer is always right" should be viewed

    Clearly, the meaning of the phrase has changed to the point that now some worldly-wise people claim the phrase exclusively for entitled groups.

    So, instead of considering feedback from customers as valuable it is better to ignore it...strange.


    • Like 3
  2. 38 minutes ago, AbstractLemons said:

    You are evil this what you are saying, "I'm insecure that needs to insult people on the internet to make myself look smarter than I actually because I have a PHOBIA of looking inferior. The developers are saying I'm an awful person cause of it but I'm too insecure to acknowledge it so instead I am going to DOUBLE THE #*!% DOWN and make myself look like a SADIST because i'd rather look like a derange than face the possibility of looking stupid."

    This is what's wrong with you people. You are evil and yeah the developers are trying to IGNORE YOU PEOPLE SPECIFICALLY because you lie about issues that aren't issues or pair your criticism with unnecessary attacks so you can get away with attacking them because you are so insecure you'd rather portray yourself as a deranged psycopath than a average person you NEED TO WIN THE FORUMS.

    ACTUAL criminals do the same crap you do. "I think this person thinks their better so I'm show that I"M BETTER by beating them up...why are the police after me?" "I'm going to insult the developers...why am I being ignored?" You people are this freaking stupid.

    Pot...meet kettle? This post is simply amazing in its vitriolic language directed at another player. Lets review the kettle that this pot is clearly...is "attacking" a proper word here?

    1 hour ago, ranks21 said:

    lol crying over spilled milk, boo effin hoo.  the gaming  community takes no prisoners when critiquing any and everything in the gaming world. they as developers should know that, they've been around long enough and have witnessed what has happened to  studios that fails or upsets the masses. it's a harsh reality check and they cant handle it, but (the irony) they (devs) wants you the players to accept the nerfs, good/bad changes etc as is and adapt or leave.

     the biggest disrespect of all is when a representative of the studio calls its player base "losers" yet feels butthurt when the table is turned.:crylaugh: really now.the customer is always right>> the devs and their proxxies wants the customers $$, even with the criticisms like us they too have to adapt.

    Nothing in this post appears to be "attacking" anyone...player or developer. Maybe some of these words are beyond me so if there are 'code words' in here that mean to hurt or harm please someone point them out.

    The reference to the "losers" comment is old...move on already...not forget but please stop trying to justify all "bad" by DE on one word from over three years ago.

  3. 43 minutes ago, Cloud said:

    Unfortunately my friend that is the downside of pure RNG not limited in any way. If it was up to me I would give at least the chance of choosing among 2 different rewards, especially considering the fact that it's a cumulative 3 missions lvl 80-100 reward.

    DE needs to push the limits of a database system and store random drops for each player and have the data scrubbed to prevent long runs of things like 30 statues in a row. Not saying force a riven just force something other than the 30 in a row item.

    Millions and billions of rows but we would solve the "RNG magic" people like to use to claim bad rewards are just well random.

  4. Sure....in game mask to support COVID-19 vaccine development could be nice...as a pixel based gesture.

    DE donated to the Australia wild fire efforts through a couple organizations.

    Maybe DE/Warframe community could support something for COVID-19 as well...the biggest issue is the scope of the problem means the number of areas needing relief is massive.

    Interestingly, nobody appears to be talking about the southern Africa drought that has been going on from 2018 into 2020 and the need for support of those relief efforts.

    Maybe DE can make a food basket decoration as a pixel based gesture.

    Link to Warframe support for Australia wild fire relief

    Link to information about the southern Africa drought crisis

  5. 25 minutes ago, Hobie-wan said:

    And you have to have a good fast internet connection. A lot of the US still doesn't have that on a good day. Even less while so many more people are working from home, job searching from home, or killing time at home during this mess.

    Scarlet Spear is over on PC and almost(?) over on console so that mess will be gone soon...OH..you meant the "OTHER" mess....sorry....yes...agree.

  6. 4 hours ago, Sevek7 said:

    The point I tried (and apparently failed) to make was that games that want to survive must cater to a wide variety of players, so this mentality of "don't try new things, just stick to what the game already is" is incorrect. The devs obviously know this, which is why they've added so much variety and so many different things that players can do. PvP is no different, and the devs have tried PvP but it's not been very successful. This failure is quite obviously because there was never a system put in place to punish exploiters / cheaters. Warframe is not that different from similar looter-shooter style games. I'm sure if those other games also let exploiters run rampant their PvP would also fail.

    As we have discussed in another thread...exploiters/cheaters are just a part of the PvP ecosystem (trying to avoid confusion with the word environment).

    Could it be that the failed PvP in Warframe (no doubt it is a failed implementation) has lead DE to decide to focus on trying other things that have been more successful with the development resources available?

    Implementing PvP in a game means a lot of dedication to finding and fixing exploits as well as identifying and punishing cheaters (aimbots, ghosting, etc.) in just the PvP aspect of the game. Fixing exploits in the PvE or PvP is something DE does (at different speeds of fixes it seems...Scarlet Spear -> insta nerf frames, Conclave -> still existing exploits months/years later?) but the cheats in the PvE or PvP parts of Warframe seem to be either very rare or get little to no publicity.

    In the end it is probably better, for now, that DE not spend extra resources on PvP...and instead continue to work to 'right the ship' for the near term.

  7. 4 hours ago, Felsagger said:

    PVP can work here with dedicated servers without rewards. There are ideas that can produce healthy competition. Looks like DE is not interested looking into PVP anymore. 

    Agree that DE doesn't look interested in PvP.

    Was curious what you mean by dedicated servers....also the "without rewards"...

    Dedicated server to me means something like a test server where the population and account is completely separate from the main game. Is that the kind of thing meant?

    If a "dedicated server" is more like Rift where players can play against other players in an instanced zone but if they turn on PvP in the open world it is possible to PvP anywhere...then maybe DE could add an instanced area where players can PvP...just not sure setting a flag to PvP anywhere in the game would go over very well. Oh wait...Warframe has an instanced PvP area...just not a dedicated server.

    (Note I haven't played Rift in a while so some of the PvP may have changed but a quick review of the game site and some videos shows it is about the same as it was)...

    So, a dedicated server for PvP might be an option...if DE was interested.

    The "without rewards" part...what would encourage players to join a separate server to just PvP but have no rewards?

    • Like 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, (XB1)DA ZACHYZACHY said:

    To clarify, I meant search online.

    It’s hidden almost under a step case and gives off no glow... and the blue lamp next to it hides any faint hint of yellow unless you’re up close. I found all of the others pretty well, but the Ayatan wasn’t interesting to fjj in d, it was just obscured by objects and the blue lamp that is sitting next to it.

    Don't worry...some people like to make mostly useless snide and dismissive comments to feel a sense of superiority...just ignore those comments.

    Not sure about any timer (just done the initial investigation so far myself)...so can't say if it should be extended or not.

    The movement is absolutely horrible IMO...agree it should be improved.

    And yes...the star was a waste of time to find...I just simply started to walk around every where and clicking until stumbling upon it...agreed there could be some increase as a visual indicator. Doesn't have to be from opposite side of the room but more than standing on top of it and randomly clicking.

    Also, have read a few threads about the next (?) stage in the investigation and how people are not given any indication how to complete it and lose the collected items and have to gather more...seems that is unclear guidance designed to lead to a larger time sink to gather items to complete the quest.

    People point out that the Nightwave will be around for "a while" (some claim 4 mouths which would be about a month longer than any other Nightwave (math is hard so might be off on the time of prior Nightwaves...not intermissions)) so gathering the items isn't a problem but others disagree.

    Overall, agree...Glassmaker could use some minor improvements and that is on just the first couple of stages...wonder how "bad" it is as we continue...


  9. 2 hours ago, Sweeney said:

    Warframe purchase history overall


    Prime Warframes purchased:

    Is "Prime Warframes purchased" meant to be saying "Prime Access" purchases?

    Because buying the highest level of Prime Access for all 25 at $139.99 is $3359.76.

    So your $1779.03 is child's play for a real power broker...


  10. 21 hours ago, IrishHades1798 said:

    I first played Warframe back on April 11, 2014. It was nice to have a fun game that ran on my awful laptop, and was a good distraction since I had just started highschool and wanted to unwind. It's been over six years now, and I've kept a close eye on Warframe all these years as it's grown. 

    I know things are rough, and community backlash and rampaging about Scarlet Spear and this and that has been everywhere. But as someone who has been around for a long time, I think it's important to whatever DE staff who read this to know that there are still players and vets who still love the game and love what you do. Warframe has become a game that means a lot to me, especially on a sentimental level. It's what turned good friendships into great ones and has helped me connect to so many great and fantastic people throughout the years. So I just wanted to say thank you DE for the greatness that is this game. I love it, I adore it, and as long as you've servers running for it I will play it. 

    So in light of all these crazy times we're all going through, I want to say keep on. You've got people rooting for ya. 

    While being a long time player (2014..impressive)...is all good...and the point of the post is to say "keep working on Warframe" because people are "rooting for ya"...which is nice...

    Apparently, I have been playing since 15 Jul 2014...not quite a veteran but getting closer every year!

    The idea that people "rampaging" about the last few content releases on these forums is an expression of love for the game as well. It may be "tough" love but if people didn't feel strongly about the game would they bother posting in the forums or make videos about the game, etc? Probably not..or not much. There are indeed some overly 'negative' posts as criticism toward Warframe however those are really few in numbers.

    So, yes...DE keep on...people are rooting for you...and are showing love in "positive" posts like this one (which is absolutely great) just don't forget that most of those other posts the OP and DE may think are 'negative' are actually a sign of love too.

    This article (while about "the arts") seems to capture a very positive way of looking at criticism, There is a lot that could be quoted from the article...but these two are pretty key points...


     If someone has a criticism it means they want to give you feedback on what you're doing for them – that means an opportunity to learn more about the person who you're working for and how to convert them into a satisfied customer or audience member.



    Don't take it personally if someone doesn't immediately like your work. Even if you feel you're being criticised unfairly, don't retaliate with an extreme knee-jerk reaction or else you can irreparably damage your prospect of working with that client or audience and can even harm your reputation as well.

    Link to article about handling criticism

    BTW, the "rampaging" about Scarlet Spear, Railjack, Liches, etc. seems to be subsiding and DE is making positive strides with each hotfix/update.

    *heart hands* to DE

    DE_Steve's brother isn't very good at "heart hands"...


    But DE_Dru...DE_Goose's dad is really good at them...



  11. Until DE lets my Kubrow (name: Lassie) come up to me on a rescue mission..

    Me: What is it Lassie?

    Lassie: "Bark bark"

    Me: Timmy is in a cell on the other side of the tileset?

    Lassie: "Bark Bark Bark" *spins in a circle*

    Me: Ok...show me where Timmy is!

    Lassie: "Bark Bark" *turns and runs off to save Timmy*

    I am fine with my pet dying on the way to find Timmy.

  12. When Nora says...

    "Nora is all about incetivizin'."

    All I can think is she should be saying...

    "Nora is all about accessorizin'."

    since most of her offerings are cosmetics...

    Also, when Nightwave was introduced the first thing I thought of when I saw/heard Nora was the movie The Warriors (1979)...and The D.J.

    The Warriors quote:

    "All right now, for all you boppers out there in the big city, all you street people with an ear for the action, I've been asked to relay a request from the Gramercy Riffs. It's a special for the Warriors; that's that real live bunch from Coney... and I do mean The Warriors. Here's a hit with them in mind."...leads into song "Nowhere to Run" by Arnold McCuller.

    could become...

    "All right now, for all you Grineer out there in the big system, all you street people with an ear for the action, I've been asked to relay a request from Captain Vor. It's a special for the Warframes; that's that real live bunch from Orokin history... and I do mean The Warframes. Here's a hit with them in mind."...leads into song "Nowhere to Run" by Arnold McCuller.

    The possibilities for lore and quest lines all based on the theme of The Warriors could be amazing. (Copyright/plagiarism issues would have to be reviewed but still could be pretty cool IMO)

    Link to Nora quotes

    Link to a video for The Warriors quote (just the first 40 seconds, the rest is a poor attempt as a joke apparently)

    Link to quote from The Warriors (video game)

    Link to video of song Nowhere to Run by Arnold McCuller

    • Like 1
  13. Given Google's track record of killing off projects...using anything from Google where you pay for it is a risk not worth taking for some people. Other companies "kill" products but it sure seems like Google does it at a pace that is higher than others...maybe because they introduce more...regardless...not worth the risk.

    When this Google Stadia doesn't work out as Google hopes...it will be killed off...leaving people with hardware that is unusable. Google Play and Chromebook Pixel are two examples of hardware.

    Link to list of killed projects by Google

    YMMV and Google may keep this experiment for 11 years like AngularJS...but eventually...who knows.

    Also, the articles in last 2019 painted a "working out the bugs" image and articles in 2020 so far say it is improving but the game list (while growing) isn't as large as others.

    Link to article listing games on (or coming to) Stadia as of 15 May 2020

    Link to review of Stadia dated 22 Apr 2020

    Link to review of Stadia from 26 Nov 2019

    Link to review of Stadia 29 Apr 2020

  14. It really depends on the mission and the RJ build in my experience...

    Void missions having someone on the cannon to destroy crew ships is faster than having a Tenno fly over and destroy the reactor. Also, those poor Tenno that want to go out and fly around killing fighters make it hard to group them which means the pilot may not want a Tenno to fly around.

    Having a Tenno go to do an objective while the RJ is killing fighters / crew ships makes the mission go faster as well.

    Still, for myself, I will let other players fly to the crew ships or do the objectives for the codex scans...the side guns are fine when this is going on even if it unnecessary.

    Just learn why someone wants things done a certain way...and if you want to do scans say something so they understand your intent.


  15. Since I am missing three (I think) races yet...I want the Nightwave challenge to ONLY load the races I am missing...so I can finish that challenge in addition to Nightwave challenge. Remember everything is about what I want...need...want...ne..oh whatever...

    Give me MY last THREE races...or I will make a post asking to remove K drive races completely!

    *stomps foot*

    (This is not meant to be a reflection of the OP's point just me wanting to prove I need to keep my day job and not to become a comedian)

  16. 4 hours ago, kgabor said:

    *'Failjack revisited' sounds funnier

    I like this...and I don't know if early RJ is weak or not since I just grouped with others until I had lots of stuff to put on my RJ so it wasn't super gimp. Maybe try that for the OP?

  17. 3 hours ago, Sevek7 said:

    Thanks for the links! I enjoyed reading these, and learning more about toxicity in general. I mostly enjoyed the third one (it's the most scientific of the three), especially because I was surprised to read that generally toxic behavior goes unreported (yikes!). It was also interesting to read that cheats/exploits are included in the definition of toxicity. Therefore I assume your distinction between cheats/exploits and toxicity then refers to toxicity only as verbal toxicity. You're right of course that PvP is more likely to have (verbal) toxicity than PvE, since it includes more challenge and communication than PvE.

    Glad you enjoyed the reading. It can be more work to read stuff like that but helps support or counter points without "it is this way because I say it is" even though players certainly have enough knowledge and experience to state a position without the need of a peer reviewed paper.

    As for toxicity including cheats/exploits...the use of cheats/exploits seems to be a neutral activity unless it is used against other players. A solo player using an aimbot cheat isn't being toxic toward any other player. But that same player using an aimbot against other players certainly could be toxic.

    Also, toxicity isn't just verbal even in video games...while verbal maybe the major method players use to be toxic...other things like afking in a mission, intentionally failing mechanics, etc can be viewed as toxic behavior.

    3 hours ago, Sevek7 said:

    I've always wondered why Warframe is surprisingly non-toxic, and I think the people who chalk this up to just a "great community" are likely incorrect. I think any kind of generalization made about such a large group of people is bound to be erroneous. I think the reason why Warframe is non-toxic is simply because it's so easy. If a player can carry the entire team regardless of how their teammates perform, then there is no trigger for the toxic behavior (as mentioned in 2nd and 3rd paper, toxicity often ensues when a teammate makes a mistake that leads to a disadvantage for the team). Unfortunately, both the scientific papers only analyze competitive games, no cooperative games, so it's hard to extrapolate to PvE.

    The point about Warframe being "easy" certainly makes sense...despite the occasional post here on the forums where people comment about other players being rude or afking in missions, etc. (toxic) those seem few in number...but that also goes back to a lack of reporting possibly. There was another paper about automated ways to detect toxicity in games that I did not link because it is behind a login to IEEE digital library called "Toxicity detection in multiplayer online games" that might be of general interest to you.

    And yes it seems most of the information (about toxicity or other video game topics) are focused on competitive games...

    3 hours ago, Sevek7 said:

    As for PvP, you're right that toxicity is inherent in PvP, because since you're playing against other players, someone is always destined to lose. So we cannot use the system of making it easy to combat toxicity. I will point out, however, that toxicity exists in every game with PvP. It's clear that toxicity does not mean that PvP is destined to fail, since there are many successful PvP games. But you're almost certainly right that it's a part of it. I guess what we've found is that a combination of toxicity and cheats/exploits is enough to kill a PvP mode, but if the cheats/exploits are fixed/banned regularly then the mode can still be successful despite the toxicity that may come with it. The two papers you linked both mention that "ranking" the players globally is likely a big reason for toxic behavior, thankfully conclave doesn't do that, so we should be better off than the other games!

    "Killing" PvP mode in Warframe certainly could be based on the points you raise...because Warframe game play (weapons, movement, etc.) would seem to be positive aspects to a PvP game. When DE tried to make Keystone / The Amazing Eternals I found the beta has horrible...the aiming didn't impress...movement was worse than early Warframe movement IMO...and it quickly died before it got out of beta (if I remember correctly). That game was PvP and people were comparing it to Overwatch...so there might be hope for PvP from DE yet!


  18. 4 hours ago, (NSW)Quarky said:

    I am a direct counter-example. I enjoy solo play because its not just mindless AoE/waiting for someone else to AoE, it's a spot of challenge. PvP/conclave appeals to me because it challenges me to use my knowledge of game mechanics and strategy to the fullest. Mastery of the wonderful game mechanics is what I enjoy and conclave is the ultimate expression of warframe's fast pacing.

    I don't really appreciate being generalized let alone incorrectly.

    Hehe...toughen up buttercup is a common comeback..but seriously...

    You are not a solo player...you enjoy group play and even enjoy PvP...so you are not even close to a direct counter-example. You are a completely different type of example.

    And since the post wasn't directed at you (and nice selective editing) don't worry...we all still appreciate you sweetie.

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